The Milky Way is mostly composed of a surprising form of matter that only reveals itself by its gravitational attraction. Dark matter is spread out over the entire galactic halo. A study of the universe shows that there is nothing special or unique about our situation. Our Sun is an average star. Earth is part of a planetary system, and other stars have planetary systems too. Our galaxy is one of many spiral galaxies. It would violate the Copernican idea that we have no privileged position in the universe if dark matter only existed in the Milky Way Galaxy, and astronomers have indeed found, dark matter in other galaxies.

Regardless of the technique used or the Hubble type of the galaxy, about 90% of the mass of each galaxy is dark matter. Dark matter is mass that makes its presence felt by gravitational forces but does not emit or absorb light. This is startling, because it means that all the visible light from galaxies comes entirely from a small fraction of the universe! Imagine an analogy to an accounting problem. On one side of the ledger is the mass of a galaxy measured from the motions of stars in the galaxy. On the other side of the ledger is the mass-to-light ratios that is used to estimate the mass of the galaxy in visible populations of stars. The mass based on motions is always about 10 times larger than the mass associated with the observed starlight. This accounting discrepancy cannot be explained away; the universe is primarily made of material that we do not fully understand.

The mass distribution of spiral galaxies, like our Milky Way, can be mapped out using a rotation curve; a map of the velocity of different parts of a galaxy with respect to the nucleus. The velocity is measured from the Doppler shift of emission lines produced by gas or absorption lines produced by stars. The striking feature of most spiral galaxy rotation curves is the fact that they are relatively flat; the velocities stay high out to the limits of the visible material in the spiral disk. Kepler's laws dictate that the circular velocity of stars in a galaxy should begin to decrease at the point where the orbit encloses most of the mass of the galaxy, but we don't observe any decline in circular velocity. In many spirals, the gas disk extends further than the stellar disk, and astronomers can use the 21-cm line of neutral hydrogen to map the rotation curve out to very large distances. Since the velocity stays high and roughly constant out to the largest radii studied, we conclude that even these outer orbits do not enclose most of the mass of the galaxy. The bulk of the mass must therefore be invisible material in a dark halo.

The mass of a large galaxy can also be measured using the motions of any dwarf galaxy companions that are in orbit around it. These orbits cannot, of course, be followed in time because they typically take hundreds of millions of years. Astronomers have to make do with a snapshot of the instantaneous velocity of each companion. Since the companions are very small galaxies, their motions are dictated by the mass of the large primary galaxy — just as the motions of the planets in the solar system are dictated by the Sun. This technique has given us striking confirmation of the mass and extent of the dark halo of the Milky Way galaxy. Dwarf ellipticals in orbit around the Milky Way give a total mass for the Milky Way of about 1012 solar masses, distributed up to 100 kpc from the center of the galaxy. This estimate doubles the size and extent of the Milky Way that was measured by the motions of individual halo stars. Since the starlight in the galaxy only corresponds to about 1011solar masses, more than 90% of the total mass of our galaxy is dark matter!

What is the dark matter content of galaxies that do not have disks? Elliptical galaxies have no gas disk, so a rotation curve cannot be measured. However, large ellipticals are usually surrounded by a swarm of tiny dwarf elliptical galaxies. The motions of the tiny companions give a measure of the mass of the large galaxy. A larger spread in the Doppler shifts of the companions indicates a larger mass for the primary galaxy. The spread or scatter in motions in any gravitational system is called the velocity dispersion. Elliptical galaxies also have vast amounts of dark matter — with total masses of 1012 up to 3 × 1012 solar masses distributed over scales of 100 to 200 kpc.

Tiny galaxies also have dark matter. With the dwarf companions of the Milky Way, we can play this same game with the motions of individual stars. Spectra of individual stars in the galaxy yield Doppler shifts, and the spread in the Doppler shifts indicates the mass. If the mass is larger than expected from the summed light of the individual stars, then dark matter must be present. The velocity dispersion indicates dark matter in every dwarf galaxy that has been studied so far.

Everywhere we look in the universe, astronomers detect dark matter. Every type of galaxy — spirals, ellipticals, irregulars, dwarfs, and our own Milky Way — has a mass that is dominated by this strange material. Dark matter is a ubiquitous feature of galaxies. Various attempts are being made to detect dark matter directly. The stakes are very high: the nature of dark matter is probably the largest unanswered question in astronomy.

Today, due to gravitational lensing of background galaxies by intervening dark matter, we know that dark matter is some form of stuff - particles - that doesn't interact with light accept via gravity, and has a very small cross-section that prevents it from undergoing frequent collisions. We are still working to understand the details of dark matters distribution, but appears to have be smoothly distributed at the scale of galaxies.

Author: Chris Impey
Editor/Contributor: Pamela Gay
Última modificación: lunes, 30 de agosto de 2021, 11:30