People Smart Looking For A Job Or Ministry Position Part 3

Henry Reyenga

Interview Like A Pro

Greenwood JD LLM, Mary (2012-07-25). How to Interview Like a Pro: Forty-Three Rules for Getting Your Next Job (Kindle Locations 195-198). iUniverse. Kindle Edition. 

Send A Thank You Letter

Although it may seem old fashioned, you should still send a note or e-mail saying you enjoyed the interview and tell the employer that you are still very interested in the position. Perhaps you can ask a question to clarify something that came up in the interview. I prefer a mailed letter, but an e-mail is better than nothing.

Greenwood JD LLM, Mary (2012-07-25). How to Interview Like a Pro:Forty-Three Rules for Getting Your Next Job (Kindle Locations 1298-1300). iUniverse. Kindle Edition

Give Yourself A Debriefing

A debriefing is a way to evaluate the interview and make changes in future interviews. It is a good way to analyze what worked and what might need improvement. The answers to these questions will prepare you for your next interview. I like to put my debriefing in writing for future interviews. I don't like to make the same mistake twice.

Greenwood JD LLM, Mary (2012-07-25). How to Interview Like a Pro:Forty-Three Rules for Getting Your Next Job (Kindle Locations 1305-1307). iUniverse. Kindle Edition. 

Debriefing Questions

Was I prepared enough? 

Were there any mistakes?

What worked and what did not work? 

Did I See Any Red Flags? 

As part of the debriefing, you should list some of the red flags that may make working at this company unacceptable. You may have seen some things at this company that gave you pause about working there. In the excitement of going for an interview, do not overlook these red flags and listen to your gut. 

Greenwood JD LLM, Mary (2012-07-25). How to Interview Like a Pro:Forty-Three Rules for Getting Your Next Job (Kindle Locations 1322-1324). iUniverse. Kindle Edition

Possible Red Flags

Management style incompatible?

Will that new supervisor be there for a while?

Will they train me?

Is their business viable?

Understand That Employers Are On Their Own Time Tables

The interview may be the only thing on your mind. If you get the job, it totally changes your life, especially if the job is out of town. However, this job may be the last thing on the employer's mind. There may even be other positions that need to be filled before an offer is made on this particular job. You may get a call six months later saying that the position is not going to be filled and thanks for your patience. There may even be other positions that need to be filled before an offer is made on this particular job. You may get a call six months later saying that the position is not going to be filled and thanks for your patience. 

Greenwood JD LLM, Mary (2012-07-25). How to Interview Like a Pro:Forty-Three Rules for Getting Your Next Job (Kindle Locations 1343-1344). iUniverse. Kindle Edition. 

Don't Be A Nuisance If Not Called

When you do call, ask whether a selection has been made. If not, ask if you can call in a week to see what the status is. If you are respectful and genuinely interested in the position, this can be a good thing. However, if you are a pest, that can work against you.

Greenwood JD LLM, Mary (2012-07-25). How to Interview Like a Pro:Forty-Three Rules for Getting Your Next Job (Kindle Locations 1380-1381). iUniverse. Kindle Edition. 

Don't Get Discouraged If You Do Not Get The Job

Even if you don't get the job, the interview may help you nail the next interview. It is a good experience or dress rehearsal for the next one. I have learned something from every interview, and that nugget of experience always helps me in the next interview.

Greenwood JD LLM, Mary (2012-07-25). How to Interview Like a Pro:Forty-Three Rules for Getting Your Next Job (Kindle Locations 1387-1389). iUniverse. Kindle Edition. 

Get Back In The Saddle

Give yourself a pep talk. Remind yourself that you would not want a job if the company did not want you in the job. Just like dating, remind yourself that there are other fish in the sea. There are always other jobs. Let yourself think of the bad things about the job that you might have had misgivings about. Eventually, you will get a better job, and you will be glad you did not get this one.

Greenwood JD LLM, Mary (2012-07-25). How to Interview Like a Pro:Forty-Three Rules for Getting Your Next Job (Kindle Locations 1430-1431). iUniverse. Kindle Edition. 

You Got The Offer! 

In America...

This can be a little tricky. Always try to get the employer to make the first offer of salary. It can be very difficult, but it is usually a great advantage. The company may ask you what your salary requirements are. If the company won't give me a dollar amount, I try to ask a question. "How much is budgeted for this position?” or "What is the top of the range?”

Greenwood JD LLM, Mary (2012-07-25). How to Interview Like a Pro:Forty-Three Rules for Getting Your Next Job (Kindle Locations 1439-1442). iUniverse. Kindle Edition. 

You Got The Offer! 

As tempting as the employer's first offer may be, do not accept it right away. Always tell the employer that you need some time to sleep on it and you need to discuss it with your family. If possible, take the weekend to mull it over. a reasonable amount of time, and most employers will respect that. No matter how high the original offer is, chances are you can get a little more money or even something else. Remember that the company wants to hire you and you are the top candidate.

You Got The Offer! 

There usually is some wiggle room left on the table after a first offer is made. After you have had the weekend to think about it, go back the next day and ask for five thousand dollars more. Show that you have done some research based on your current salary, the salaries in the area, your added responsibilities, or the cost of living in that area. If the company wants you, it will probably go a little higher. If the company says it cannot go any higher, then you have to decide whether to accept the offer or not.

Greenwood JD LLM, Mary (2012-07-25). How to Interview Like a Pro:Forty-Three Rules for Getting Your Next Job (Kindle Locations 1452-1456). iUniverse. Kindle Edition. 

Vacation And Sick Leave

Find out how much vacation and sick time you get. If you can negotiate an extra week of vacation, that is worth an extra two percent of salary. Many companies have personal time off (PTO), which combines traditional sick leave and vacation so that time is now either scheduled time off or unscheduled time off.

Greenwood JD LLM, Mary (2012-07-25). How to Interview Like a Pro:Forty-Three Rules for Getting Your Next Job (Kindle Locations 1469-1471). iUniverse. Kindle Edition. 

Ask Yourself If You Really Want This Job?

You get the job offer and then decide that you are going to reject it. Once you have mulled over the job offer and written your lists of pros and cons, you have decided this job is not for you. You want to stay in your current job. Ask yourself why you were interested in the other job in the first place. Ask yourself why you are no longer interested. You want to make sure you made the right decision. As noted earlier, you never want to burn any bridges.

Give Proper Notice

The first question a new employer asks is how soon you can start. It is very exciting to get a new job offer, and it is tempting to start right away. However, resist that urge. It is very important to give your current employer sufficient notice. You need to give at least the minimum required by the company policy manual.

Greenwood JD LLM, Mary (2012-07-25). How to Interview Like a Pro:Forty-Three Rules for Getting Your Next Job (Kindle Locations 1578-1581). iUniverse. Kindle Edition. 

Don't Burn Any Bridges

Even if you did not like your old employer, be sure not to burn your bridges. Even though you don't like your current job now, you may want to come back to this job in the future. You just never know. Even if you never intend to work for this company again, you may need a reference from them in the future.

Greenwood JD LLM, Mary (2012-07-25). How to Interview Like a Pro:Forty-Three Rules for Getting Your Next Job (Kindle Locations 1589-1592). iUniverse. Kindle Edition. 

Interview Summary: The Don'ts


1. Appear disinterested. 2. Be arrogant. 3. Have a sense of entitlement. 4. Use your cell phone. 5. Text. 6. Speak negatively about your boss. 7. Recite poetry. 8. File your nails. 9. Give weird references like Harry Potter or Dungeons and Dragons. 10. Wear flip-flops. 11. Look at the ceiling during the interview. 12. Bring your mother to the Interview. 

Greenwood JD LLM, Mary (2012-07-25). How to Interview Like a Pro:Forty-Three Rules for Getting Your Next Job (Kindle Locations 1674-1683). iUniverse. Kindle Edition. 

The Don'ts

13. Swear. 14. Ask the interviewer for a drink or date. 15. Ask how long the interview will take. 16. Take charge; it's the company's interview. 17. Breach confidentiality. 18. Say you have no interests or hobbies. 19. Be vague in your answers. 20. Get flustered. 21. Use a weird tag name on your e-mail. 22. Drop names. 23. Bring food to the interview. 24. Be too casual. 25. Be evasive. 26. Dress inappropriately with tight clothes, cleavage, or too much jewelry.

Greenwood JD LLM, Mary (2012-07-25). How to Interview Like a Pro:Forty-Three Rules for Getting Your Next Job (Kindle Locations 1684-1695). iUniverse. Kindle Edition. 

Interview Summary: The Dos


1. Be interested. 2. Be respectful. 3. Explain your situation without blaming anyone. 4. Dress appropriately. 5. Look the interviewer(s) in the eye. 6. Answer the questions as best as you can. 7. Ask for an explanation if you don't understand a question. 8. Show that you have interests and hobbies other than your job. 9. Be discrete with confidential information. 10. Be diplomatic. 11. Be enthusiastic. 12. Be calm, cool, and collected. 13. Smile. 14. Shake hands.

Greenwood JD LLM, Mary (2012-07-25). How to Interview Like a Pro:Forty-Three Rules for Getting Your Next Job (Kindle Locations 1696-1707). iUniverse. Kindle Edition. 

The Dos

15. Be polite. 16. Think before speaking. 17. Be a good listener. 18. Be personable. 19. Be creative. 20. Be ethical. 21. Be honest. 22. Be patient. 23. Have a sense of humor. 24. Be sincere. 25. Be attentive. 26. Be yourself. 27. Enjoy the interview.

Greenwood JD LLM, Mary (2012-07-25). How to Interview Like a Pro:Forty-Three Rules for Getting Your Next Job (Kindle Locations 1708-1716). iUniverse. Kindle Edition. 

Последнее изменение: понедельник, 6 августа 2018, 12:59