Biblical Foundations: Image of God

Gen. 1: creational diversity and unity

Male and female: image of God



Creation and procreation mandate

“It is not good that man should be alone…” (Gen. 2:17)

Does helper (Gen. 2:18) show an inferior status for women? 

Biblical foundations:
What is marriage?  

“Suitable” kenegdo (Gen. 2:15)

Adam’s theological vision

“A deep sleep…” (2:21; cf. Gen. 15:12)

“Rib”  Hebrew: tsela

“She shall be called woman (ishah) because she was taken out of man (ish).” (2:23)

Purpose: “That is why…” (2:24)

Marriage: One flesh union of two sexually different persons

Biblical foundations: Goodness 

Goodness of bodies

Goodness of sex

Goodness of marriage 

Modifié le: mercredi 10 juin 2020, 05:44