Apologetics & Evangelism

As we learn to evaluate the work of others through descriptive, critical and rhetorical analysis, we ask ourselves are we going to practice apologetics and evangelism?

Is Apologetics mere rhetoric?

Is Evangelism mere rhetoric?

Is it just about how we present and defend the Gospel?

Or is it about its truthful content?

.In Acts 4:1-2, Peter and John defended their faith in Jesus Christ.

.In Acts 26, Paul shared the good news of salvation to king Agrippa.

Slide 2

Difference between rhetoric and manipulation:

1) The intent behind your desire to persuade that person
2) The truthfulness and transparency of the process
3) The net benefit or impact on that person

By definition, manipulation:

·Intends to fool, control or contrive the person on the other side of the conversation into

  a) doing something, or

  b) believing something

·leaves the person either harmed or without benefit

.Do we see how critical thinking prevents us from manipulating?

 •As we read and write as critical thinkers, and as we speak as critical thinkers, we communicate with integrity and between ethical boundaries.

最后修改: 2020年08月14日 星期五 12:58