Reading: Lesson 9 - Theology of the Body
Theology of the body
What is the connection between the body and the person?
What is the ‘spousal meaning of the body’?
What does marriage symbolize?
In the beginning:
What does Adam’s solitude reveal?
Love and responsibility
In the beginning:
Communion of persons
Body + soul = living person
Holistic anthropology = holistic view of sexual union
“One flesh” sexual union = union of two persons
Body and person cannot be separated
1 Corinthians 6:12-20
In the beginning:
“What must we do to earn the freedom of being unguardedly and innocently naked to someone? Our own and other cultures suggest that we must do a lot. We must make promises and keep them. We assume many fearful responsibilities and do much work. We must build the household of trust” (Wendell Berry, Art of the Commonplace, 178).
Proper sexual desire vs. lust
Bless vs. grasp/possess
Love & life