Topic outline

  • Lay/Field Minister Commissioning Class 

    by  Henry Reyenga and Steve Elzinga

    Enroll me

    Are you an active Christian called to minister within your community?
    Are you called into ministry? Maybe as  a church leader, local elder, deacon, or layperson who feels led to pursue ordination as a minister?

    Are you seeking an ordination program that provides specific training and minister credentials, which can be completed in less than four months of part-time study—or even sooner, depending on your availability?

    Lay Field Minister Role

    The Lay/Field Minister program is designed for individuals serving as volunteer ministers in a local church or elsewhere in God’s Kingdom. Many participants in this program also serve as local deacons or elders. The program offers the flexibility to specialize in various ministry areas, tailoring your training to meet your unique calling.

    This credentialing program can be completed in approximately two to four months of consistent part-time study. Participants are required to secure one endorsement. The program also includes the Christian Wedding Officiant Role. 

    Why "Field Minister"?

    The Field Minister role is recognized by the Christian Leaders Alliance and is akin to what many religious traditions might call a "Lay Minister." However, we promote the term Field Minister to challenge the traditional clergy/laity distinction, emphasizing the biblical concept that all ministers are part of the clergy—not just the "professional" ones.

    That said, in your specific tradition, you may choose to complete this program and prefer the designation Lay Minister if it better aligns with your local context and how you serve.

    Steps to Complete This Ordination Level

    1. Learn about the Field Minister role
    2. Complete the Course Requirements.
    3. Secure or Confirm your have Level One Endorsement.
    4. Update your profile to share your story and express your passion for becoming a Field Minister. [Click here to update your profile.]
    5. Complete and get Credit for the completion of this Lay/Field Minister module. 
    6. Order Your Ordination Credentials
    7. Become Ordained and Commissioned in your local church or community and possible share your story. 

    This Lay/Field Minister Commissioning Class give you standing as a you to the Christian Leaders Alliance. As a result, you will be in the Christian Leaders Alliance Directory listed as a Field Minister. You will also be able to purchase a Lay/Field Minister Recognition Package. This package has official documents that commend you as Lay/Field Minister. 

  • Step One: Learn about The Field Minister Role

  • Step Two: Complete Ministry Training RequirmentsRequirements

  • Step Three - Confirm Your Endorsement Requirement

    • Level One Endorsement
      A Level One Endorsement signifies that someone has recognized your character and temperament as suitable for ordination.

      If you completed the Wedding Officiant program prior to this step, the endorsement requirement has already been fulfilled, and you can proceed to the next step. If you have not yet completed this endorsement, click here to complete the activity.

  • Step Four: Update Your Profile

    Your profile will become your publicly posted clergy profile in the Christian Leaders Alliance Directory. A well-written profile communicates your competency and confidence as a clergy member. Please upload a high-quality picture as well.

    As a field minister, government officials, care facility administrators, other ministers, or parishioners may look up your profile to confirm your status as licensed clergy. Click here to Update your profile

    For guidance, see the sample profiles below.

  • Step Five: Complete the Field Minister Module Credit

  • Step Six: Order Your Field Minister Package

    Not available unless:
    • The activity Final Assignment: Part Two- Feedback Quiz (6 Points) is marked complete
    • The activity Final Assignment: Part Two- Feedback Quiz (6 Points) is marked complete
    • You have a grade in Final Assignment: Part Two- Feedback Quiz (6 Points)
  • Step Seven: Get Commissioned as and Ordained Lay/Field Minister and Share Your Story

  • Register a Soul Center

    What is a Soul Center?

    Soul Center within the Christian Leaders Alliance (CLA) is a registered Christian religious society that serves local communities or specific relational circles. These centers are established and led by credentialed ministers of the CLA, who agree to uphold the Christian Leaders Alliance Statement of Faith and adhere to the guidelines outlined in the Soul Center Handbook. The primary purpose of a Soul Center is to function as a manifestation of a Christian church community, providing spiritual guidance, support, and services tailored to the unique needs of the community it serves.

    Soul Centers can take various forms, reflecting the gifts, training, and calling of their leaders. They may operate as fellowship groups, ministry practices such as a ministry life coaching, churches, or mentor centers, among other types. Each registered Soul Center is affiliated with the Christian Leaders Alliance, ensuring alignment with its mission and values. This affiliation also provides a framework for accountability and support, fostering a network of interconnected ministries working towards common goals.

    The establishment of Soul Centers began in late 2022, aiming to create localized hubs for ministry activities. These centers are instrumental in mobilizing local ministers and facilitating the spread of Christianity at the grassroots level. By registering a Soul Center, credentialed ministers can formalize their ministry efforts, gain recognition within the broader Christian Leaders Alliance network, and access resources that enhance their effectiveness in serving their communities.

    In summary, a Soul Center at the Christian Leaders Alliance is a locally registered Christian religious society led by credentialed ministers, dedicated to serving specific communities or relational circles, and operating under the affiliation and guidelines of the CLA.

      Click here to Enroll