Logic and Critical Thinking Class - Not Logical

Logic and Critical Thinking Class - Not Logical

ValentineAngela -

The insanity is real - I'm a 4.0 student, work in Academic world with college students and I'm a few classes from completion - I tried to access the discussion forum prior to taking this class but they have removed that feature. Students can no longer access a discussion forum if they aren't enrolled in the class. And then, it's too late to make a different choice and not waste time, energy and effort.

I received 100's on the first couple of quizzes but the last quiz based on a one-page document with limited "explanation" and review for the 10 questions was well, not logical in the least. I sat there, and I'm a thinker,  looking at the quiz like "what"??? The answers could go either way based on the limited information provided even using the notes from all the previous sections - Nope - not enough content or explanation to fully grasp what they want you understand and how they want you to answer the question.

I wish this discussion forum had been available to me prior to selecting this class.  I went with the logic that David Feddes has always been very logical and thorough in all my past classes, therefore, this class would be logical and provide enough content to do well on quizzes - Well, that logic hasn't proven to be true since the mini quizzes are based on small segmented writings from others.  These small segmented writings coming from a larger body of work that should be used in their entirety for the questions that are being asked on quizzes is problematic - and again - not the least bit logical and terribly lacking.  

I fear if I remain in the class that my 4.0 will be in serious jeopardy no matter how much time, effort and study I put into it - especially based on the responses in this discussion forum.  

I know students who want to enroll can't see the discussion forum any longer, which is a shame - but to those who may be just starting out - please choose another course if you can - it's not worth the stress of trying to grasp how they want you to answer questions with such limited explanation.  It is not logical and seems to be designed for failure.


Re: Logic and Critical Thinking Class - Not Logical

LouimaBoniface -
I really understand your frustration about this class. I encourage you to go forward with it. i had the same fear, but at the end I do understand that class very well.

Re: Logic and Critical Thinking Class - Not Logical

HowardLindsay -
I wish they would fix that issue with not being able to see the forum prior to enrolling, too. I have a very strict goal of 4.0, so I can understand your frustration. I know it's been a long time, but did you complete the course? If yes, how did the rest go? I opted to go for Philosophy, which is pretty similar to this class. In Philosophy, we're allowed to take the quiz twice, which is great. Especially when it comes to fallacies :)