Hi, I'm Hess Hester, pastor of southern Hills Baptist Church, and it is an awesome privilege to welcome you tonight to celebrate recovery. I am so glad that you have chosen to be here. I can assure you that it is the most dynamic, life changing, life transforming ministry that I have ever had the opportunity to be a part of. I am personally a grateful believer in Jesus Christ who struggles with all kinds of hurts, habits and hang ups in my life, not to mention the daily struggle to surrender my life to Jesus Christ. In fact, just a few years ago, we started a 12 step group for pastors that has been a blessing, not only for myself personally, but for each and every one of us who have been involved. The fact is that everyone needs recovery in Jesus Christ. 

We found our hope again in the Son of God and son of man, the Savior King, is changing all we know by giving you the curse we bear for everybody, everywhere he lived and died, brought us life, and we will rise to meet him in the sky. So sing, God is with us. Sing he has come to save us. Sing He will never leave us more in the highest, everybody sing to the to the one who is our king. He has come to bring redemption to us. God is with us, going highest,

Hello, my name is Josh, and I'm a grateful believer in Jesus Christ, who celebrates recovery over pornography addiction and who currently struggles with fear and co-dependency. I serve here at Southern Hills Baptist Church as a Celebrate Recovery pastor, and have been in recovery since 2001. I'm continuously amazed and excited about how God uses Celebrate Recovery to change lives. Every Friday night, we see people walk through these doors with their heads held down, but when they leave, their heads are held up high, because they realize God loves them and there's always hope in Jesus Christ. We are truly seeing a wave of growth here at Celebrate Recovery as more and more people realize that recovery is not just for the addict, but it's for anyone who struggles with a hurt habit or hang up, and that's all of us. We've all been hurt in relationships, and we've all hurt others in relationships. One of the main reasons I love Celebrate Recovery is because this is done in relationships. When we try to isolate ourselves and put on the mask and not deal with life's issues, that's when the pain really lingers. But at Celebrate Recovery, we developed true, authentic friendships, friendships in which we can be real, in which we can be honest and transparent with one another. I love Celebrate Recovery because it encourages the believer to tackle life's issues without fear and to trust God with the results come and experience the hope and the love and the real transformation that is ours in Jesus Christ.

Celebrate Recovery has impacted my life totally. It's been a place that I've experienced love, unconditional love, in human form. It's a place where I can be real about all my hurts, habits and hang ups without experiencing judgment. It's a great place. The worship during large group time is the major strength and difference between a Christ centered and a secular recovery ministry. We have a dedicated worship team who practices weekly to prepare and select songs that help us express our love to God, surrender and grow closer to Him, and often communicate our deepest pain during worship on Friday nights, truly, truly. On Friday night, it's exciting to watch people come in the door and feeling defeated and down or just heavy, and as the music goes, you can see people just lighten and they begin to worship and feel relaxed and feel safe. I just want to invite you to come join us this Friday night, this and every Friday night, just come and be encouraged. Love on the Lord and let him love on you. And please just keep coming back celebrate. Recovery creates leaders as we complete the steps and choose to serve by taking others through the recovery process, each month, we have meetings to plan, train, offer support and share in fellowship.

CR has enriched my relationship with my wife, with God, and the relationships I've gained with other men through the program has been amazing. Amazing fellowship. Time at CR is the best time to make new, healthy relationships and to find a sponsor or accountability partner. You'll enjoy dinner before large group meeting and cafe recovery after small groups. The only curriculum at Celebrate Recovery is the CR Bible and the CR participants guides. These materials are tested and proven are biblically based and apply to all areas of recovery, not just drugs and alcohol. The application of the eight principles are practical steps to recovery taken from the Beatitudes and based on the words of Jesus Christ.

Hi, I'm Norma Murphy, and I'm a grateful believer in Jesus Christ who struggles with anger, control and co-dependency. I came to celebrate recovery as an arrogant Christian, I was wearing a mask and very comfortable just looking good at church and not wanting to be real and honest about what was really going on in my life and marriage. But Celebrate Recovery has changed all that. I found the support and the accountability to really and truly grow in Christ, the rewards have been amazing, as we have found healing, forgiveness and greater intimacy in our marriage. We really hope that you will come back again. We have seen hundreds of lives transformed through the power of Christ, but know that this is a process. The road to recovery takes time, but if you will continue to come back, the miracle really will happen for you too.

At Celebrate Recovery growth comes in the context of a small group. In small groups, we can be held accountable, learn life is all about relationships, and begin to focus on the future. We grow stronger, quicker and better in a group, open. Share groups. Meet after large group on Friday night with men and women separate. You'll choose the group you want to attend. When you choose to join a step study, sign up during dinner or cafe recovery so you can receive a phone call about when the next group is about to begin.

How you doing? My name is Sean Love. I'm one of the leaders here at Life Hurts, God Heals an extension of celebrate recoveries Ministry. We reach out students grades six through 12, a place where they can come in, be transparent, be real and be transformed by the just the power of Christ. Our goal is not to cram religion down their throat, to give them a place where they can work on their habits, hang ups and hurts, alongside other students who are dealing with similar issues, grow together and change lives, not only themselves, but their families. I invite you to bring your students into this environment and see the change in their life. I know it's a full family atmosphere, and adults can go to celebrate recovery, but this is really for them and connecting with them where they're at dealing with things they're dealing with.

Hi, I'm Shawna Hopkins, celebration station ministry leader, and I'm excited to be a part of this 52 week complimentary children's resource for Celebrate Recovery. So while the adults explore topics that bring healing and wholeness, kids discover the same truths in age appropriate ways. Here at Celebration station, we focus on pre K through fifth grade, and it gives kids an opportunity to know the amazing things God has planned. No matter what situation they are in, they get truth from God's word to help overcome life's challenges. So throughout the year, we worship, interact in positive small groups, play games, and, most important, develop great relationships, so kids feel safe and have fun. We at Celebration station, look forward to getting to know your family.

At Celebrate Recovery, we see God taking our greatest hurt and turning it into our greatest ministry. We've become a light to the world, drawing hurting people in to start the recovery process from the community at large, halfway houses, drug treatment facilities, hospitals and the church.

In fact, there are really just two kinds of people in this world, those who know they need recovery and those who are yet to realize it. Once again, it's a delight to welcome you to celebrate recovery. God bless you as you begin what I hope is the beginning of a wonderful journey for you as you choose to do the 12 steps as well. Welcome to celebrate recovery.


Last modified: Friday, August 30, 2024, 1:16 PM