The Ladder of Inference

Ron Carter

The Ladder of Inference

Have you ever experienced communication failure because of having incorrect assumptions?

The Ladder of Inference

We adopt beliefs

based on the conclusions we draw

which are based on what we observe

which are influenced by

our assumptions and experiences.

Exercise: Climbing the Ladder

You are 30 minutes into a budget meeting when a team member enters the room looking very distracted as he gazes at his phone. He then drops down in a chair with a big sigh.

We can go up the ladder with the worst intentions – the team member’s behavior has no excuse. 

Or we can go up the ladder with the best intentions – the team member’s behavior is legitimate.

The Ladder of Inference

How Do I Stop Climbing?

Suspend judgment.

Be aware of our thinking and reasoning. 

Make our thinking more visible to others.

Inquire more deeply into the thinking of others.

Reflection Question

What can I do in my most important personal and work relationships to contribute to improving the quality of communication?

The Ladder of Inference

Summary - What have we learned? 

We all have a tendency to “jump to conclusions”.

The way we “see the world” influences our behavior.

Being “self-aware” helps keep us from “climbing the ladder”.


Last modified: Monday, October 29, 2018, 10:31 AM