Video Transcript: The Mentor/Apprentice Model of Higher Education
Last time I had you started thinking about mentorship and apprenticeship and who you're going to ask. And we are going to come back to this theme often in the scholarship class. In fact, later we're going to talk about everyone needs a mentor, everyone is a mentor. And what about mentor centers. So this is very important. But I want to continue on that subject a little today, because this is a value of core value and Christian leaders Institute, this mentor apprentice model of higher education was already found in the Bible. Philippians 2, verse 22. But you know, that Timothy has proved himself because as a son with his father, he has served with me in the work of the gospel. Now, that is an amazing passage. Because back then, the way that people operated is like, Jesus was the son of a carpenter. And the expectation was that Jesus, his brothers, would be carpenters. It was sort of the way it worked, things came out the family. And now I know that we've had the industrial age, and now, people have their individual identities. And all of that is great. But Christianity natively comes out of the apprentice model. And this model has the potential of coming back in a strong way in education. All over the world, pastors, leaders, have been raised up, we talked about this indigenous missionary capital, family capital, traditional Christian capitalist everywhere. Paul was a spiritual father who raised on Timothy, his spiritual son. Together, two generations of leaders worked together to advance the gospel, the pattern has repeated itself for generations, upon generations upon generations. This the internet now, so here we are, today, holds promise for the training of generations of Christian leaders. So if there can be a mentorship in the end, then there's a connection between the training, then, from that connection, you can find people who need training and you can raise them up. There can be mentor centers, generations. Now it's not biological generations. But it has that metaphorical and powerful impact of generations of trained raised up leaders. And we can beam the training to these relationships, who reproduce more relationships reproduce more relationships, pastors, who then reproduce relationships within churches, church planters, local leaders, in families and homeschooling in communities schooling, people who are going to a high school, their parents can take training, and they can get their kids to have some faith based training, they can be young leaders, I sort of feel like it's endless what can happen. And since the training is free, there doesn't have to be a money issue to get in the way of the spontaneous spread, and deepening and thickening of Christianity. The Internet is a tool that God has given us. In this time and moment, we asked the CLI students to find mentors to help them process rolling training, which I've talked to you before about these local leaders contextualize their learnings and give opportunities to soar in ministry. There are great possibilities for us the Internet has changed the world radically when it comes to the exchange of information or resources. While last time I was I was introducing the concept of mentorship. I want to talk about the implications of the internet for bet mentorship. While the invention of the computer was revolutionary, the internet has brought a new form of connectivity that has changed how everything works from relationships, to exchange of information. Many authors and commentators have chronicled the massive changes that have taken place you can just type in to Google and you know, how has the internet changed the world and get 1000s of hits from news articles to academic papers. Many saw the significance of the internet but did not see it as a threat to how they operated is just think about that. You know, for years, we've been operating in the industrial age. And now here comes the internet is changing things so disruptively, and even changing education, these changes have and will occur because of the internet. Because the internet, these changes that have and will occur because we there are so many and varied that almost no one are used, that they can be overstated, the changes are going to occur, you know what's going to happen in the next 50 years, because of the internet and what's going to happen in education, what's going to happen in training. And here we are, at the ground floor of all this in a Christian reproducible model that was introduced in the Old and New Testament. And that now can be expanded using free high quality ministry training worldwide. Now, there's practical impact here, how someone buys almost anything, including airline tickets, travel arrangements, books and ebooks, golf clubs, and poodles. That's right, we're a poodle family. And we found our breeders for the poodle that we bought on the internet, how someone communicates with other people. First, there is email. Now social networking sites such as Facebook, WeChat,
Snapchat have connected billions. These social networking sites are replacing phone directories, someone is more likely to connect via Facebook than to make a voice phone call. Think of the implications. How someone researches information, Google, Yahoo, Bing, are just digital libraries. While there is information on the internet, the discerning researcher would rather have a lead library brought to his or her or her own home, or workplace to research anything from, where to eat, to what tools to buy, using the internet. How politicians are elected, blogs law, social media and other ways of using the Internet are now often a factor in who gets elected. And you know, and once you politicize something, of course, you're gonna get the fake news, which is a new term nowadays, because we it's like politics, connected to internet connected to connectivity, connected to political agendas. Then what happens is these worldviews are out there in general. And so the World News fights have different interpretations of the same news. So to one political party, that's fake news to the other political party listens fake news, how like minded people find each other, like minded researchers can now connect instantly from different places of the world, to compare notes, and to solve problems together. Together, those interested in eating organic food can chat, blog message and build organic food culture together, the internet allows new forms of connecting. So at Christian leaders Institute, for instance, we're like minded in that we want to raise up revival leaders connected to indigenous local leaders. And we want the people who are called like that, to be able to find the so we conserve those called leaders, those people who, who come at CLI. And I notice as I travel and do student gatherings, you know, I find is I find that in these gatherings, there's a certain like mindedness that I see it and you can tell it, you can tell that that's a Christian leaders Institute, kind of person can have an indigenous, self motivating, going to get their studies done. Nobody has to pay them to do their studies. They don't have to have tuition. If they're in a mentor center, all the better. They love to do it with others. That's great. But in the end, there's something powerful about the like mindedness of Christian leaders, Institute students, and in the end, you just see them. And they come from different races, different ranks, different places, rural the city, and when they're in the room together, you would not even notice any of those differences, because there's the same like minded desire to bring revival through Jesus Christ to the earth. And when you see that, it is powerful, and the Internet helps us find who that community is going to be. How knowledge and teachings are transmitted to individuals. The development of Wikipedia and TED's University has become a resource to people to use, and they seek knowledge and training about a whole host of topics. Some schools or universities have jumped on the bandwagon, offering distance learning classes that allow students to do online classes, and get credit at academic universities or institutions. Now, here's Christian leaders Institute, and they were sorta like that. I mean, education has sought to fit the Internet into their philosophy and goals. So you'll have the institution and distance learning. And but the institution and the headquarters, the goal of the institution is a serious and prominent goal in their philosophy. So they utilize the internet to position pieces of the internet, and the implications of the internet, to their specific institutional goals. At Christian Leaders Institute we say no, the issue are the revival leaders. And we as an institution will get out of the way, so that the revival leaders, indigenous leaders get the training, we will do things, quote, in the institution centrally here, what is most helpful to our revival leaders such as you'll make sure things are official, living up to the expectations of what a high quality education is, having a central database, having a directory, we will do what we can, but the implications for internet to us feel like we can be more radical in serving leaders in various places in a way that their relationships become the more prime issue, so that in their communities, they can make a major impact. So they shared the technology. The question is, you know, how do we use the technology? You know, people say, you know, Christian leaders Institute, you know, are you a technology company? So people will say that, you know, are you a technology company? You know, who are you at Christian leaders Institute? Are you a technology company? Are you one who, you know, exists because of the insights and technology you found? And I'd say no, no, we're a revival. raising up leaders ministry, who utilizes the technology, the internet to raise up more leaders. The Internet is a game changer. It changes the way humans learn. It turns the way information is transmitted. It provides a tool for interaction that can be used
efficiently ensuring accountability and communication. I was talking about things we can do open source programs like Moodle, and when you are doing your studies, you're doing them on Moodle, allows students, schools and institutions to interact in a world class way with students. The internet's role in changing called Christian leaders for ministry will continue to increase. Let me talk about some of the things that we can do to serve you. One of the things we can do is help you do a student profile. This gives your ministry training journey on the radar screen of the world. When students are making their way through the Getting Started classes scholarship class, they create a student profile which places them on our roster. This profile is the foundation of their witness as a Christian leader. In this profile, they tell a little bit about their Christian journey. They outline their call to ministry. This profile highlights the classes students and graduates have completed, students are asked to upload a quality picture. If someone is living in a persecuted area of the world, or their situation requires their complete privacy, those students are not required to reveal their identity. The point is, is if you feel you're in danger, by all means, change your name. Don't upload your picture. We do have some like city tracking of students, but we are careful not to give the exact address for anyone so someone can find you exactly. But it's still it Chronicles of fact that the Holy Spirit is raising up more revival leaders in your student profile is very important if you're learning to lead in today's world. People want to know that you have education that you have training Christian leaders Institute This technology allows us to mean to you, and those indigenous relationships, then online lectures, the professor's prepare and put lectures on digital. In the digital syllabus, this lecture can be viewed over and over again, every time students view lectures, those views are recorded in the students viewng log. In other words, the professors know which students are watching the lectures. Now, this viewing log, by the way is very important thing to understand. In let me explain why in this, you know, people bring up accreditation and personal reasons to are you accredited by the US Department of Education as like the preeminent or the highest example of accreditation. And what's neat is that we're moving in the direction to apply to US Department of Education for accreditation. So we in the in the vicinity was up for a while maybe you are watching, we've already applied and have it. But I want to talk about accreditation. Okay, so, accreditation, what is it? Well, it's certifying that you've done the training, and that you learn something because we have quizzes and all that stuff. And when something's official, when someone wants an official document, let's say, a church pastor wants to know, did you really do the training? What we have to do is we have to prove that you actually did the training that you did not like some just click on that there's actually logs that we can show and we have already had to do that. So when you want an official bachelor's degree, you want an official diploma, you want an official certificate, when you get back, US certify that you actually did the training now, in some ways. Yeah, you know, you do the training, you logged on you did the training, why is this such a big deal? It is a big deal. Because there's been so much scamming, that have been going on in the internet, especially, you know, people can get on the internet real quick, and get some training real quick, supposedly, and when they go to the train there, it really isn't, you know, credible, okay, in fact, Christian leaders Institute has been accused by many as being like, how is a credible witness just on the internet, and the Internet has this negative, like judgment against it. So for us, what we've done is we've factored into our training, ways in which your education is credible ways in which we, you can be assured that it will be recognized. So these logs and when you actually do something, but like, we know who the cheaters are, I'll give you some examples. When someone goes through the classes real fast, and then they fail a class. And then they, you know, six months later or something, they go into a class again, and they have written down their wrong answers and all that. And, and we know, because someone's in, logged in, we know logged in how long they've been logged in, and all these things. So if you're here, and you want to cheat the system, we have algorithms, algorithms that actually spot the cheaters. Isn't that interesting? And why do we have to do that is because to be credible, we need to show that you have done your training, that this is a real institution of higher education. So as you're doing that, keep in mind that all of these things are tracked for your benefit. Now, let me say one thing really clear here. We don't track anything to sell what you've done to marketers to write down these things, because we want
to get you any harm or any No, no, no. This is for credibility, because we know we want this ministry training to be so meaningful, that we have to back everything up when other institutions or churches when we say there's an official certificate, it is truly official. And you have done the work knew by that official award, you know, credibility that we have small fees for that. Another set of eyes have looked at your training. And we then stand behind the certify that you did this in that somehow out, he did not cheat the system. Again, I bring this all up in part of me says because I talk about this because they sort of assume you know assumes I think somebody is going to cheat that you're gonna cheat I don't. But at the 1000s upon 1000s, upon 1000s of people that have taken CLI, there have been some there have done that, and other pastors and institutions, parole boards, you know, schools, employers, they want to know if something is official, and we can deliver that. Such as a quizzes and examinations that are actually taking most of the quizzes that CLI will be 20. Question. Quizzes are in some classes, but are not quite that way. They're done in 45 minutes. And if you study your material, it will be timed. And you can go through your quiz. And if you studied it, if you didn't know an answer, you can quickly go look at your notes real quick, and get an answer. But if you didn't study your material and take notes on your assignment, you will time out before you're able to get through the whole quiz, and get a lower grade. So we have for years and years, I've been working on the formulas on how to get the best possible, accountable, accountable quizzes, and prove that someone got the training. So we've done that with timing and all of these things now, and I know that some of you are in disabilities, and we do respect letters from doctors to help you in some of your situations. And you can talk to customer service about that. But in general, if you study your material, you will do very well Christian Leaders Institute professors assigns students quizzes and examinations of their learning. The quizzes, the examination grades are automatically recorded and saved. At the end of the semester, the quiz results are automatically tallied, and a grade for each class is assigned, there are technological safeguards to make it very hard for students to cheat. While all this sounds complicated, the fact that the quizzes and examinations and the professors involved with student work are presentable to students and professors with an easy interface. There will be papers in we have less and less papers, more and more more we're doing is on an assignment that you bring to your mentor. And then there's a quiz question that chronicles you're bringing that to your mentor. But there are still some students watch lectures, take quizzes and tests, but also participate in submitting papers. We, we have students submit their sermons for evaluation in their mentor relationship. If you're in the ministry track, that's how we'll do it as the business track or the enterprise track unfolds. There might be activities that you do with your marketplace, mentor. There are so many features I can tell you about but, and I did not want to make this a big book of technological manual for internet training. So, you know, as I conclude this presentation, I want to sort of connect you to the technology of Christian leaders Institute, and how we can beam this training to incredibly in your local relationships. In our stay here, my sincere heart to you is sincerely watch the lectures, sincerely read the material. Take notes. Sincerely, if you've never done school before, give it your best shot. For some of you, I know this is going to be very disruptive in your own life. But if you stick with it, not only you're going to learn something, to be trained to be a revival leader. Stick with it. Don't give up if you take some classes and you get a bad grade. You start again, we have a situation where you can take let's say we have 12 topics. Most of the classes have 12 quizzes. So there's 12 quizzes you know what we do, we will throw out one of those quizzes, because we know that you know things happen. So we'll throw one out. But we are going to ask you to do a feedback quiz. So that sort of you know we have little exchange here give us some feedback for the class we throw out one of the quizzes for you. And in we know that that also levels the playing field if you went to a residential school, that's often what happens where students talk to the professor's. The professors working out that they give the class. You know, we're all throwing out one of the quizzes one of the tests, and the professor's doesn't do that, just to sort of give a little curve. They call that to the class. And we do that with you as well. We will throw out one quiz. Our goal is to bring you bring to you excellent ministry training, enterprise training, training and philosophy, training in areas and subjects that will be used by God to help you make an impact in your community.