Matchmaking Conversations Ministry


To help Christian singles find their soulmates and Kingdom partners through the power of conversation.


In today's world, Christian singles are more isolated than ever before. They are constantly bombarded with information and stimuli, and it can be difficult to find time to slow down and connect with others. This isolation can lead to loneliness, depression, and a sense of disconnection from God.


Matchmaking Conversations Ministry provides a matchmaker minister to help Christian singles become more confident and competent in finding their Christian partner. We believe that a single must take ownership to prepare for their possible match. This includes spiritual and personal growth and relationship training. Attention will be given to developing a dating strategy that fits the client's goals. The use of online dating tools is here to stay. Online profile help will be offered.

We believe that through conversations, we can build relationships, learn from each other, and find hope.

Target Audience

Our target audience is Christian singles who are looking for a community and a place to connect with others. We welcome singles of all ages, backgrounds, and Christian affiliations. We ask that they are practicing Christians who are sincere in looking for Christ-centered marriages.

Products and Services

Matchmaking Ministry offers a variety of products and services to help Christian singles connect with one another. These include:

  • Minister Conversations Services: We offer individualized confidential match conversation sessions where clients can prepare themselves for a possible match and design a strategy to make that match.
  • Conversation groups: We offer small group conversations or events for singles to prepare for dating and share their stories and build healthy relationships.
  • Online tools: We offer help with online tools so Christian singles can connect with others who are not in the conversation groups.

Marketing Plan

We will market Matchmaking Ministry through a variety of channels, including:

  • Churches: We will make this service aware to churches in our area.
  • Social media: We will use social media to connect with singles and promote our events and services.
  • Word-of-mouth: We will encourage our current participants to spread the word about Matchmaking Ministry to their friends and family.
  • Partnerships: We will partner with other organizations that share our mission to connect Christian singles.

Financial Plan

Matchmaking Ministry is a non-profit organization. We rely on donations to fund our operations. We are currently seeking donations to help us cover our operating costs and expand our services.

Evaluation Plan

We will evaluate the success of Matchmaking Ministry by tracking the following metrics:

  • Number of participants
  • Number of conversations
  • Number of relationships formed
  • Number of people who have found hope through Matchmaking Ministry


Matchmaking Conversations Ministry is a soul center of a registered Christian Leaders Alliance and can be located at a local church or community location. This is a ministry that is passionate about using the power of conversation to help Christian singles with their soulmates and Kingdom partners.

Последнее изменение: суббота, 20 мая 2023, 06:37