God’s Design: Equal and Different

Purpose determines design

Design determines needs

God created man and placed the man in the male and female. The male was created for a specific purpose and the female was created for a specific purpose.  The purpose of each are related to their overall purpose – to have a relationship of love with God and have co-dominion over the earth.

The manufacturer determines the design of a product and the manufacturer establishes the differences in his product.
- Society
- Culture
- Religion
- Tradition
- Environment
- Family Upbringing
- History

What society and culture have done is to take the intrinsic differences between males and females, distort them and use them to devalue women.

Myles Munroe

My purpose will stand.

Isiah 46:10

Dominion of Male and Female Man

Both have dominion

Assignment is the same

Execution is different

Different purpose, design, bodies – authority carried out differently

Principle: the way you are is because of why you are

Determine individual nature, design and needs


This is now bone of my bones – exactly like me in structure

This is now flesh of my flesh - - exactly like me in her physical qualities, emotional and psychological abilities

Yet Adam saw differences – she has a womb – her circuits function differently in order to allow the womb to fulfill it’s purpose

Another design difference male – source / giver, female – receiver

Designed to receive his love

Qualities that complement him


Different doesn’t mean inferior or superior

Different because of their purpose

God created us all unique – fingerprint

Wants us all to remain unique – even in unity with others

Unique Purpose

God made you for a special purpose

God made us different because of our purpose

People spend years trying to change their mates

Understanding men / women

Dealing with a female – find out what God wanted when he made females

Handling something they don’t understand

Differences complementary, celebrate uniqueness as females, males and individuals

For we are God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.

Ephesians 2:10

Be like God, knowing good and evil

Satan left out Lord when he referred to God

Follow my example, as I follow the example of Christ.

In other words, when I look like Christ imitate me.  Otherwise, we’re not to try to imitate others.

1 Corinthians 11:1

The Fall of Man

The source of conflict between men and women

Turned men and women away from God’s perfect design

By an act of their wills, Adam and Eve rejected God’s plan and pursued their own desires

Designed to live in His purpose and under His loving rule

Thought they could be like God 

Not satisfied with their position and roles

Rejecting this only brought heartache

Men and women lost their perfectly balanced relationship

Not designed to live independently from God and the purposes for which he created them

To the woman he said, I will greatly increase your labor pains; with pain you will give birth to children.  You will (chase after) want to control your husband but he will dominate you.

Spirit: conscience, intuition, communion

Genesis 3:16

Última modificación: martes, 10 de septiembre de 2019, 09:42