Outline of


by John A. Broadus

Fourth Edition, Revised by Vernon L. Stanfield

John A. Battle, Th.D.

Western Reformed Seminary (www.wrs.edu)






Christian Preaching


The Preacher

God's Message

1. Foundations of the Sermon


The Text

The Subject

The Title

The Proposition

The Objective

2. The Classification of Sermons


Classification by Homiletical Structure

Classification by Subject

Classification by Pattern

3. Formal Elements of the Sermon


Importance of Arrangement

The Discussion

The Introduction

The Conclusion


4. Functional Elements of the Sermon






5. The Style of the Sermon


General Observations on Style

Attaining the Qualities of Style

Broadus Outline.2

The Writing of Sermons

Imagination in Preaching

6. The Preparation of Sermons


General Preparation

Special Preparation

Preparation of Special Types of Sermons

Planning a Preaching Program

7. The Delivery of Sermons


The Methods of Delivery The Voice in Delivery The Body in Delivery

Contemporary Approaches to Sermon Delivery

8. The Conduct of Public Worship


Planning Worship

The Sermon in Worship

Other Parts of the Worship Service

Broadus Outline.3



The Unique position of Christian preaching

Chapter 1, Christian Preaching

1. Nature of Christian preaching

Linking personality and message with needs of people 2. Central place of preaching

Jesus (Luke 4:16-21; John 7:28, 37)

Apostles (Matt 28:18-20; Mark 3:14ff)

Early church (cf. ch. 2)

NT terms used:

Kerussein, kerugma

Euangeliszesthai, euangelion

Didaskein, didache

3.Competition to preaching

1)Other methods of communication

Types of media: books, magazines, newspapers, movies, television, the Internet Effectiveness of the media

Actually: increase interest in people communicating 2) Other duties of pastor

Teaching, pastoring, administrating, counseling, community work Need for priorities (Acts 6:2, 4, 7)

Broadus Outline.4

Ceremonies (in 3rd ed. of Broadus) 3) Loss of confidence in preaching

(Cf. Heb. 4:12)

4. Necessity for effective preaching

Relation of preaching to welfare of church historically

Christianity demands preaching: God's interpretation of God's own acting in human history Preaching the Word as a means of grace (Rom. 10:17)

Need to counteract false preaching

Chapter 2, Homiletics

1. Development of homiletics

Greek science of education and speaking: Grammatic, study of literature Dialectic, study of logic and reasoning

Rhetoric, study of public speaking and persuasion

Rhetoreuo, speak in public

Rhetorike, art of speaking in public Jewish reaction

Homily, familiar discourse

Homileo, homilia, meet, converse, instruct Triumph of Greek form

Conversion of Gentiles and rhetoricians

Early great Christian preachers: Basil, Gregory, Chrysostom, Ambrose, Augustine

Broadus Outline.5

"The science of preparing and delivering a discourse based on Scripture” 2. Study of homiletics

Need for continued effort and study

Sources for study: books, sermons, criticism, later classes Immediate benefits for seminary students:

Sermon material Sermon methods Sermon organization Sermon delivery

Dangers of study of homiletics (in 3rd ed.): Overemphasis on rules and forms Imitation


Chapter 3, The Preacher

Preacher not as source, but as channel 1. Sense of divine call

Personal call, no stereotypes 2. Vital Christian experience

Conversion (Chalmers, John Wesley)

Christian discipleship (personal life, tithing, etc.)

3.Continuation of learning Disciplined, planned study

4.Development of natural gifts

Broadus Outline.6

Especially clear thinking, forceful speaking, deep feeling

5.Maintenance of physical health Rest and/or study day

6.Complete dependence upon the Holy Spirit

Oversees all aspects of sermon: selection, preparation, delivery, reception

John Calvin's prayer before preaching: "Come, Holy Spirit, come.”

Chapter 4, God's Message

Centrality of the message to preaching

Bible the source of the message

No need to invent message

Reasons for using the Bible

1.Makes a sermon truly homiletical (i.e., biblical)

2.Makes sermon spiritually relevant

3.Saves time in sermon preparation

4.Causes the preacher to grow in grace and in knowledge

5.Adds variety to preaching

6.Enables preacher to treat delicate topics

7.Helps people remember sermon

8.Gives note of authority

9.Pleases God

Necessity of accurate exegesis of the Bible passage

Study text minutely

Broadus Outline.7

Meaning of words and phrases

Figures of speech

Study immediate context

Study larger context

Teaching of whole book or large section

Historical context

General teaching of Scripture

Note on progressive revelation (questionable exegesis on p. 26)

Cross references

Broadus Outline.8



Chapter 5, The Text

1. Meaning of the term

"Weave, fabric”; cf. "textile” Early method of preaching

Shortening of text, lengthening and formalizing of comments 2. Use of the text

Too long? No text? Moderation 3. Rules for the selection of a text

Finding & remembering texts for sermons

1)The text should be clear.

2)Rarely use texts with especially eloquent language.

3)Caution should be exercised in choosing texts that will seem odd.

4)Do not avoid a text because it is familiar.

5)Do not habitually neglect any portion of Scripture.

6)Let the needs of the congregation determine the choice of texts.

7)Let the text select the person.

Chapter 6, The Subject

1. The relationship of subject and text

Principle > application

General > particular

Broadus Outline.9

Indirect suggestion

Suggestive or starting-point texts 2. The significance of the subject

From text to subject, or from subject to text 3. A definition of the subject

"What is the sermon about?” -- focal point 4. Statement of the subject

Difficult, but necessary in preparation Unifying the ideas (e.g. on p. 39) Clearly and simply stated

5. The qualities of a good subject





Chapter 7, The Title

1. The function of the title

Attention, interest, announcement, advertising 2. The definition of the title

Purpose: to advertise the sermon

3.The statement of the title Varieties of expression

4.The qualities of a good title

Interesting, not sensational


Not vulgar, good taste

Broadus Outline.10

Chapter 8, The Proposition

"A statement of the subject as the preacher proposes to develop it.”

"Its form should be one complete declarative sentence, simple, clear, and cogent. It should contain no unnecessary or ambiguous words.”

Helpful to congregation at beginning of sermon

Important to preacher during preparation

Chapter 9, The Objective

results: how should sermon change lives?

Sermon must end in imperative.

General objectives:

please God salvation of souls edify the church

Rules in preparation of objectives:

objective should be well defined objective should be limited

 Broadus Outline.11



Chapter 10, Classification of Homiletical Structure

1. The textual sermon

Short text, provides its own divisions

1)Find a specific subject.

2)Seek for exact divisions.

3)Follow best order (not necessarily natural order).

4)Need not use all of text.

2.The topical sermon

Divisions derived from the subject


Better insures unity

Trains mind in logic

More convincing and pleasing

Fits occasions


Tend to emphasize subjects not emphasized in Bible

Good oration unduly important

Preacher's personal interest

Examples of methods -- p. 56

3. The textual-topical sermon

Divisions arise from both topic and text

Some advantages of #1 and #2

4. The expository sermon

Should be the most common, but is the most neglected

Broadus Outline.12

Increasing use since early in century

A sermon occupied mainly with exposition of Scripture; divisions arise from the passage

Usually longer portion, not necessarily

Primary requisite: unity and orderly structure

Chapter 11, Classification by Subject

1. The theological sermon

Primary type

Doctrine: general, and denominational

Emphasis on great doctrines

Unpopular doctrines: faithful, fearless, skillful, affectionate

cf. Jonathan Edwards's farewell sermon

Should be:

Comprehensive over time

Positive rather than polemical


2. The ethical sermon

Importance of moral preaching in Jesus, apostles, etc.

Not contradictory to doctrines of grace

Suggestions: positive, with answers; constructive; win love and confidence first; one step at a time; preacher also striving

3. The church program sermon

Best infrequently

Rules:              1) Be sure of motive

2)Church not an end in itself

3)Strong biblical base

Broadus Outline.13

Chapter 12, Classification by Pattern

1. The diamond outline

One main point viewed from various angles 2. The ladder outline

Each point builds on previous point 3. The label outline

Different items, people, etc. classified 4. The contrast outline

Two-point sermon; positive and negative 5. The question and answer outline

Raise question(s) and give answer(s) 6. The chase outline

Raise question; give false answers, finally true answer

7.The diagnosis-remedy outline Two parts: problem, solution

8.The "Hegelian” outline

Thesis, antithesis, synthesis

Adds to understanding

9. The analogy outline

Comparison of spiritual and natural truth 10. The proof outline

Offers proof for preacher's affirmation 11. The rebuttal outline

Broadus Outline.14

Opposite of proof outline; to disprove a false view or wrong practice 12. The refrain outline

Theme or refrain running through all points

13.The "series of statements” outline Propositions about a single subject

14.The "dog fight” outline

Similar to rebuttal outline, sharper attacks 15. The interpretation-application outline

Two parts; interpret Scripture, apply to life 16. The "subversive” outline

Appear to take opposite position, with "damaging admissions”

Importance of variety of outline patterns

Broadus Outline.15



Chapter 13, Importance of Arrangement

Preacher as architect, not same as invention or style

1.Values of a plan

1)Aid to preacher's development--mental powers, organization of ideas, extemporaneous speaking, memory, proper use of emotion in speaking

2)Effect on audience--discouse intelligible, understood correctly, pleasing, interesting, persuasive, easily remembered

2.Qualities of good arrangement


A single propelling idea

2) Order

Points naturally follow one another

Points don't overlap ("Mutually Exclusive and Jointly Exhaustive”)

Points move toward a climax

3) Proportion

Proper allocation of time to each point

Points fairly symmetrical

4) Progress

Opposite of "revolving” sermons

3. Study of arrangement

Always room for learning; not an exact science

Similar to study of painting; skill necessary before successful invention

Broadus Outline.16

Chapter 14, The Discussion

Three parts of sermon: introduction, discussion, conclusion 1. The plan

Seek the best plan of division possible Simple, fresh, striking

But not sensational or odd or greatly formal Not stiff, uniform, predictable, monotonous Need of a good over-all proposition

2. The question of divisions

Extremes: no division vs. minute analysis

Usually best to have divisions: for preacher, for audience Frequently subdivisions also helpful

Minimum of two, three or four better for variety, five or six hard to remember often Three points the most used and serviceable

3.Character of the divisions

1)Taken together, coextensive with the subject

Exhaust the subject proposed with general completeness 2) Taken separately, distinct and symmetrical

Points should be "Mutually Exclusive and "Jointly Exhaustive” Avoid needlessly repeating ideas under separate heads

Each point with same kind of relation to the subject, parallel, but not unnatural

4.Problems of order and management

1)Order of divisions

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Designed to lead to feelings and will often good to apply at end of each point 2) Statement of divisions

Exact, concise, suggestive

Not too brief for comprehension, not overly long Be natural; note on alliterations

3) Divisions announced beforehand?

Good idea when sermon (1) difficult, (2) argumentation to be remembered, (3) needs awakened interest

Otherwise, better not to pre-announce heads

Chapter 15, The Introduction

Introductions necessary for audience, for preacher.

1.Objectives of the introduction

1)Gain interest of the hearers

2)Prepare hearers for understanding

2.Sources of introduction

1)The text

Perhaps some background to the text

2)The subject to be discussed

3)The occasion

Perhaps local conditions

Avoid apologies for health, ill preparation, etc.

4)The problem

5)The objective

Broadus Outline.18

6) The life situation

Illustration from common life

7) The story

Not isolated from subject, "jokes”

8) Striking statement

Quotation, sign, placard, song, etc.

9) Imagination

Make up story, etc.

3.Qualities of a good introduction

1)Must be related to sermon subject

2)Should be a single thought

3)Avoid vague generalities

4)Not highly argumentative or emotional; personal and official modesty

5)Should be exclusively adapted to the sermon

6)Must not be long

7)Should be carefully prepared

Chapter 16, The Conclusion

Importance of a good conclusion, brings congregation to point of decision and action; temptation to overlook in preparation

1.Guiding principles

1)Careful preparation

2)Natural and appropriate termination Not additional material

Broadus Outline.19

3)Unmistakably personal in aim Importance of "you” in conclusion

Difference between sermon and lecture

4)Alive and energetic

5)Clear, definite, precise in expression

2.Methods of conclusion



Direct appeal (invitations?)

Not artificially emotional

Pastoral exhortation, encouragement, warning Specific

Final words of conclusion

Comprehensive and impressive statement Conclude with text itself

Poem, hymn, story Not all the time

Transition right into benediction

3.Relevant questions

1)How long?

Moderate, usually too brief

Sometimes drawn out

2) Announce the conclusion?

Broadus Outline.20

Usually better

"In conclusion”--better ways to say it Examples, p. 117

3)Conclusion always positive? In most cases

Negative elements handled earlier in sermon

4)When prepared?

General character of conclusion near beginning of preparation Composed in detail at end of preparation

Chapter 17, Transition


Saves preacher from obscurity Keeps attention of congregation

Helps preacher remember points as he goes Keeps sermon moving

Tests unity of sermon

Like joints in body, should not bring attention to themselves Methods:

Relation method (points flow naturally)

Connecting word (first, second, etc.; other connectives) Connecting phrase

Third idea, "bridge” Summary of previous point(s)

Broadus Outline.21

Use of question

Rhetorical devices (pause, gesture, voice, etc.)

Broadus Outline.22



Chapter 18, Explanation

Functions classified as evangelistic, theological, ethical, devotional, inspirational, actional Use made of explanation, argument, application, illustration

Different amounts of above four items, depending on type of sermon 1. Explanation in general

Importance of explaining to congregation

Ignorance often the problem, more than unwillingness Children growing up in church

Make sure you can explain what you set out to explain! Don't over-explain

2. Explanation of texts (as Paul in Thessalonica, Acts 17:3)

1)Present results of own exegesis. Not repeating details of work Using other relevant verses

2)Present narrations in manner to reach desired end. Not exhaustive (unless not much material) Not elaborated

Introductory narration not too long

3)Use description to set scene of narrative or sermon.

"He is the best speaker who can turn an ear into an eye.”

Broadus Outline.23

Must see scene first (in mind at least)

Detailed information necessary

Use imagination to picture scene or object in mind

Description not an end in itself--be briefer than a novel would be

Elaborate descriptions distracting

3.Explanation of subjects

1)Explaining by definition

Difference between definition and description

Definition may be by contrast or antonyms

Careful of difficult-to-follow precision

2)Explaining by division (As a topical sermon)

3)Explaining by examples Excellent for fine distinctions

Many sources for examples (esp. Bible stories)

4)Explaining by comparison

Examples of Jesus' parables

Chapter 19, Argument

Often must justify a judgment relating idea presented to other ideas already accepted. Aristotle's complaint! (p. 142)

1. Importance of argument in preaching Encourages those who already "believe”

Broadus Outline.24

Replaces mindless acceptance with real faith

Good antidote to error

Honesty demands preacher to argue properly

2.Principal varieties of argument

1)Argument from testimony.

One's own experience and observations Experiences and observations of others

a) Concerning matters of fact, character and number of witnesses, and character of thing attested.

Witnesses: veracity, intelligence, opportunity for knowledge, personal inclinations

Number of witnesses important Unintentional testimony of adversaries

Thing attested: degree of improbability (note on miracles), nature of Christian experience

b) Concerning matters of opinion, note "authority” of witness (note on the Fathers) Scriptures as absolute authority

Generally accepted opinions must be weighed. 2) Argument from Induction

Truth arrived at through experience

Most common form of argument, often faulty Problems of imperfect observation and hasty induction Distinguish causes from frequent circumstances

3) Argument from Analogy

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Not resemblance, but "proportion” Relation two objects bear to a third Leads to probable proof, not absolute

4) Argument from Deduction.

From general truth to particular case Formally: syllogistic reasoning

Primarily, deductions from teaching of Scripture Compare deductions also with Scripture.

For preaching, concrete examples more powerful than abstract ideas

3.Certain forms of argument

1)A priori

From cause to effect (deductive) 2) A posteriori

From effect to cause (inductive) Cf. Luke 7:47; 1 Cor 10:5

3) A fortiori

From stronger to weaker

Cf. Matt 6:30; 7:11; Luke 23:31; Rom 8:32; Heb 2:2-4; 1 Pet 4:17-18

4)Progressive approach (form of induction)

5)Dilemma, two assumptions, one being true, both leading to same conclusion Cf. Acts 5:38-39

6)Reductio ad absurdum

Conclusions drawn out to point of absurdity

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Cf. Calvin's reply to the Faculty of the University of Paris 7) Ex concesso

Conceded by opponent 8) Ad hominem

"To the man,” considers source of opposing argument; may use his reasoning

4. Order of arguments

should be kept separate & distinct

First cover proofs necessary to explain proposition.

Generally have deductive proofs before inductive verifications.

Usually best to put strongest arguments last.

If audience unfriendly, better to start with strongest.

5.General suggestions for the argument

1)Work on improving logical work of one's own mind

2)Seek to prove only what you believe to be true

3)Start argument with something people agree with

4)Make arguments intelligible and persuasive to common mind

5)Depend primarily upon Scriptural arguments

6)Don't use all the arguments, just the best ones

7)Avoid formality

8)Strive for clarity, precision, force. Eloquence may come if subject exalted enough.

Chapter 20, Application

Broadus Outline.27

Charles Haddon Spurgeon: "Where the application begins, there the sermon begins.” Should appear in various parts of sermon, not just conclusion

1. Focusing the claims of truth

Specific areas of life to be affected Practical "remarks” as you go along Avoid "hitting at” individuals Lessons: truths that "we” can learn

2. Suggesting ways and means

Use good judgment, experience, tact

Case of public, political issues; emphasize human responsibility

3. Persuasion to response

After showing duty, persuade to do it

1)Not just urging, but supplying motives: happiness, goodness or holiness, personal worth, security, love, admiration

2)Exciting appropriate emotions (from appropriate emotions in speaker--not for its own sake)

Strong use of imagination; terms of sensation, well-chosen details

Use of comparisons from human life

Chapter 21, Illustration

Auxiliary function, to support any part of the sermon. "Throw light” on the subject; "windows of the sermon”

1.Various uses of illustration

1)To explain

Broadus Outline.28

2) To prove

Argument from analogy 3) To ornament

Make truth attractive and pleasing

4)To gain attention

5)To excite emotion

6)To persuade or move to action

Describe person performing desired action

7)To provide for various hearers

8)To help people remember Compare Jesus' parables

2.The kinds of illustration

1)One-word illustrations

Figures of speech, metaphors

2)Brief combinations of words Similies and other metaphors


4)Detailed example

3.Sources of illustration


Nature, human life and relations, common pursuits, children, religious experiences 2) Pure invention

Broadus Outline.29



Esp. biography; also current events; anecdotes

5) Literature and art

Esp. Christian classics, and hymns

6) Scripture

Importance of regular Bible reading for preacher

4.Building the illustration into the sermon

1)Do not be in a hurry to use an illustration; wait for the appropriate sermon

2)Be sure it really illustrates; it shouldn't require its own explanation

3)It should not draw attention to itself

4)Do not over-illustrate

5)Be sure of accuracy of each illustration

6)Seek for variety of illustrations; don't repeat

5.Parts of the illustration

1)Climax (punch line)

2)Beginning or introduction

Avoid jerkiness in introducing illustration

Introduce briefly

Don't say, "to illustrate . . .”

3) Action or movement

Story should move quickly

Broadus Outline.30

4) Conclusion

After the climax; leads back into sermon 5) The illustration in delivery

Be familiar with illustration; practice it Wait for climax before revealing emotion

Broadus Outline.31



Chapter 22, General Observations on Style

1. Nature and importance of style

Style not over-all arrangement, but manner in which ideas expressed

Style important--expresses personality; makes truths acceptable and forceful to hearers 2. Styles and style

Individual style should follow general guidelines.

1)Stay within bounds of propriety Grammar

Suited to the times

Appropriate for the place and occasion

2)General requirements of style



Elegance 3. Faults of style

Lack of effort

Spacious style (grandeur)

Polished style (tailored and kempt)

Fine style (mellifluous words)

Flowery style (highly ornamental)

Broadus Outline.32

Classroom style

Careless, conversational style

Combative or ingratiating style

Chapter 23, Attaining the Qualities of Style

Qualities to seek:










Way to achieve good style: work and practice

Begin with own thinking--know you understand what you mean Follow Strunk & White, The Elements of Style

Use short sentences (cf. chart on p. 213) Use plain, active words (cf. chart on p. 214)

Chapter 24, The Writing of Sermons

Advantages to writing of some sermons:

1)Helps preparation by forcing concentration

2)Requires more careful preparation

3)Aids development of better style

4)Other advantages: publication, reuse Disadvantages:

1)Slows thinking to writing speed

2)Becomes merely extemporaneous writing

Broadus Outline.33

3) Time consumed in mechanics of writing

Suggestion: Not write all sermons, but some on a regular basis, perhaps one a week If not write whole sermon, then write introduction & conclusion

If not written, use recording to evaluate later If written, revise later to improve style

Chapter 25, Imagination in Preaching

1. The nature of imagination

Imagination = thinking by seeing, without reasoning

("Right-brain” activity)

Best used when seeing reality more clearly (not unreality)

2.The role of imagination in preaching

1)Vital in organizing and arranging material

2)Makes ideas vivid; effective imagery

3)Makes Bible stories and background real to audience, also unseen future realities

4)Enables us to sympathize with others

3.Means of cultivating the imagination

1)Keen observation and study of nature and art

2)Study of imaginative literature (drama, poetry, fiction)

3)Keeping close to people, especially congregation

4)Strong devotional life: prayer, meditation, Bible

5)Practice while preaching (using good taste and judgment)

Broadus Outline.34



Chapter 26, General Preparation

Inverse relation of general and immediate preparation for same results

Necessity of constant study; a place to study; time scheduled (B. recommends 20 hrs/week); a regular schedule of subjects

Chapter 27, Special Preparation

Each sermon needs fresh material.

Note procedures of Buttrick, Coffin, Cadman, Prichard (pp. 241-42)

Jowett's suggestions:

1)Use own sermons

2)Don't preach on good idea too soon

3)Condense sermon into good sentence

4)Imagine how other preachers would handle sermon

5)Think of individuals in congregation during preparation

6)Write sermons, avoiding clichés

7)Keep prayerful attitude during preparation Steps in immediate preparation:

1. Keep a "garden” of verses for preaching; growing in mind 2. Early in week, choose two texts

3. Write down everything possible about these two subjects

4. Gather materials from various sources (commentaries, dictionaries, etc.)

Broadus Outline.35

5.Make tentative outlines

6."Speak through” the material

7.Change and refine outlines

8.Write sermon; at least, introduction and conclusion

Chapter 28, Preparation of Special Types of Sermons

1. Funeral sermons

A spiritual opportunity

Obligation to preach gospel and invite sinners to salvation Comments on eulogizing the departed and comforting the bereaved Eulogizing non-Christian departed

The sermon: biblical in content, brief (ca. 10 minutes), variety of content

2. Academic and anniversary sermons

Keep sermon spiritual and evangelistic

3. Revival sermons

(includes evangelistic sermons)

1)Keep sermons short (especially if every day)

2)Vary the content and character of sermons

3)Topics and sentiments should follow natural sequence (Note p. 252--avoiding superficial "decisions”)

4)Keep sermons sound, with a complete gospel

4.Sermons to children

Broadus Outline.36

Interest, instruct, impress

Emphasize the beautiful, the humorous, but not overdone

Appeal to affections more than to fears

Children not innocent, need to repent

Methods of having children's sermons in church schedule

5.Sermons for other special classes

1)Select text and subject to be appropriate, without being forced.

2)Don't be too pointed in application; even small groups have variety

3)Always preach the gospel

Chapter 29, Planning a Preaching Program

Advantages of planning preaching topics in advance

Types of plans:

1.Consecutive exposition of Scriptures

2.Use objectives of preaching (evangelistic, theological, ethical, devotional, inspirational, actional)

3.Church or denominational plan

4.National holidays

5.Christian year calendar

Method of planning:

1.Set year boundaries (suggests Sept. - Aug.)

2.Determine which services included in plan

3.Use file folder for each sermon to be preached

Broadus Outline.37

4.Prepare the general plan; include shorter and longer series

5.Fill in specific texts and subjects when possible

6.Try to stay at least three months ahead with specific texts and subjects

7.Be planning for the following year

8.Vary the plan from year to year

9.Don't announce plan; keep flexible for possible changes

Broadus Outline.38



Chapter 30, The Methods of Delivery

Importance of being possessed by the subject when preaching 1. Reading

Jonathan Edwards, Thomas Chalmers, Horace Bushnell, Peter Marshall Advantages: control, ease from worry


1)Deprives use of on-the-spot ideas & inspiration

2)Less effective means of speaking; colder

3)Often harmful to the voice

4)Makes other speaking more fearsome still Don't disguise it if you read


More common in Europe

1)Advantages of reading for completeness and finish; but capable of failure; more natural than reading; develops the memory

2)Disadvantages: more difficult than reading to interject thoughts; more time for preparation; dread of failure; still somewhat artificial

Perhaps useful for special or extraordinary occasions

3. Extemporaneous preaching

Difference between "extemporaneous” and "impromptu”

Broadus Outline.39


1)Encourages rapid thinking

2)Saves preparation time for other work

3)Advantages during delivery: ease & effectiveness

4)Delivery interacts with content, leading to greater power and exaltation of soul

5)Awareness of congregation's response

6)Delivery more natural, warmer

7)Helps for cases when impromptu speaking necessary

8)Normally the expected method by congregations

9)People like eye contact with minister


1)Tendency to neglect preparation

2)Tendency to block ability to write

3)Tendency to dull and sloppy style

4)Danger of making misstatements

5)Can be too dependent on feelings at the time

4.Free delivery

Preaching without notes or manuscript

Needs for this method:

1)Careful preparation

2)No manuscripts or notes in the pulpit

3)No effort to memorize the sermon Advantages:

Broadus Outline.40

1)Develops the memory

2)All the advantages of written sermons; detailed outline or manuscript left in study; later revision or publication

3)All advantages of extemporaneous preaching

4)People like directness, eye contact

5)Best suits minister's calling: preach the gospel

(cf. Peter's and Paul's preaching)

6) Gives the fullest joy and satisfaction in preaching


1)Might leave out something important or choice

2)Danger of forgetting

3)Requires real work

4)Many believe themselves incapable mentally Methods to learn the technique:

1)In immediate preparation . . .

Use ideas that have developed in your own mind and matured Keep plan of sermon simple and logical

Carefully plan transitions

Keep sermon material as concrete as possible

2)In rehearsing the sermon . . .

Spend 1/2 to 1 hour practicing, reading through, etc.

But don't try to duplicate rehearsal exactly during sermon

3)Learn to use and depend on the memory

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4)Keep physically fit

5)Strengthen faith by trusting in Holy Spirit to guide.

Chapter 31, The Voice in Delivery

1.The voice--its distinct abilities

1)Compass--range of pitch

2)Volume--different from pitch

3)Penetrating power--distance from which can be heard

4)Melody--sweetness and flexibility

2.General improvement of the voice

Importance of forming habits so that techniques can be forgotten in delivery

Posture, good general health, singing, reading aloud, carefulness in general speaking and talking

Special vocal exercises useful:

1)Compass improved most by singing; exercises to lower pitch

2)Volume improved by good posture and physical exercise Abdominal breathing; opened mouth

3)Penetrating power improved by conscience effort during delivery; also exercises; use of diaphragm; distinct pronounciation; slower speaking

4)Melody improved by singing, attention to purity of tone; exercises in pitch variation; reading aloud, especially dialogues

3.Management of the voice when preaching

1)Begin on lower key (the "holy whine”)

2)Keep voice strong to end of sentences

Broadus Outline.42

3)Take breaths before lungs entirely empty

4)Keep looking at most distant hearers

5)Use variety in voice: pitch, force, speed; but not artificial

Chapter 32, The Body in Delivery

Gestures should be natural to be effective.

1.Facial expression; importance of eye contact

2.Posture; not leaning on pulpit; keep erect posture; position of hands and feet

3.Gesture; not fidgeting; jangling keys; rocking; not jesturing from calculation

4.Some rules for gesture:

1)Action to be suggestive rather than imitative

2)Gesture ahead of (not behind) words

3)Not excessive in number or vehemence

4)Avoid monotony

Chapter 33, Contemporary Approaches to Sermon Delivery

1.The letter sermon

2.Short story sermon

3.Parable sermon

4.Interview sermon

5.Use of audio-visual aids

6.Object lesson sermon

7.Dramatic presentation

8.Dramatic monologue

Broadus Outline.43

9. Dialogue sermon (two or more people; perhaps from congregation)

Broadus Outline.44



Chapter 24, Planning Worship

Greater liberty in worship services requires more planning, not less

The goal: "a satisfying worship experience”?

(Cf. "seeker sensitive” - God is sensitive - John 4:23) Moods [components] of worship:

1)Recognition, adoration, or vision; recognition of God

2)Praise of God



5)Dedication (invitation, offering)

Maintain unity of service, order of service, proper proportion, movement or progress (printed bulletin), appropriate climax

Chapter 35, The Sermon in Worship

Two extremes: sermon all-important; sermon only a small part of service Recognize sermon as a part of one's worship, both the preaching and the hearing Preacher as a leader in worship, not a master of ceremonies

The sermon an act of worship: it is "addressed to the people but offered to God.” Sermon must be from Bible, given in prayer

Chapter 36, Other Parts of the Worship Service

Broadus Outline.45

1.Reading the Scriptures

1)Choosing of portions: pick portions that are devotional and appropriate for the message

2)Manner of reading; read well; practice ahead

3)Explanatory remarks; make sure they are appropriate, accurate, and helpful; not distracting

4)Adequate length of passage


Biblical psalms, hymns in NT

Congregational singing at first

Taken over by priest and choir during Middle Ages

Restored by Reformation

Modern hymn singing, started by Isaac Watts and Wesleys and followers

Types of praise in church service:


2)Call to worship


4)"Special music”: choir, groups, solos

5)Congregational hymn

Advice concerning music for pastor:

1)Close knowledge of hymnal

2)Hymns that center on God

3)Hymns for particular segments of congregation

4)Participate in the singing

3.Public prayer

Broadus Outline.46

Preparation for prayer generally neglected

General preparation:

1)Regular habit of private prayer

2)Familiarity with Scripture: topics & language

3)Study of examples of prayer: Scriptures, liturgies, devotional works

4)Understanding of nature of public prayer

Methods of corporate prayer:

1)Extemporaneous or "free” prayer

2)Prepared by pastor ahead of time

3)The collect, in published liturgies

4)The litany, pastor-congregation response

5)Bidding prayer, guided meditation

6)Silent prayer

Prayers should be brief (except pastoral prayer), ordered, concrete, comprehensive. Practical advice concerning prayers:

1)Easily heard (head up)

2)Not a sermon in disguise

3)Not announcement time

4)Let congregation know when starting

4. Offering

Not just a collection, but act of worship

Avoid pre-offering pep talks and exhortations

Joyful atmosphere during giving

Broadus Outline.47

The pastor as an example of giving

5.Pulpit decorum

1)Begin at proper time

2)End a fairly predictable time

3)Enter pulpit or platform with appropriate attitude

4)Don't talk on platform

5)Don't exhibit irritation with congregation conduct

6)Not too relaxed; quiet dignity

7)Careful of behavior right after service

Остання зміна: середа 8 серпня 2018 08:58 AM