Becoming a Person of Influence: How to Positively Impact the Lives of Others by John C. Maxwell

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As a John Maxwell Certified Leadership Trainer, Speaker, and Coach, I have the privilege of training others using John Maxwell's best leadership content. I've just finished preparing a customized, 4-hour, onsite leadership program based on John Maxwell's Becoming a Person of Influence for a large automotive supplier. By customized, I mean I have added much of my own content and what I've learned from other great leadership experts to support John's leadership principles. Ria and I are excited for the privilege to help develop 30+ of their front line supervisors.

I thought I could add value to you by creating a short lesson based on the main principles. In Becoming a Person of Influence, John focuses on the following 10 ways (in bold text) a person becomes an INFLUENCER, and I've also added a supporting quote from my customized lesson. When John developed the content, he was very intentional. You'll notice each one of the 10 words begins with the letters that make up "INFLUENCER."

An Influencer has INTEGRITY with people

In order to be a leader a man must have followers. And to have followers, a man must have their confidence. Hence the supreme quality for a leader is unquestionably integrity. Without it, no real success is possible, no matter whether it is on a sections gang, a football field, in an army, or in an office. If a man’s associates find him guilty of phoniness, if they find that he lacks forthright integrity, he will fail. His teachings and actions must square with each other. The first great need, therefore, is integrity and high purpose.~ Dwight D. Eisenhower

An Influencer NUTURES people

There are a lot of coaches with good ball clubs who know the fundamentals and have plenty of discipline but still don’t win the game. Then you come to the third ingredient: If you’re going to play together as a team, you’ve got to care for one another. You’ve got to love each other. Each player has to be thinking about the next guy. ~ Vince Lombardi

An Influencer has FAITH in people

As you work to gain more influence, always remember that your goal is not to get people to think more highly of you. It’s to get them to think more highly of themselves. Have faith in them, and they will begin to do exactly that. ~ John C. Maxwell

An Influencer LISTENS to people

One of the best ways to persuade others is with your ears, by listening to them. ~ Dean Rusk

An Influencer UNDERSTANDS people

You can have knowledge without understanding,  but you cannot have understanding without knowledge. ~ Mack Story

An Influencer ENLARGES people

You’ll always have everything in life that you want  IF you help enough people get what they want. ~ Zig Ziglar

An Influencer NAVIGATES for people

The man who goes alone can start the day. But he who travels with another  must wait until the other is ready. ~ Henry David Thoreau

An Influencer CONNECTS with people

The #1 criterion for success is the ability to connect with people. Connecting with people is the ability to identify with people and relate to them in such a way that it increases our influence with them. ~ John C. Maxwell

 An Influencer EMPOWERS people

Moral leaders exercise power for good purposes. Essential to this is that they do not hoard power; they give it away. There is no leadership without power. However, a leader will frequently want to distribute rather than to maintain power. Leaders empower their followers. ~ Terry Smith

An Influencer REPRODUCES leaders

Where there is no belief or hope for growth to be real, it is no longer attempted. People, or organizations, enter into a state of sameness, and as we have seen, that is really when things are no longer alive. Death is taking over not growth.  ~ Dr. Henry Cloud

I hope you enjoyed this short lesson based on the principles found in Becoming a Person of Influence by John C. Maxwell.

Последнее изменение: воскресенье, 1 сентября 2019, 14:32