Program Overviews
Awards are the initial credentials that can be earned and require a lesser number of completed courses in a particular subject. Certificates are more advanced than awards, as they necessitate the completion of a greater number of courses in a specific subject or field. Diplomas are the most advanced credentials, demanding the completion of even more courses in a particular area of study.
Christian Leaders Alliance provides lay, licensed, and ordained ministerial credentials for individuals serving as volunteer, part-time, or full-time ministers. The credentials offer characteristics, such as the free minister training courses, local recommendations to enhance credibility, an ecumenical approach allowing you to be credentialed as a minister in Christian Leaders Alliance while retaining your local church membership or local minister credentials, and access to our Global Minister Directory.
We offer associates and bachelors degrees in Divinity, Chaplaincy, and Christian Leadership. Our degree programs are designed to give you the freedom and flexibility to complete a college degree anytime, anywhere, 100% at your own pace. In the US, our entire bachelor’s degree only costs $4,125 for administrative costs due to the donation driven-model. Additionally, our degree programs have grants and full scholarship options to ensure that everyone can attain a college degree.
Explore the awards that are available for students to pursue.
Explore the certificate offerings to find the one aligning with your calling.
Explore the diplomas that Christian Leaders Institute offers that pairs with different courses to serve your unique calling.
The Christian Leaders Alliance offers ordination credentials for becoming a licensed wedding officiant, a lay minister, a licensed minister, & an ordained minister and opportunities available.
Explore our different degree program offerings of associates and bachelors.