So you're being mentored, looking for new mentors to help you, and you always will. Or you  are a mentor, you're looking for others to help. And you always will. But what about starting a  mentor center? Becoming one who organizes a movement of mentoring and education and  mentorship and raising up more leaders? Is that a possibility for you? I want to tell you about  a great story. I just love. It's a Francis Asbury. He's a great Methodist leader. He recruited men  like bi-vocational Minister Richard Allen and many others in his mentor center around the turn  of the century in the 1800s. So late 18, or 1700s, into the 1800s. He recruited the ex slave,  Richard Allen. It's a great story, Francis Asbury, there's actually Asbury seminary named after  him. And what he would do is he would recruit leaders. When they were new into ministry, He  and he provided them with the intellectual training needed. When these new Christian leaders were looking for ministry opportunities, he guided them and promoted them to fulfill their  callings. And to make the greatest possible impact. The story of Richard Allen is memorable  for many reasons, the World Council of Churches estimates the membership of the AME  Church at around 2.5 million with 38,017 pastors 21, bishops 7000 congregation. So what I'm  saying here is, Asbury created a mentor center, where he mentored and created educational  opportunities for bi-vocational people. Some of them ex slaves in America, who one of them,  Allen started the American Methodist Episcopal Church, who today has 2.5 million members. I  think thatmazing. So think about planting that seed in your heart, that maybe you're called to  be a mentor center planter. Let's talk. Let's talk about the concept now of mentorship driven  Christianity. In I Timothy 3:14, although I hope to come to you soon, I am writing these  instructions so that if I am delayed, you'll know how people ought to conduct themselves in  God's household, which is the church of the living God, the pillar and foundation of the truth.  Christianity, set up formal structures that you might know how to conduct yourself. When the  Apostle Paul was in ministry toward the end of his life, he had intentional thought given to  mentors center culture, not just being a mentor or finding someone to mentor but creating  organization. Even in Acts we read about the school of Tyrannus. These were places where  people were being mentored. Today the mentor center concept goes like this. These centers  our local ministries, organizations, maybe a business to start one and churches offer local  gathering points could be over coffee, or a ministry brews coffee. These geographic  touchpoints remaking the campus of Christian Leaders Institute physically spread throughout  the world. Christian leaders is not going to have a physical location. But physical mentor  centers started by volunteers like yourself bi-vocational or ministers can become places  where the education can be processed, and then mentorship salted In the whole process, I  just have a big imagination. And I can imagine the strength of the worldwide movement of  Christianity if any local church ministry or Christian led ministry organization created a  mentorship environment, what would it be like? I believe there is a new paradigm shift.  Colleges, Bible schools in the seminaries have typically been geographically locked down in  one location, maybe with a few satellite campuses. What also happens is that even when  colleges and seminaries and institutions go online, they often still have sort of the paradigm is a geographic synchronistic paradigm where everybody starts a class at the same time in the  class at the same time, that's very expensive. And Christian Leaders Institute is all the  applications individually get sent to you individually. But then your responsibility, we believe,  is to ground, your educational experience in a mentorship culture, so I can imagine what  that'd be like to have a mentor culture, where new paradigms, new partnerships and local  areas are created in organizations and businesses. And churches do this as part of their  strategic calling to raise up more leaders. So this paradigm shift is so amazing, because  Christian Leaders Institute brings high quality Christian correspondence courses and low cost  credentials. It's a generosity supportive movement, where you and businesses and others  support these being free classes and free opportunities for training. But then, organizations  bring mentorship connections and opportunities. Again, it's something to think about to pray  about, to plant seeds about where could this go? You know, and I can think of types of  mentors centers, you know, study centers and local churches, young Christian leaders clubs.  So instead of a college, you know, young person leaders will join study clubs or ministry clubs  or business clubs, entrepreneur clubs, other clubs. Now, again, I realize there will still be  colleges and seminaries and all that, but I'm just thinking, how do we make the most possible 

impact to create the most possible cadre and group of Christian leaders for the Christian  movement? I can see elder Deacon training studies. homeschools are amazing opportunities  for local family mentor centers, Christian High Schools, I think more and more churches could  open high schools. And these high schools can beam in the correspondence classes, and then  students can get mentored volunteers can run these schools in churches, very cost effective.  Post prisoner training programs. Who knows maybe training programs within prisons  someday. women's ministry, training centers, Men's Ministry and leadership groups, bi vocational leaders training as businesses or churches. So you have business leaders lifting up  their vibe bi-vocational leaders, for new businesses and new churches, life coach, Minister led  organizations I really see endless possibilities. Can you imagine this? You seeding businesses  and churches and ministries, through leaders that you've identified that you're helping take  that next step? I can just picture. That's what it was like near the end of Paul's life. And when  he writes, at the end of his life, it letters to like the Romans and again, not the end of his life,  you know what I mean, toward the end of his life. And as he's done years and decades of  ministry, I can just imagine him, you know, sending that letter to the Romans and Romans 16  culture. Imagine you are the Apostle Paul and you have spent your life mentoring leaders and  creating mentors center where leaders are being developed and churches are being planted.  You like the apostle Paul may be able to write a letter like Romans 16. Someday to those you  have participated with in raising them up as leaders for revival. Imagine the potential where  you're just starting here now. But look what happened. And we are seeing that at Christian  Leaders Institute. We are seeing churches start mentor centers, we are seeing businesses that have studies that they can allow people to get their education. We've seen homeschooler on  homeschooling families, utilizes correspondence, education and some more leaders. We have  seen programs within churches like men's groups, we've seen that now. We've seen internet,  mentor centers, encouragement, mentor centers. Truly, there are endless possibilities. You  know, in my first church, the motto was endless possibilities. And I used to think to myself,  That's a metaphor, endless possibilities, endless possibilities for spiritual growth for raising  and more leaders. But today, I see that that we are part of a movement, and we're all part of  it. So I'm excited for you excited in what God is going to do through you. Now, I know that that every one of your are going to start a mentor center, everyone of you has been called to  mentor others, you know, in a way that has a lot of people involved. But maybe let's just put  down to one thing. Maybe it's just you, is you receive mentors from mentorship from others.  As you give mentorship to others, maybe one person, maybe that's your little mentor. And  that's your life. Or maybe it's on a scale that I can't even imagine where hundreds of 1000s of people will be mentored through the efforts that you lead. I don't know, but I'm excited about  the future. God has a plan. And I believe that you are part of that plan.

Modifié le: jeudi 29 septembre 2022, 08:21