Alright. the effective communication class. What I want to do in this lecture is  talk about communication and personality types. We're not all the same person.  Some of us have this type personality, some of us have that type personality,  and how we speak, and how we communicate are going to be different things.  And there's advantages and disadvantages to any type. I am having you read  about this, and I'm going to go over to sort of give you a head start on this, but  there's more detail in the readings. But I just sort of want to give you a head start on it. So what we're going to look at is 16 different personality types. There's the  architect, the logician, the commander of the debater, the advocate, the  mediator, the protagonist, the campaigner, the logistician, the defender, the  executive, the council, the virtuoso, the adventurer, the entrepreneur, and the  entertainer. Some of these are obvious what they mean. And some may take a  little explanation. So I want to start with the architect. An architect is an  imaginative and strategic thinker, with a plan for everything. I'm more of this sort  of personality. I like logic. I like building stuff. I like thinking about how things  work. So when I give a sermon that's how I'm trying to put something together, I  like to start with a problem. Here's the problem. Now, how are we going to solve  it? It's like a building, we have this complex structure that we want to build, and  how are we going to overcome some of the basic principles of, of this project?  So maybe you're like this to you like building things. And the architect is not the  actual one who builds you know, that's, that's the carpenter is buying the two by  fours and the nails, and he's putting it all together. The architect is the guy who  sits at a desk and just plans. I love planning stuff. I built company after company  in my head, just driving down the road. But I don't do the stuff. In my church. I  come up with thoughts and ideas, but I don't make them happen. We're going to  have, we're going to have a potluck, we're going to have people come and bring  their grills and you know, it's like to me, the ideas is there. Now, how is it going  to get done? Those are all just details that someone else puts together. So  maybe you're that kind of talker you'd like to talk in, in the big picture, but not so  much the little picture. The logician. These are innovative inventors with an  unquenchable thirst for knowledge. My oldest son is like this, he, he's a  programmer. And so he's doing code all day long. But he, I don't know why it  was programming. He likes to be doing something else at the same time. So he  watches documentaries. 40 hours of documentaries or 50 hours every single  week. And he loves learning about stuff. He just came back from Ecuador. He's  staying in a house. And he put together an old lane. And now he's got this big  Chuck. And the chuck has independent things that you can do things off center,  and he's all excited about that. So he'll watch YouTube videos on how to do this. He's trying to make stuff and it's amazing. All right, the commander, this is a  bold, imaginative and strong willed leader. Always find finding a way or making  one. These are people who like to be in charge. And when they talk, you can tell  them. They talked about what they want to do. And they're they're bold, it 

doesn't matter that others have failed at this. We're going to make this happen.  Very positive about what can be done. The debater smart and curious thinkers  who cannot resist an intellectual challenge I'm a little bit on that way. I like  debate. I like a discussion where you have one position and I have another and  the goal here is to discuss this. My goal is to get you to my side. And if and what I really enjoy is a person that is a debater as well. They want to convince me of  their side. I want to convince them of my side. And we're both strongly  opinionated and trying to get the other person to the other side. But because  we're both good at it, we ended up learning something together. And I learned  something I didn't know before from you, and maybe you do the same with me.  The advocate, quiet, mystical, yet very inspiring and tireless idealist. An  advocate is someone who is always thinking about someone else speaking on  their behalf, who doesn't have a voice? And how can I give them a voice, the  idealistic about life and how things should be, they see what's wrong, and are  always working tirelessly towards making things the way they should be the  mediator, poetic kind, altruistic people always eager to help a good cause. So in  speaking, they want to be kind. They want to communicate kind things, they  want to build people up. They want to do good things, always helping someone.  The protagonist, charismatic, inspiring leaders, able to mesmerize their  listeners. So these are people who really enjoy speaking, and they enjoy getting  the emotion. They know how to do it. They speak to people's hearts. They tell  stories that are very compelling, that move people and that's what they enjoy  doing. They campaigner enthusiastic, creative and sociable free Spirits who can  always find a reason to smile. campaigners are people who like convincing  people towards the cause. They liked getting people on board. This is this is,  you know, a church worker who knows how to get people to help, you know, we  got painting to do. And next thing you know, there's 25 People helping they know how to push a cause forward logistician practical and fact minded individuals  whose reliable reliability cannot be doubted they liked the facts, they like things  in order. They like explaining things to people. Very detail orientated. The  Defender, very dedicated and warm protectors always ready to defend their  loved ones. So the defender is always thinking about who's being hurt. In a  communication situation. Let's say in a Bible study, they're worried about  somebody offending somebody else, and how that person may take what that  person said wrong. And they see it, they're watching people's faces. And then  they want to save the day they want to, they want to sort of smooth things over  well, you know, what he really meant was this. So if someone says something  rather harsh, then they try to soften it so that no one gets hurt. The executive,  excellent administrators unsurpassed at managing things or people is a  manager types. A manager is one who can take care of the many. That's what  management means. Some people can only take care of one thing at a time. A  lot of workers if they work on this, that's all they do. And everything else slides. 

And they tend to put a lot of work in individual things and then let a bunch of  things slacks, a manager doesn't put a lot of work in any of he's giving just  enough to keep that thing going and just enough to keep that he can do that with many, many things. He trusts other people to do the work. His goal is to keep all  these things moving forward. The consul extraordinarily caring, social and  popular people always eager to help. The virtuoso bold practical experimenters  masters of all kinds of tools. My oldest son is this he just loves making stuff  creating stuff, tools. He's got like a photographic memory, he can read  something and know how it works, whether it's tools, building cars, or software  or whatever it might be. He just loves and he loves. He made a Geiger counter  for no reason whatsoever just so that he could. He tore a piano apart to get the  soundboard, which is a certain kind of wood that violins are made of and he tried to make a violin out of it. Even though he's not, you know, necessarily a violin  player. I don't know where he gets that. The adventurer, flexible and charming  artists always ready to explore and experience something new. I'm sort of that  way I love adventure. I like not knowing some people don't like things that  unless they know exactly where it is where it's going, what they're doing, I like it, just the opposite. I don't know where I'm, where I'm going, or what we're going to do. I like a project that has some mystery to it, and probably a high degree of  failure. That's always good to the adventure. The adventurer doesn't know this is gonna work. The entrepreneur is smart, energetic, and very perceptive people  who truly enjoy living on the edge entrepreneurs, like trying, not succeeding  trying. In fact, often entrepreneurs, when they succeed are a little bit bored.  They like it, when they just try, when there's a good possibility that it's not going  to work. Then there's all these problems that they can attack, and especially  things that haven't been done before. And because they haven't been done  before, maybe, maybe I can do this. The entertainers spontaneous, energetic  and enthusiastic people, life is never boring around them, they always have a  story, they always have a joke. They always have something to say about  almost anything that sort of greases the wheels of conversation. When they're  around, people are laughing and people are talking, people are communicating.  Alright, so these lists, again, I'm just giving you an introduction to them, I have  more assignments for you to read about them. And you can sort of drill down as  deep as you want. I guess the goal in this would be to figure out where you fit. If  you go through this list and try to identify, so what's your personality type? And  how is that how does that affect your communication? The good and the bad  part of the reading will explore some of the strengths and the weaknesses of  each one of these things too. So if you could sort of pick out the ones that fit for  you and then write down the strengths and the weaknesses, you might be able  to more meaningfully apply these things to your own life, and thereby improve  your communication. Thanks for listening

Última modificación: viernes, 19 de mayo de 2023, 07:56