Here's a sample set of terms and conditions for a Matchmaker Minister working with clients:

  1. Confidentiality: All client information and personal details shared during the matchmaking process will be treated with strict confidentiality. The Matchmaker Minister will not disclose any private information without the client's explicit consent, except in cases where legal obligations or safety concerns arise.

  2. Professional Conduct: The Matchmaker Minister will conduct themselves in a professional and ethical manner at all times. They will maintain a respectful and non-discriminatory approach, treating all clients equally and without bias based on factors such as race, ethnicity, religion, or sexual orientation.

  3. Client Eligibility: Clients must meet the eligibility criteria defined by the Matchmaker Minister to engage in matchmaking services. This may include requirements related to age, legal status, and adherence to the values and principles established by the Matchmaker Minister's ministry.

  4. Fee Structure: The Matchmaker Minister will clearly outline the fees associated with their matchmaking services. This includes any initial consultation fees, membership fees, or additional costs incurred throughout the process. Payment terms and methods will be agreed upon between the Matchmaker Minister and the client.

  5. Matchmaking Process: The Matchmaker Minister will provide a description of their matchmaking process, including the steps involved, timeline expectations, and the level of involvement and communication clients can expect. While the Matchmaker Minister will make reasonable efforts to find suitable matches, they cannot guarantee specific outcomes or relationships.

  6. Client Responsibilities: Clients are responsible for providing accurate and truthful information about themselves, their background, and their preferences. They will actively participate in the matchmaking process, communicate openly and honestly with the Matchmaker Minister, and provide feedback on potential matches.

  7. Limitations and Disclaimers: The Matchmaker Minister cannot guarantee the compatibility or success of any particular match. They are not responsible for the behavior or actions of clients or matches before, during, or after the matchmaking process. Clients acknowledge that entering into relationships and making personal decisions based on matches is their own responsibility and at their own risk.

  8. Termination of Services: Either the Matchmaker Minister or the client may terminate the matchmaking services at any time, provided reasonable notice is given. Refunds or partial refunds, if applicable, will be determined based on the stage of the matchmaking process and the terms agreed upon.

  9. Legal Considerations: These terms and conditions are governed by the laws of the applicable jurisdiction. Any disputes arising from the matchmaking services will be resolved through negotiation, mediation, or arbitration, as mutually agreed upon by the Matchmaker Minister and the client.

Please note that it's advisable to consult with a legal professional to ensure that the terms and conditions align with local laws and regulations and to address any specific requirements or considerations in your jurisdiction.

Modifié le: lundi 15 mai 2023, 09:10