Assignment 2: Submit Confirmation of Good Standing
Establish your good standing to do your soul center. This is a simple assignment that must include one recommendation.
Email one person familiar with your calling, credentialing, and development of a Soul Center. Email this question and copy and paste or upload their answer. Please give your name, your relationship to the Endorser, and the email address of your Endorser.
______________________(name of Endorser), Do you confirm that __________________ (your name) continues to walk with God and has faithfully remained in good standing as a minister? Do you also agree that ______________ is developing a local Soul Center within his/her temperament, gifts, and calling to serve the Lord? Please comment.
I confirm that _______________________ continues in good local standing in his/her walk with God, good community, and church relationships. I also confirm that __________________________ is a minister fit to develop a soul center.
Please share anything else you feel will encourage ___________________ in pursuing a ministry calling and a local Soul Center.
When you complete this assignment, you will be given a link to set up your Soul Center. The next activity will walk you through that process.