The Biblical Background to Christ’s Teachings


The Old (First) Testament: Its Relevance and Importance for the Church


The book from which this course springs contains 365 reflections on the redemptive-historical background of Christianity. These reveal the continuity of Scripture, focusing on the stories of the Old Testament and how they anticipate the life and work of Christ. This course expands on what is found in the book. Part 1 summarizes the redemptive-historical story that Jesus would have learned in his youth. Part 2 develops some Old Testament themes that continue to be very important for Christian faith and life today. Both the reflections in the book and the accompanying lectures will prove useful to those preparing to lead Bible Studies or write sermons based on the Scriptures of the Old Testament.


Part 1: An Overview of the Redemptive-Historical Story of the Old Testament

A.   Beginnings

1.     Religion and Revelation 

2.     Primeval History 

3.     The Patriarchs 

B.    From Slavery to Freedom

4.     Exodus from Egypt 

5.     The Wilderness Years 

6.     Early Life in the Promised Land 

C.    The Kingdom of Israel

7.     Rise of the Monarchy

8.     The Golden Years 

9.     The Divided Kingdom

D.   Dissolution and Restoration

10.  March toward Destruction

11.  Exile and Return 

12.  The Messianic Hope 

E.    The Continuity of Scripture

13.  The Abrahamic Covenant and Its Fulfillment

14.  From Paradise Lost to the Eternal Temple

15.  God’s Continuing Work with Dry Bones

Part 2: New Testament Themes in the Old Testament

F.    The Creator/Creature Distinction

16.  The Sovereignty and Providence of God

17.  Human Freedom is Found in Dependence upon God

18.  Worship and the Works of Faith 

G.   Rebellion against the Divine Order

19.  Sin and Its Consequences

20.  Spiritual Warfare

21.  The Righteous Judgment of God

H.   God’s Answer for Sinful Rebellion

22.  The Lovingkindness of God

23.  Sacrifice and Atonement

24.  Repentance

I.      Reconciliation with God

25.  Understanding Grace

26.  Our Covenanting God

27.  God’s Firstborn

J.     Embracing God’s Priorities

28.  Reading and Living Scripture Well

29.  The Prayers of God’s Servants

30.  Sharing God’s Heart for the World

K.   Discipleship Challenges

31.  Suffering and Faith  

32.  Sin and Temptation

33.  Unity among God’s People 

L.    Biblical Wisdom in Everyday Life

34.  Gender Relations and Marriage

35.  Parents and Children 

36.  Generosity vs. Materialism


Última modificación: martes, 28 de mayo de 2019, 13:34