Grading Scale
This course is one which earns the student credit toward a Bachelor degree at Christian Leaders College. As such, it is meant to be academically challenging. What that means is this:
· Academically – this course will challenge the student to think and to grasp the material in such a manner that each one will be qualified to be philosophically aware of the major areas of interest covered in this course
· Academically – the student will gain in the wisdom and knowledge necessary to discern the ways in which we can know God as we describe that relationship in philosophical terms. Prof Clouser is a philosophical scholar known around the world as one who carefully articulates his thoughts on the subject matter of this course. The wisdom he shares will challenge the student to ponder the content of the course as it applies to the student’s particular situation as a leader among God’s people.
· Challenging -- unless one has thoroughly studied the material previously, these courses will require diligent effort on the part of the student. The quizzes have been prepared in such a way as to be more difficult than “normal” here at CLC. The student is advised to come to the quizzes in each lesson with a good grasp of the material so as to facilitate a good outcome.
· Challenging – in the philosophy curriculum, it is anticipated that a grade of A will be uncommon.
· Challenging -- The student is encouraged (expected) to join in the philosophical discussions going on in the blog . There various of your fellow students and our faculty will be writing and thinking about the subject matter. While this participation is not required, it will greatly assist you to grow in your thinking about philosophy is you do join in the discussions!
With that in mind, the grades will be based on the following:
There are11 quizzes associated with the eleven lessons. Each quiz is worth 20 points for a total of 220 points.
The whole course has a possible perfect score of 220 points. Letter grades will be assigned based on the following scale:
A 95-100%
A - 90-94%
B+ 87-89%
B 83-86%
B- 80-82%
C+ 77-79%
C 73-76%
C- 70-72%
D+ 67-69%
D 63-66%
D- 60-62%
F 0-59%
Your average grade for all graded activities in the class must be at least 60%. Otherwise, you will fail the class and will receive no course credit.