I welcome to healing house, Minnesota's only addictions recovery program for women and their children. As you watch this story unfold, remember the many who are still seeking help having no other place to turn to ,

A weary mother with no place to go, drops to her knees and she prays for hope. Can she get her life back? Can she get it back on track?

(Somebody please, regarding intake and your source of income,)

She stops at the door of the healing house with a heart full of shame and a head full of doubts: will they let her in? And what about her kids? The door opens up and her fears go away. An angel greets her and says she can stay. She hugs her at the door, saying, Don't worry anymore. There's always hope within these walls. We're here to listen, to hear your calls. We're meant to serve as God's gentle hands. Come as you are. Oh, we understand, because we all need hope in a place to belong. We can bless each other, if our spirit's wrong, but when we feel lost and you're far from Him. We need healing the kind that He's offering.

Now it's time to leave, and she's walking tall. God's been with her and seen them through it all, they've got a fresh new start. He put the joy back in their hearts. Now they're telling others about healing house. They learned what compassion and love are about, and they learned one thing more. A hope's worth fighting for. There's always hope within these walls. We're here to listen to hear, cause we're meant to serve as God's channel, hands come as you are, oh, we understand, because we all need hope in a place to belrong we can bless each other if our spirits wrong, but when we feel lost and too far from Him, we need healing the kind that He's offering we need healing and the kind that He's offering.

Now that you know how their story ended, I want to thank you for helping to realize the possibilities of so many other women and children who are looking for the hope healing and restoration available through healing house they need you to help. Because healing starts with you

Last modified: Friday, August 30, 2024, 1:15 PM