BIB 330 - Old Testament Literature History and Theology (3 credits)
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Old Testament Literature, History, and Theology (3 credits)
Instructor: Dr. Ted Hildebrandt
Overview: This class examines the literature of the Old Testament with careful attention to the historical, cultural, geographical, religious, and literary elements of ancient Near Eastern societies. This course will also show the influence of Old Testament literature on the New Testament and on Western culture. (This class can be used as a core requirement for the Degree program or as an elective in all programs. You can only use this course once in your program.)
Course Outcomes:- Recall the basic historical content of the Old Testament (OT).
- Comprehend the origin and transmission of the OT text.
- Understand and praise God’s character and actions in history.
- Comprehend OT cultural issues and their relevance to post-modern culture.
- Analyze, interpret and apply the meaning of OT texts from multiple perspectives.
- Critically evaluate and integrate your thinking with current OT research and historical and archeological discoveries.
- Distill, formulate and integrate your view of God, his working with individuals/nations throughout history in the development of his kingdom in heaven and on earth.
- Appreciate God’s use of and interaction with human culture and the value of the various disciplines of the liberal arts as supported by the OT.
- Comprehend, reflect on, understand and apply OT community and moral/ethical constructs. Embrace a worldview that includes a commitment to caring for the creation/environment and upholding basic human rights.
Domain Objectives:
- Cognitive Objectives:
- You will understand the basic historical framework of the OT and the factual details and stories that compose the OT. You will learn the process of how the Old Testament came to us, the customs and cultural issues manifested in the OT and the meaning and implications of the Old Testament stories for today. You will understand God’s character (mercy, justice, love, holiness) and actions in history (sovereignty, covenant, war, shalom, forgiveness, retribution, redemption, salvation, anger, wrath, divine suffering, et al.). You will see theological reasons for the care of creation and valuing of human life and basic human rights. You will learn the different stages of faith and spiritual formation and the nature of sin and its consequences collectively and individually.
- Affective Objectives:
- You will appreciate the value of the Old Testament, the greatness of God, and human responsibility in terms of holiness and the pursuit of personal and collective justice and mercy. You will appreciate God’s use of and interaction with human culture and the value of the various disciplines of the liberal arts as supported by the OT
- Skill Objectives:
- You will be able to identify major themes, genres, and styles of OT literature. You will be able to interpret texts according to their original intent and setting and apply the meaning and significance of the Old Testament stories to life within the post-modern culture. You will be able to critically evaluate interpretive options of some of the major “difficult” passages in the Old Testament and ask big questions (the meaning of life, death, suffering, destiny, happiness, choices, etc.) of the text and pursue answers.
- The Bible in an accurate translation (NIV, NLT, NRSV, NASB, KJV, NKJV, Net Bible are all valid choices. Dr. Hildebrandt has prepared a DASV (Digital American Standard Version) which is available in text and audio on the website. These and other versions are available online at,, and among others.
- Digital Resources: All of the resources will be made available online in the form of PowerPoint, video, and audio.
Grading Scale:
A 95-100% A- 90-94% B+ 87-89% B 83-86% B- 80-82% C+ 77-79% C 73-76% C- 70-72% D+ 67-69% D 63-66% D- 60-62% F 0-59%
Your average grade for all assignments in the class must be at least 60%. Otherwise, you will fail the class and will receive no course credit.
Course Forum: Each course forum is at the beginning of the course, right before the first-course content section, and has comments and questions from other students in the class. The forum is a great way to post a question or comment for other students who are currently enrolled in the course to see. Additionally, you can search the forum to see if anyone in the past has addressed or discussed the issue, question, or comment you were wanting to post about.
Accessibility: All resources have transcripts or audio versions.
Deadline: You have 180 days to finish the course. Complete all assignments before the final deadline, or you will be automatically withdrawn from the course and all coursework will be removed. You will have to start over and retake the class to receive credit.
DISCLAIMER: Old Testament Studies can be controversial. Issues such as creation, Levitical laws, holy wars, and other subjects come into play. Engage in the topics with an eye toward apologetics. In today’s world, you are not only living and believing the truth but also proclaiming the truth as a Christian leader. Christian Leaders Institute thanks Dr. Ted Hildebrandt for his voice and his attempts to give clarity to the meaning of Old Testament Literature. As you take this class and many more at CLI, our hope is that you come to Biblical and humble opinions about these controversial subjects so that you will be an active Christian leader!
Finally, please note to view the lectures as videos you will need to download the Puffin web browser, especially for your phone. Otherwise, use the audio and written text of the lectures.
Introductory Topics to Old Testament Literature
Early Chapters of Genesis
The Fall of Humanity and God's Faithfulness
God Covenants with A Family
God Calls Out A Nation
Creating Culture with His People
Developing A Nation
Growing Pains of a Nation
New Generations Rise Up
The course has ended. Please make sure all quizzes have been completed. If your work is incomplete, it is considered a drop, and you will have to take the class again in order to receive credit.
Our staff will be using this time to review your work. Your grade should appear on your "My Home Page" in the "Course Overview" section. Please contact Helpdesk if you have any questions or did not receive your grade.