The Importance of Listening Skills in Ministry

Today, I want to focus on mastering the art of listening in ministry. I've spent time reviewing various books, websites, and notes from my own experiences that have equipped me with valuable listening skills. My aim is to share these insights with you.

The Centrality of Listening in Communication

Listening is more critical in communication than speaking. A study shows that 70% of our waking moments are spent in communication. The breakdown is as follows: writing, 9%; reading, 16%; talking, 35%; and listening, 45%. Despite its prominence, our listening skills often remain underdeveloped, which can have detrimental effects on our ministries.

The Rarity of Good Listeners

Good listeners are hard to come by. At an informational level, 75% of oral communication is either ignored, misunderstood, or forgotten quickly. This underlines the importance of enhancing our listening skills in ministry.

What Is Listening?

Listening goes beyond hearing. Robert Bolton describes it as a complex psychological process that involves interpreting and understanding the sensory experience. Effective listeners become interpreters of meaning and reality.

Key Principles for Effective Listening

Maintain Eye Contact

Eye contact is a non-verbal skill that enhances listening. Almost every resource on effective listening emphasizes the importance of maintaining eye contact.

Incorporate Prayerful Listening

Prayer can help silence our active minds and focus on what the other person is saying. When my mind starts to wander, I pray for the Holy Spirit to grant me insight and help me truly hear what is being communicated.

Avoid Interruptions and Distractions

Being an interrupter or allowing distractions like smartphones to get in the way can erode the quality of your listening. Be present in the conversation and eliminate avoidable distractions.

Be Attentive and Seek Clarification

Pay attention to how the speaker communicates. If you don't understand something, politely ask for clarification. Make an effort to understand the feelings being conveyed, not just the intellectual content.

Summarize Conversations

Summarizing what has been discussed often leads to deeper understanding and allows the speaker to clarify or add important details.


The practice of listening goes beyond ministry; it applies to everyday interactions with family, friends, and even strangers. Though these principles may seem time-consuming, most conversations are shorter than you think. What matters is the quality of your listening.

In closing, Jesus himself was an exceptional listener who gave people his time and attention. Let's strive to do the same and enrich our ministries and relationships through effective, prayerful listening.

Última modificación: sábado, 2 de septiembre de 2023, 07:42