Video Transcript: I Believe Galatians 2:20 (Henry Reyenga)

Right after Pastor Reyenga has completed his sermon. CLI decided to include the full Latin and English version of the Apostle Creed.

Galatians 2:20 goes like this. I've been crucified with Christ, and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God who loves me and gave himself for me. Let us pray. Lord, as we open your words tonight, we pray you will open our lives, our hearts, that your word may penetrate deep inside. We ask us now in Jesus name, Amen. 

I don't know if you ever think that much about faith itself, like what it does for you and what it does not do for you. Actually, you guys have a lot of faith to get up in the morning. So picture yourself you get up in the morning and you believe that your floor will not cave in. For you when stand on it, you go to the breakfast table and you believe that the chair you sit down in will not fall apart or you wouldn't sit down it. You get dressed and you get in the car on the bus you basically believe that the other drivers will be safe, you trust it you don't have certainty they will be, but you believe they will be. You go to work, and you basically believe that what your boss says or what you say to your employees is what they mean. You get back home you believe your house will keep you safe, there is so much belief that operates in your life now let's just say your house you believe that the wood will hold you believe the design will hold because you know what you believe that some architect, who you don't know necessarily his name, you basically believe that you knew what he was talking about.

You basically believe that the carpenter who built your house and put the nails in put in enough nails, that when some wind came or comes the house doesn't blow down. You plug something in a plug you basically could believe that the electrician did it right. And then there won't be a electrical fire that will happen to your house, tonight. Okay, in a family, you know basically your marry you basically believe their wife is gonna stay faithful your husband stay faithful. He basically believe children basically believe what their parents say. And parents mostly believe what their children say. So much of what we're about is belief. In fact, your faith is so epic in how you function, that people who lose faith fall into depression and sadness. Faith is our lifeblood. Now, faith functions in the issues of the soul to, your soul believes I talked today to someone who called me out of the blue, and said that their sister, 69 years old, is so bitter and so less has no faith to the point that the bitterness is making her insane. Our soul thrives on faith. Who do you trust in? What about your destiny? What about your eternity? Who is your faith in? Now, the fact of the matter is, is cars crash. Houses blow down. Electrical fires happen.

Marriages can break up. Families are not always so positive,  things happen. So we have a little bit of this been burned, if your human thing going on. While we have faith and we need faith, not everything is always worked out. And sometimes we've trusted in someone or something and it didn't work out. But let me tell you this. When it comes to your soul, you better be very careful on who you believe in. When it comes to your eternal existence, who you believe in, is crucial, you can't guess that the driver of another soul is going to stay on the right side of the road. And understand this, that there is a massive spiritual warfare that occurs, that the forces of Satan have aligned themselves against God, and will pick off a soul and wants to. So as we sit here today, faith, who we believe in, who our ultimate worth is all about is vitally important.

Now, when we think about faith, about spiritual things, we think about our eternal life. We're going to start today with a timeless faith series, the apostles creed. And in this statement of faith, it begins, I believe, in the Latin that's credo, credibility, I believe. Now, there was a great philosopher named Desk Karp, who defined all identity is I think, therefore, I am. believer say, I believe, therefore, I am. Now some people say, well, belief is not certainty and certainty, I will tell you, that belief is very certain if who you believe in is certain. If you believe in and follow the God of the universe, that's more certainty than any scientific certainty could ever muster, ever be about. 

When you say, I believe in God. You say, I put my trust, my identity, my future, not in my hands, but in God's hands. And as we look at the next 12 weeks, at the apostles creed, we say, I believe in the biblical doctrines, and in 12 weeks, we're going to actually get to look at each one to know what it is that we believe in. What is it really about? And how does it function for the soul? Now, these are important issues, and they have everything to do with all of life, because there's a lot of alternative credos belief systems that compete with our soul and our mind. Science tries to sell that what you believe in is the scientific method or certainty. In some of the examples of science belief system is Darwin, who says, you are happen chance. 

You are random. And it's survival of the fetus, that belief system operates and functions. If we believe that that changes who we are. That's a big question is Who are you? In a belief system, have they proven Darwin and evolution to be accurate or true? The answer is, No way. Is that been proved. You hear the geese? Thank you, Lord, for reminding us that these were created creatures, so amazing they fly. It just did not evolve. Marx has a view. If you believe in Marx, you are a material girl, or a guy. That's the way it is. What if you believed in Frank Sinatra? I did it my way. But this belief drives every part of your existence. Now I'll tell you this. Car accidents happen. Old houses burned down or blow down, marriages fail family fail. But who will ultimately be there with you for all eternity? God. So today we talk about faith in God. This passage that we read the second part of it from Galatians 2:20 that we've been saying, says, the life I live in the body? Just Just breathe that in, your existence, the very walking and waking and sleeping, not sleeping now, this very aliveness notice that you have the life I live in the body. 

That life, I live it by faith, like you woke up and you realize that the floor would not cave in, you realize that the chair would not crumble that the most drivers were saved. Okay, that's a that's a faith. But this is the very essence faith. I live it because of Jesus Christ. The life I live in the body, I live by faith. I don't live by certainty or whatever that means. I don't live by head knowledge. I could know about Jesus Christ is I live it in Christ Jesus. Now, let me talk about faith and trust a little bit. You know, right now, a lot of people are talking about Ronald Reagan, who remembers Ronald Reagan. Okay, some people wished Ronald Reagan would be the president again. And the reason that people trusted Ronald Reagan was not because he was an actor. But because what he said to many people gave that hope of American freedom. And you know, he had a whole thing. Now, if you hated Ronald Reagan, you go, I don't trust that guy. But I will tell you that he was a communicator, and many people trusted Ronald Reagan, as a politician.

Now we have elections. And there are debates. And how many have watched debates so far? Okay, I have not even watched my first one yet. I hear him play by play from Aaron, who texts me every once in a while. Yeah, I like that. And what is the point of this political process is to find out who it is that we trust, to run this country, so that we vote for that person, and that person becomes president. So the life we live as an American, we live it following this president. Okay, now, what goes in to be in trusted? Well, they've done something in the past. They've been they, they communicate, they seem personable. They seem just like a regular guy. There's a lot of things that makes someone trusted. What makes faith in Jesus Christ, that we would trust him. This passage says, I live by faith in the Son of God. And there's two things who loved me and gave himself for me. Why would I put the care of my soul in Christ Jesus, because number one, he loved me. He loves you. He loves you to the point that he gave his life for you. He didn't love you. Oh, I love them because they were a cool creation of my father. There are awesome creation of a father. Yes, and they need me. I love them. So would you say why trust Jesus and that trust Buddha, or Bahama?

Buddha or Bahama did not give themselves to death for you. This by faith Passion Play is powerful illustration of all the people of faith who lived by faith in Jesus Christ. Now this faith in Christ is not just for your personal salvation. And we're going to talk about personal salvation and issues of faith, really into that this faith in Christ orders your entire reality. It orders the now and it orders the future. It not only saves you, but it helps you live. Even now, it gives you a view of all of reality when you believe in Jesus Christ. When you believe in God, how you look at how this world was created, for instance, is totally different. We are not evolutionists, because we trust the one who loved us and gave himself for us. And when we do this series, next week, we're going to talk about God, the Father, the Creator of the heavens and the earth. We read passages like this by faith, we understand that the universe was formed at God's command, so that what is seen was not made out of what is visible, by faith.

And why do we believe that is because our Lord Jesus said it in his word, through His Word, the Lord has communicated to us that this is not random happen chance. So we believe about creation that God created. Our faith in Christ will open up our eyes to see reality, the way God made reality, like in Acts 26, verse 18, to open their eyes, to turn them from darkness to light, from the power of Satan to God. So they may receive forgiveness of sins in the place among those who are sanctified by faith. Spiritual blindness to site Satan's tyranny to God, freedom, forgiveness of sins, and inclusion and God's people. That's what faith puts into our lives.

So we're going to talk about the apostles creed. And I want you to go into your bulletins and just look with me at what the creed basically says. And I'll go over it. It's in the blue sheet. You can follow along. I also have some Latin ones made in the back and I thought I'd do Latin ones anyway of Latin ones in there.

Oh, okay. I want to get a Latin one. I don't have a Latin one. Okay, just because it's fun. I'll go over the Latin with you. Okay, ready? This is fun. "credo" means I believe credibility. "in Deum, Patrem omnipotentem". Okay, I believe in God, the Father of all mighty just see the word omnipotent in there in that cool word. Omnipotent "Creatorem cæli et terræ",  Creator of the heavens, that's "cæli". And "terræ" the earth we get the word "terrists" ground from this. Isn't that neat? To think about that. And at at and "et in Iesum Christum". And Jesus Christ that's only begotten Son. And notice "Dominum" is Lord "nostrum" is our Lord. See the word "qui conceptus" they're conceived by the Holy "est de Spiritu Sancto". Is that interesting? The Holy Spirit "natus ex Maria Virgine" born from the Virgin Mary.

"passus sub Pontio Pilato", suffered passion that's where you get the Passion Play suffered under Pontius Pilate. "crucifixus, mortuus" crucified than "mortuus" we get mortuary from the word dead crucified dead. And "et sepultus", okay, at and buried and look in the next one. "descendit ad inferos" that's he descended to the lower regions. Okay, that's the literal translation in the English version, we say he just sent it to hell. And that's a old word for the lower regions. So in this series, we're going to talk about the lower regions. Where was He between Good Friday and Easter? Now that you know remember how Jesus said to the thief on the cross today, you will be with me in paradise? Well, we're gonna find out paradise has two compartments, those of the damned and those are the blessing this way, "descendit ad inferos" Okay.

Then "ascendit ad cælos", ascended to the heavens and said that "sedet ad dexteram Dei Patris omnipotentis", okay, that means sit at the right hand. Look at the words the date comes out of there. He's at rest sits at the right hand of a day, Patrick, God "omnipotentis". You see that word God almighty. From nation shall come to judge the living the "inde Venturus est iudicare vivos et mortuos". You see the word "mortuos" in there again, I believe in the Holy Spirit, the "Credo in Spiritum Sanctum". I believe in a holy catholic Church Catholic there in Latin means universal. Okay, now, that's not the Catholic Church is the church means in this time it meant I believe that there is a universal church. Okay, we're part of that. Okay. I believe in the Holy Catholic Church, the communion of saints that means as believers ever notice that you can go, I found that I go all over the world. And I can meet a believer and I'm instantly I have something in common is so awesome. 

"sanctorum communionem" Communion of the saints, the remission of "remissionem peccatorum", the forgiveness of sin, the "remissionem peccatorum", meaning that carnal is flesh, "carnis resurrectionem" the resurrection of the dead. And the last one the "vitam æternam", meaning the life everlasting. Amen. 

So in this series, and I want to give you the Latin text, just because the fun of it. You know, this text was written hundreds of years ago. But what did you like this? I've never done Latin and you know, you liked it there. You can say in Spanish. Okay, will you do that for next week? Okay, I gotta say, you know, we're gonna have this like, I would love to memorize it in Spanish or in Latin. I mean, just because, you know, this has been handed down people from the first, second, third century. Okay, and if you want to know, what is the content of Christianity, the core, the seed, what is it you believe in? That's what we're going to do in the next 12 weeks. So here are the topics. I believe, God the Father, the creator, Jesus Christ, Who is he, his suffering, death, descent to the realm of the dead, His resurrection, His ascension, his exhortation to the right hand of God, His return, the Holy Spirit, the holy universal church that's all over the world. And I see it all over the world, the communion of the saints, the forgiveness of sins, the life everlasting. Amen. 

And I'll tell you bring, if you have young people who don't know what is their faith mean, they go off to college, it would be awesome that they know this is what Christianity is. So we're gonna do that in the next 12 weeks. Every worldview, and every philosophy is about who you trust. Do you trust Darwin? Who said your your existence is an accident? Do you trust Marx, who says your existence is the material property by the way? It's the material property of the state. Madonna said I'm just the material girl. She got half right. Mark said your material property of the state. Do you trust in the god bashers who say I'd rather trust in myself than God? I'll tell you a faith will change you. 

I'm gonna give you two ways faith will change you and then in this message tonight, number one, the dead raise and faith that which is dead comes to life in faith. Okay, Galatians 2:20. I've been crucified with Christ. I no longer live but Christ lives in me. I no longer live but Christ lives me that dead come to life in faith. They don't come to life and certainty. Thomas thought maybe that's how it happened. No, it comes, the dead come to life in faith. One other thing, the content of your faith, your faith in Christ guides your very life, your existence, not only now but forever. Second Corinthians five verse seven, we live by faith, not by sight. So we begin this series about faith. And maybe we end this first message by saying. 

Who do you believe in? Who do you believe in? You know, maybe you you come to church, because you're supposed to be in church, doesn't mean you believe in Christ. Who do you believe in? Like the lady I mentioned earlier, when someone called a seven year old lady who spent most of her life not believing in anything but herself. And now her soul is so dead that has physical complications throughout her body. It's funny, usually, you know, the body gives way before the soul gives away the soul is very, very awesome and how it was created. But there are bitter people who so much in their unbelief. Finally, their soul gets sick, so sick that their body follows. Who do you believe in? Who do you trust, because you know, when you're in your deathbed, or when your physical body is giving away, you don't want to often struggle with who that is you trust. 

Because then you're going to need that trust, to help you through your need that trust to help you open your eyes. That trust that says, My Existence matters, even if your body is filled with cancer. Who do you believe in? That just now, but forever? And who do you believe that you make the decisions for why you do what you do? If it's yourself, and you're just looking for a better deal? Is that enough? Who do you believe in?

Let us pray. O Lord God, who do we believe in? We believe, I believe in you. And I asked Lord, that faith will be in every person here and I ask Lord, that if someone here today wants to make that first step of faith. I pray that they will say this prayer with me, O Lord Jesus, I do credo, I believe in you. My soul believes in you. And I want my whole life to reflect that belief. Lord, I ask that you will forgive me my sins because I believe there is forgiveness of sins. And I asked you, Lord, that my dead soul, my dead spirit will rise in faith for all of us, Lord, we praise as we begin the series on faith in what we believe, we pray, Lord, that You will guide us, do you empower us to be alive? And that faith, may guide whatever we do that your word, your life, your future, your hope will be our life, our future, our hope. In Jesus name, Amen. Let's stand, May God bless you.

The Apostle Creed in Latin

Credo in Deum,

Patrem omnipotentem,

Creatorem cæli et terræ,

et in Iesum Christum,

Filium eius unicum,

Dominum nostrum,

qui conceptus est de Spiritu Sancto,

natus ex Maria Virgine,

passus sub Pontio Pilato,



et sepultus,

descendit ad inferos,

tertia die resurrexit a mortuis,

ascendit ad cælos,

sedet ad dexteram Dei Patris omnipotentis,

inde Venturus est iudicare vivos et mortuos.

Credo in Spiritum Sanctum,

sanctam Ecclesiam Catholicam,

sanctorum communionem,

remissionem peccatorum,

carnis resurrectionem,

vitam æternam.


The Apostle Creed in English

I believe in God,

the Father almighty,

Creator of heaven and earth,

and in Jesus Christ, his only Son, our Lord,

who was conceived by the Holy Spirit,

born of the Virgin Mary,

suffered under Pontius Pilate,

was crucified,


and was buried;

he descended into hell;

on the third day

he rose again from the dead;

he ascended into heaven,

and is seated at the right hand

of God

the Father almighty;

from there he will come

to judge the living and the dead.

I believe in the Holy Spirit,

the holy Catholic Church,

the communion of saints,

the forgiveness of sins,

the resurrection of the body,

and life everlasting.


The Apostle Creed in Spanish

Creo en Dios, Padre todopoderoso, creador del Cielo y de la Tierra.
Creo en Jesucristo su único Hijo, Nuestro Seńor,
que fue concebido por obra y gracia del Espíritu Santo;
nació de Santa María Virgen;
padeció bajo el poder de Poncio Pilato;
fue crucificado, muerto y sepultado;
descendió a los infiernos;
al tercer día resucitó de entre los muertos;
subió a los cielos y está a la diestra de Dios Padre;
desde allí ha de venir a juzgar a los vivos y a los muertos.
Creo en el Espíritu Santo, en la Santa Iglesia Católica,
la comumión de los Santos en el perdon de los pecados
la resurrección de los muertos y la vida eterna.

Última modificación: miércoles, 20 de enero de 2021, 12:08