BUS 330 - Enterprise Marketing (4 Cr)
Topic outline
Enterprise Marketing (4 Credits)
Professor: Tom Tubergen
Need help: CLI Help Desk (helpdesk@christianleaders.net)
OverviewPeople often confuse marketing with advertising and sales. In this course you will learn about the "real" nature and scope of marketing management of which advertising and sales are simply two facets.
You will be introduced to other aspects of marketing, such as:1) Marketing Strategy, 2) Promotion, 3) Market Planning, 4) Segmentation, 5) Social Media, 6) Demographics and other specific topics that are just as relevant to any non-profit ministry as they would be in a corporate environment.
Perhaps most important, you will learn that the fundamental asset of any organization are its customers (or the people it's serving). Hence, the supreme importance of the "marketing concept" is an attempt to identify and satisfy its customers' needs and wants. In other words, the marketing concept is an orientation to business that starts with consumers and integrates marketing into every other organizational function. From this point of view, a primary task of marketing is to develop and maintain a business' customer base.
1. Learn marketing fundamentals and how to engage those fundamentals to successfully understand how to sell and market a business or a ministry to the public.
2. Learn how to create perceived and tangible customer value.
3. Be exposed to real world applications of marketing techniques, and how to identify strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats
4. Understand how to comprehend marketing metrics as well as how to conduct marketing research
5. Understand how to develop a target market and how to segment markets, while positioning to market effectively
6. Learn how the marketing mix influences price, products, and services
7. Understand the impact of email marketing and social media marketing on the potential growth of an organization
8. Gain understanding on how to use search engine marketing and how to market that content effectively
This course includes resources from many books and articles. All required material is included in the online course. No book purchases are needed.
View all online lectures and read all articles in each topic. CLI computer tracks whether you do this. After viewing all lectures for the week, take the quiz based on the lectures (100% of grade).
Grading Scale
A 95-100% A- 90-94% B+ 87-89% B 83-86% B- 80-82%
C+ 77-79% C 73-76% C- 70-72% D+ 67-69% D 63-66% D- 60-62% F 0-59%
Your average grade for all assignments in the class must be at least 60%.
Otherwise, you will fail the class and will receive no course credit.Accessibility
All of the videos have slides to accompany them.
Deadline: You have 180 days to finish the course. Complete all assignments before the final deadline, or you will be automatically withdrawn from the course and all coursework will be removed. You will have to start over and retake the class to receive credit.
Please take this course very seriously. It is a gift to you by very generous contributors and the staff and professors of Christian Leaders Institute. -
What is Marketing?
Each of us has at least a basic awareness of the role that the Holy Spirit has in leading people to a saving knowledge in Christ.And I suspect that many of you have already (or should have) taken a number of the fundamental theology classes here at CLI. Yet you are left wondering, "I have all of this exciting information and knowledge that I'm bursting to put into action." And yet, you intuitively suspect that there's more to learn about the transition from learning about your faith, to putting your knowledge into action.
This course is NOT designed to sell products and services as you would learn in a typical college level marketing class. Rather, its designed to help you identify 'what', 'when', 'to whom', 'how', and 'where' you will share your vision for your ministry.
Let's get started shall we?
Fundamental Marketing Concepts
Becoming aware of The Customer Value Journey or process will help you understand how potential prospects or 'unbelievers' first become aware of you and your ministry and how they will travel along a sequence of steps on the pathway to becoming your most ardent advocates or ambassadors.
For some high profile leaders and public figures, this awareness seems to come naturally. The rest of us need to learn about it.
In a certain context, SWOT and PEST sound mutually inclusive don't they? For marketing people, or for people who practice marketing on a daily basis, SWOT is an acronym for 'Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats'. This lesson will help you to articulate why you're pursuing your vision or calling. What strengths do you have? Are they really strengths? What opportunities are there for you to grasp and take advantage of? And perhaps even more importantly is the awareness of any threats to you and your ministry.
PEST is another acronym that stands for 'Political, Economic, Social, and Technology'. PEST is a process that helps you understand the influence that these factors will either help or inhibit your ministry vision.
SWOT Part 2
The SWOT Analysis has so many applications in our careers, in marketing, and in our personal lives, that I want to spend more time on the topic.
Marketing Metrics & Research
My personal experience with marketing, is that the average business owner will treat the topic as a 'black art or science'. In other words, you do a lot of work, say a lot of things, do a lot of promotion....and nothing happens. And yes that is actually (usually) true.
I like to use the analogy of the light bulb in your home. You flip the switch, or press the button, and there's an expectation that something will happen, the lite will glow and the room will brighten up. If nothing does, then we understand that the bulb is burned out, and needs to be replaced. Or perhaps the power is out.
In other circumstances, the light bulb may barely glow. Checking the voltage may reveal that not enough 'juice' is getting to the light fixture for the bulb to function properly. Less common are circumstances where the voltage may be too high, resulting in a fire or sparks.
Engineers and technicians have tools to measure the various characteristics of the electrical circuit to determine where the problem exists. Marketing people use metrics for the same purpose.
What happens when your ministry isn't yielding the fruit you expected? Is it God's will? Do you use another dose of patience, perseverance, and persistance? When is it time to put a little more gas on the fire? To push a few different buttons? Fold up the tent and move on?
Marketing Research is the process where we start gathering the facts and all of the answers to support why you're pursuing your calling, where you will do that ministry, along with all of the other obvious questions (how, who, when, where, etc.).
Whether your ministry is delivering healthcare to remote African villages, clean water to the slums of big cities in India, social and economic services in South Los Angeles, becoming an officiant at funerals or weddings in Sao Paulo, Brazil, or ministering to the needs of single parents in Chicago, this critical module of marketing helps you to get the information you need to justify & support your vision of ministry.
Let's find out.
Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning - Audience Segments
Marketing Mix - Products & Services
Social Media Management
Content Marketing Management
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The course has ended. Please make sure all quizzes have been completed. If your work is incomplete, it is considered a drop, and you will have to take the class again in order to receive credit.
Our staff will be using this time to review your work. Your grade should appear on your "My Home Page" in the "Course Overview" section. Please contact Helpdesk if you have any questions or did not receive your grade.