Church Planting Award
You need to complete 9 more courses and 28 more credits to mark this activity complete.
This award serves as a solid foundation for students who are already involved in church planting and seek further equipping, or for those who feel a calling to engage in church planting in the future.
To receive the
Church Planting Award
Complete the Following :
0 of 29 Minimum Units Completed
To receive the
Church Planting Award
Complete the Following :
9 courses required
Church Planting - (Marketing) (4 Units)
Church and Ministry (3 Units)
Ministry Foundations (3 Units)
Christian Basics: Introduction to Christian Doctrine (3 Units)
Sermon Construction and Presentation (4 Units)
People Smart for Ministry (3 Units)
Introduction to Communication (3 Units)
Leadership (3 Units)
Christian Leaders Connections (3 Units)