
It's a great pleasure to meet everyone and to be a part of CLI. My husband has been a part of CLI since 2010, so I'm excited to jump on board. My real name is Isabel, but I go by Lizzy. I live in the beautiful state of Colorado in a suburb near Denver. 

I was radically saved during my middle school years at a youth camp called Pine Springs Summer Camp, deep in the mountains of Ruidoso, NM. Since then, I had some struggle due to alcoholism in my family. However, around my high school years, both of my parents received Christ, and our family began to see Jesus for who he is. My stepfather was instantly delivered from alcoholism, and the Lord restored our entire family.  We have five children for around 50% of the time and two (which are my grandchildren), who live with us continually. We currently faithfully attend a church in Centennial, CO, where we are the Children and Youth Leaders but will be starting a new church here soon. 

During the early 1990s, I began attending a beautiful Rhema church in Orlando, FL, for almost seven years, assisting in that church plant. Unfortunately, our Senior Pastor suddenly graduated into glory, and the church closed soon after. I left for Bible college in Tulsa, OK, attending Domata School of Missions under the leadership of Pastor's Mark & Janet Brazee, who worked closely with Senior Kenneth E. Hagin. I was deeply discipled in subjects such as healing school, evangelism, prayer, and many other ministry leadership courses. My worldly career work was in media and the printed press. It consisted of departments in Human Resources/Executive/Office and Payroll management, all of which led me back and forth from Orlando to Colorado. I have been back to Colorado since 2006, with a two-year absence from the state to handle the Casey Anthony trial in Florida.

Over the years, I have completed a Legal Secretary certification at International Business College, an understudy of early childhood development at El Paso Community College, and received my Bachelor's in Business Administration for Human Resources Management from Strayer University.

My ministry experience includes leading & training worship teams, assistant to the theatrical department, leading pre-service and weekly prayer teams, an outreach ministry to homeless and church programs, women's meetings, children and youth leaders for many years. 

I am now working from home as an author, writing Christian literature, primarily for children and youth ministries. Also, I am completing my third book/novel, and soon a full children's curriculum for Spirit-filled churches. My books are on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and other book entities under "From My Heart to the Throne for Girls" and "From My Heart to the Throne for Boys." There are also journals and other notebook types of materials on these sites. The two "named" above books are currently sent to orphanages in English speaking nations, such as South Africa, which was my original dream for these books. Musically, I minister in song, play the guitar, some keyboard, and the violin. 

My reasoning for continuing education and obtaining the Deacon Ordination award, as well as Wedding Officiant certification with CLI, is so that it will assist me in furthering the call of God on our lives. We know we are called to pastor a local church. Both my husband and I know that we have a shepherd's calling in the five-fold ministry, and the Lord has revealed this amazing and honorable call to us these last few years. We do not take it lightly and are thanking the Lord for the incredible ministry of CLI and all their staff. 

God bless every staff member for obeying the call of God to start the Christian Leaders Institute. CLI assists people like us in fulfilling the call of God for our lives through the ordination process and the anointed education. Due to its free cost, my husband and I can receive such high-quality training, of which we are incredibly grateful. And though this ministry is free, we have already given a significant one-time gift and will continue to do so as the funds allow. We thank the Lord for CLI always, remember it in our prayers, and tell others about it. We believe this education will enable us to effectively reach out to the harvest - rightly dividing the word of truth - for his kingdom gospel. Each one of us has an anointed and powerful sphere of influence around us. Pray for our family as we step out in faith into the next phase of ministry.

最后修改: 2020年05月12日 星期二 10:43