Using Your Hands In Messages

by Rev. Henry Reyenga

The Importance of Body Language

Experts tell us body language accounts for between 55% and 65% of our communication.

Gesture Tips

• Gestures: use hands, arms, shoulders, torso, legs, feet or a combination of these.

• Hands are most common

Hand Gesture Tips

Appropriate hand gestures aid more:





Hand Gesture Tips

•Correctly used, hand gestures can help you say more in less time and show what you mean without having to resort to visuals.

Things to Avoid

•Holding your notes.

•Anxious hand gestures like gripping the pulpit, clenching hands, fiddling with clothing or touching a body part.

The Use of Hands in Your Message

•Begin: show enthusiasm for being there

•Introduce new topics

•Act out the topic


Check List of Hand Use

•Add to your sermon notes.

•Avoid same hand gesture over and over.

•Don't over do it. Unique to you is better.

Gesture Tips

•Practice new hand gestures.

•Gestures are a physical activity, you can not learn to do them by reading.

Gesture Tips

•Practice in a mirror or on a video.

Последнее изменение: среда, 8 августа 2018, 08:30