Chaplaincy Certificate
You need to complete 13 more courses and 40 more credits to mark this activity complete.
This certificate enhances the foundation established by the Chaplaincy Award, providing students with more advanced skills essential for effective chaplaincy within a volunteer or non-professional position.
To receive the
Chaplaincy Certificate
Complete the Following :
0 of 41 Minimum Units Completed
To receive the
Chaplaincy Certificate
Complete the Following :
13 courses required
Church and Ministry (3 Units)
Ministry Foundations (3 Units)
New Testament Survey (3 Units)
Old Testament Survey (3 Units)
Pastoral Care (3 Units)
Christian Basics: Introduction to Christian Doctrine (3 Units)
People Smart for Ministry (3 Units)
Biblical Wisdom Books (4 Units)
Ministry Care Conversations (3 Units)
PeaceSmart Relationships (3 Units)
Developing House Churches (3 Units)
Marriage Ministry (4 Units)
Introduction to Chaplaincy (3 Units)