Henry Reyenga, the president of CLI, has asked me to just talk a little bit about  the dove international family, just give you a little bit of history and a little bit  about who we are, because we love CLI, and we hope to partner together in  many ways in the future, as CLI partners with many ministries throughout the  nations of the world, dove, D, O, V, E, declaring our victory. Emmanuel is simply  a family of churches established in six continents of the world. There are, I think, 20 nations as of today, in the very near future looks like it's more nations joining  in with us where there are churches that have been established. Some are what  we call small group based churches, or, you know, home fellowship based  churches, some larger, some smaller, and many are house churches and house  church networks in many parts of the world. Presently, today, our house church  networks as places I can remember right now, throughout the United States,  house church networks in Canada, house church networks in in Peru and house church I'm trying to remember we're all in Myanmar and house church networks, and I think different parts of Africa and also Europe, and including Bulgaria, and  I'm probably even missing some some parts of the world. And so we believe in  house churches. We believe in community churches, and we believe in large  mega churches, as long as they have the component of relationally based  church, somehow in those local churches. So our vision is very simple. Is to  build a relationship with Jesus, with one another, and transform our world, house to house, city to city, in nation to nation. Back in Africa, they say it a different  way. They say our vision, together with the dove family around the world, is to  build a relationship with Jesus, with one another, and then to transform our  world, house to house, village to village, city to city, and nation to nation. Now  there's some things that we do to resource our family of churches. There's other  things that we do that resource the entire body of Christ. So for example, there  we have a leadership school, a video leadership school, they'll soon be access  online. And we use a manual for training. We call help you build cell churches as kind of old title. The reality is, really is helping you build relationship based  churches. And of course, house churches are relationship based churches. We  have in here, for example, mistakes to avoid in church, planting and planting  churches, and we were very honest and open about the many mistakes that  we've made over many, many, many years. In fact, we have in here 36 of the  major mistakes that we've made over the years. Because we believe, why  should somebody else make the same mistakes that we've made? We have a  24 hour prayer ministry where you have people who are praying around the  clock people in Africa while we're sleeping in America, they're praying for us in  America, people in Europe praying for those who may be sleeping in the  Philippines or in India or Myanmar or wherever, where we're praying around  around the clock and and we have a prayer journal where people pray and pray  for specific churches, specific needs, things going on. Because prayer is such a  key to seeing the kingdom of God established in the nations of the world, our 

heart is to empower the next generation. We believe there's a generation  coming. There's going to be on fire for the Lord, going to say. We love Jesus,  and they're going to say, we want to find an expression of what God wants to do. Somebody came to see me other day. They say they God gave them a  message, a prophetic message from from the state of California all the way to  the east coast, somebody I'd never met. And and we began to tell they gave me  this prophetic word. It was just a wonderful encouraging word. This happened  this week, a few days ago. And then I began to share with this, with this leader,  how that God's using a younger generation, and they're gonna be new kinds of  churches. And and then this person said to me, this this leader, this prophetic  leader, said this to me, what will this shouldn't these churches look like? And I  was sitting there with a young leader in his 30s, an apostolic leader who's  planted a church and helped plant churches, these overseeing churches, and I  said, I don't know that. I'll know. I'm 66 years of age, but his generation will  know. See, there's a younger generation will know. But you may be my age, you  might be in your 60s or your 70s. You might be in your 80s, or 40s, or 30s or 50,  or whatever age, God using all generations to plant new churches. And I believe for many of you, it will be plantng these house churches. And obviously, that's  what this course is all about, developing house churches. And we want to see  these house churches release for the glory of God. And we want to we're  trusting God with you to see that happen. So our heart is a resource the body of  Christ. We have published many books with our publishing company, our we've,  you know, many books, many them on leadership, house church leadership,  small group leadership, healthy marriages. In fact, we've published a whole  series of books. I want to tell you. I'd like to tell you about. And the fourth book is just coming out here in just a few weeks, and it's called The time is now, and this is when God seems silent. What's really going on in your life? This is straight  talk to leaders. This is written by four movement leaders, leaders of movements, friends of mine, they would join me as we wrote this book. Straight talk to  leaders. What we wish we would have known when we started. Then there's  battle cry for your marriage, for couples who have marriage ministries and and  my wife and I and three other couples, battle cry for marriage, and a brand new  book coming out in a few weeks called Finding Freedom, how we can find  freedom, emotional freedom, in our lives, how we find healing in our lives, and  stay free and help other people find freedom. And says, you know, so we have  these kinds of books that we that we publish. These are all. These are all for  house churches. It's teachings for house churches, eight, really, eight teachings  for house church in each of the each of these books even more than eight  teachings, if you desire to cut it down and break it down even more. And then  my friend Brian Salber who is a friend of Henry's who runs our school wrote this  amazing book on finance called a practical path to a prosperous life. And  basically the essence of that book is that it's going to require a lot of Finance to 

fulfill the Great Commission and God wants to prosper. He is El Shaddai. He's  the God who's more than enough, not just Jehovah Jireh. Praise God. He is the  one who will meet our needs. But he's El Shaddai, and he wants us to trust Him  and believe him for more than a finance to see the kingdom of God advantage  to the Great Commission in the nations of the world. We're called the missions.  We have mission centers in Africa training African missionaries to go the  unreached. Mission Center in Canada, Mission Center here in the United States  of America, everywhere we go in the future, we believe there'll be many, many  more of these mission ministries that will be set up to see the nations come  under the Lordship of Jesus Christ. So that's who dove is, D. O. V. E., D. O. V.  E. International. And I'm just, you know, honoring, honoring the requests that my brother Henry has to just tell us a bit about what D. O. V. E. International is, how  we resource the body of Christ. We love the body of Christ. We love the  kingdom of God. I'm privileged to speak in many conferences of many different  leaders near the kinds of in church movements throughout the world. And I'm so  blessed for today, to be here with you for CLI and give this training on  developing house churches, knowing there'll be 1000s, and 1000s will be called, and I believe that right here, this school CLI will be a key in seeing this multitude of house churches released the networks released in the nations of the world for this end time harvest is coming. God is a good God, and when he is sending  harvest. He'll make sure the harvesters are ready. I'll be the Jew or one of those  harvesters that he's calling. 

Last modified: Monday, October 7, 2024, 7:38 AM