Welcome back, we're here in the financial freedom seminar. Our next lesson is going to be on the desire and the dream. So as we said earlier, it's very important to define the what and the why. So that when we can start talking about the how, now there's a very important formula that I'm going to show you guys here. That was written by a guy named Paul J. Meyer. And I like to think about this, I like to think about this in terms of what this does for us.

Well, let's let's focus over here. All right. So if we have this, let's say this is a child, right? And let's say that over here, he sees some other kid that says he sees some other kid riding a bicycle. Right, this kid sees this other child. And this kid is having what? Lots of fun riding his bicycle, right? What's immediately going to happen to this child, let's say this child is five or six years old. What's the what's going to happen through his mind when he sees this? He's going to start to see himself doing what? Saying, Hey, maybe someday. That could be me. riding this bicycle. And having fun, right? 

So it says here, whatever you vividly imagine, right? That's what he's doing. He's using his imagination. And it says here, whatever you ardently what? desire? Or is he going to desire this? Right here in his heart. It says, Whatever you enthusiast, sincerely believe. What's this child going to do? After he sees this in his mind? And he wants it? What's the next step? He's gonna do? That’s cool, as his mom and dad, right? He's going to speak he's going to ask. And he's going to say, what's he gonna say? Mom? Dad, then I, What's the magic word I want? I want a bicycle. Right? Maybe the first time he asks, they may not tell him Yes.  But if it's an ardent desire, a burning desire. And he keeps asking, eventually, someday, what his parents gonna say. They're gonna say yes. And as soon as they say, Yes, what's going to happen to this kid? He's gonna be like, yes, he's gonna be super happy. Because immediately what's gonna, what's he going to know? In his heart? He's going to what? Believe that the Yes. is already a given. Does he know when it's going to happen? does he care when it's the care how it's going to happen? No

He knows that if his parents told him, Yes, right. Then it's a done deal. It's just a matter of what time right? So it says here, whatever you vividly imagine, you ardently desire. You sincerely believe and you enthusiastically what act upon how did he act? Yes, it says here must inevitably come to pass. So in the last lesson, we talked about the purpose in life, God's will for my life, why do I want to achieve financial prosperity? 

But I'm here to tell you that financial prosperity is for you. financial prosperity starts in the mind first, in its physical second, right? You have to think about it, you have to want it, you have to plan it, you have to desire it. And then you've got to start to do some actions to make it happen. You have to start getting rid of that limiting poverty and scarcity mentality and replacing your thought process with the abundance mentality. Realizing that God is good, and that there's more than enough for everybody. 

There's a book I like to recommend to you, if you've never heard of it called Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill. That book is not called Work hard and Grow Rich. It's called what? Thinking Grow Rich, what is it telling you that you have to start to think first, right? We become what we think about all the time. And as I said earlier, prosperity is something that can be taught. And prosperity is something that can be learned. We're not born with it. Just like No, no kid is born riding a bicycle. Right? Riding a bicycle is a skill that you develop by what? Wanting to learn how to ride it. It's the same thing with prosperity. If you want to get out of debt, if you want to become prosperous and rich, it's something that you can learn, you just have to start working at it. 

All right, so we're going to read a story called The man who desired gold. It's also from the rich for Richest Man in Babylon. And we're going to see what the story tells us. All right. So let's see here. Here we go. And rather than me just reading it, I'd like to get you guys to help me read it. 

Now this story takes place five, 6000 years ago, when Babylon was, you know, the richest empire in the world. And this is a conversation between two friends. A guy who used to build chariots and a guy who was a musician, so let's drop into their conversation to see what what happened. Go for it!

Bandsaw the chair of Bilbo, Babylon, was thoroughly discouraged. From his feet upon the low wall surrounding his property, he gave Sadly, his simple home in the open workshop in which stood a partially completed chariot. His wife frequently appeared and appeared at the open door has fertile grasses in his direction, reminding him that the meal bag was almost empty, and he should be at work finishing the chair, hammering the healing, polishing and painting, stretching tinny leather over the wheel room, preparing it for delivery so he could collect from his wealthy customers. 

Nevertheless, muscular bodies solely upon the wall, his mind was struggling patiently with a problem for which he could find no answer. The hot, tropical sun, so typical of this valley of the Euphrates beat down upon him mercilessly. Beads of perspiration formed upon his brow and trickled down unnoticed to lose themselves in tie hairy jungle on his chest, Beyond his home towered the high terraced wall surrounding the king's palace. Nearby, cleaving the blue heavens, was the painted tower of the Temple of Bel. In the shadow of such grandeur was his simple home and many others far less neat and well cared for. 

Babylon was like this, a mixture of grandeur and squalor of dazzling wealth and dire poverty, crowded together without a plan or a system within the protecting walls of the city. Behind him. he care to turn and look. The noisy Chariots of the rich jostled in the crowded aside of the failed trades, the sandals, tradesmen, as well as the Barefoot beggars in the rich were forced to turn into the gutters to clear the way for the long lines of the slave water carriers on the kings business, each bearing a heavy goatskin of water to be poured upon the hey gardens. Banzir was too engrossed in his own problem to hear he'd be confused however, the busy city It was the unexpected twist the strings from a familiarly or that arose Tim from his Revere. 

He turned and looked into the sensitive, smiling face of his best friend, Kobbi the musician made the gods busty, with great liberty, liberality may the gods bless the wind three liberality, my good friend. Think Kobbi, whoever it salute yet it does appear that they have already been so generous through the neatest not to labor or Joyce was in good fortune more. I would even share with pray from my purse, which must be bulging elstow would be busy in your shop, exact but to humble shekels, and lend them to me until after the nobleman switch his name, that will miss them. Here they are returned.

So basically these guys, one guy is sitting there not working. When the musician shows up he says hey, well that's great. I guess you don't you must have a lot of money. I just need to borrow two shekels which is like two pieces of silver right? No big deal. What is his friend say, Don? He says if I did have to shekels, Banzir responded gloomily. To no one I could lend them not even to you my best friends for they would be my fortune. My entire fortune. No one loves his entire fortune, not even to his best friend. What? It's been called me with genuine surprise. You don't have one shekel in your purse. Yet you sit here like a statue upon the wall. 

Why don't you complete the chariot? How else can you provide for your noble appetite? This is not like you my friend. Where is your endless synergy to something distress you? Has the gods brought something to trouble you a torment from the gods and must be Banzir greed. Now he tells him about a dream that he had, he said, I began with a dream a senseless dream in which I thought I was a man of means. From my belt hung a handsome purse heavy with coins. There were shekels, from which I cast with careless abandon and freedom to the beggars. 

There were pieces of silver with which I did buy finery from my wife and whatever I did desire for myself. There were pieces of gold which made me feel assured of the future and unafraid to spend the silver a glorious feeling of contentment was within me, you would not have known me for your hard working friend, nor would have known my wife so free from wrinkles, what's her face? In shining with happiness? She again was a smiling maiden over early married days. So what do you think happened? It feels strange. Yeah, and and it says here a pleasant dream indeed. Kobbi but why should such pleasant feelings as it aroused, turned into bumps that you up on the wall you want to continue?

A pleasant dreaming deed committed Kobbi, but why should such a pleasant feeling as it arouse turning to glump statue up on the wall? Why indeed, because when I when I are wealthy and remember how empty my purse and a filler rebellious swept over me, let us talk. Talk it over together. For as the sailor do say we raid in the same boat. As youngster we went together to the priests to learn wisdom at young men we shared each other's pleasure. 

As grown men we have always been close friends. We have been content subjects of our time. We have been satisfied to work long hours and spin on earnings freely. We have earned much coins in the years that have passed yet to know the joy that comes from well. We must dream about them. Are we more than dumb sheep? We live in the richest city in the world. The travelers do say none known equals in his will about us is much display of wealth but of it we ourselves have not. After half a lifetime a higher level thou my best friend has an empty purse and said to me. May I borrow a trifle to shekels on to admin fees this night. Then what do I reply? Do I say here is my purse is content. Will I gladly share no. I know my purse is empty as I. What's the matter watching we acquired silver and gold, more than enough to enroll

She said also to us here, man's are continuing in following in the footsteps of your father, need they in their families and their sons and their sons, family lived all their lives in the midst of such treasures and gold yet like, be continued to bank would upon sour goat's milk in a portage. Never, in all the years of our friendship, did our talk like this before? Then Zar Kubbi was never, in all those years did I think like this before, from early dawn Into Darkness stopped me. I have labored to build the finest chairs that any man can make, soft hearted, hoping some guy will recognize my worthy needs and bestow upon me great prosperity. This he has never done.

At last, I realized this, he will never do. Therefore my heart aside, I wish to be a man of beans, I wish to own land and cattle, to find robes and coin in my purse. I'm willing to work for these things with all the strength in my back with all the skill in my hands with all the cutting in my mind. But I wish my Labor's to be fairly rewarded. What's the matter with us? Again, I asked you, why can't we have or just share the good things so plentiful? For those who have the goals with which to buy them? 

So what are we seeing so far in this conversation after the guy wakes up? Is he happy? No, he's not happy. He says, I woke up and I realized my reality is not nothing like my dream, right? My dream I was rich and my reality I have worked for 20 years half of my life, and I got nothing, I can't even lend you two pieces of silver. Right? He started thinking about, hey, you know, we worked really hard. And it just feels like we're not getting ahead in life. What's happening to our kids, our kids are going down the same path. And he says, his friend says Never in all those years, did I ever hear you talk like this? And what does he say right here? He says Never in all those years that I what? Think like this. That's the key, right?

He was going along the path that he and his friends and his family had always gone. Until he stopped. He made a pause in the road. He stopped working. And he started to what to think. And he said, Why in the world? Don't I have any money? I worked for 20 years. I feel I'm going nowhere. What is wrong? It might seem like he was wasting his time. But no, this was like the key moment for him. Where he had to make that pause in the road and say, What am I doing with my life? Where am I going? What am I doing wrong? And it's those key moments in life. When we stopped from all the busyness that we got that changes, massive changes can come into your life, right? I don't think it's a coincidence that you guys are here. I don't think it's a coincidence. You guys are watching. There's a reason why this talk came into your life at this point in time. You know, and he says, why can't we have what we need? Do you understand?

When I knew the answer, Kobbi replied, No better than now I'm satisfied. My earnings from my lair are quickly gone. Up to must I plan a scheme that my family be not hungry. Also, within my breast is a deep longing for the leader of large enough that it may truly sing the strains of music that you search through my mind. was such an instrument can I make music finer? than even the king has ever heard before? Such weird I should say, No man in Babylon could make it sing more sweetly could make it sing so sweetly. Not only the king with God Himself would be delighted. 

But how made stuff security while both of us are as poor as a king slaves, listen to the bell. Here they come. He pointed to a long column of half naked, sweating water bearing part, water bearings parting laboriously, up the narrow street from the river fiber breasts they marched each bent over a heavy goatskin of water. He finds figure of a man who does lead them to communicate the wear of the belt and marched in front without load it permanently in his own country to need to see. There are many good figures in their life Banzir agreed as a good men. 

As we told blind men from the north, laughing black men from the south, little brown men from the near countries, all marching together from the river to the gardens, back and forth, day after day, year after year. Not of happiness to look forward to as a straw upon which just asleep, how green torch to pity the poor brutes, Kobbi, what then I do yet though just make me see a little better off we are free men, though we call ourselves, this truth Kobbi unpleasant thought, though may be part of me prettier. And then I wish to go on year after year living slavish lives working, working, working, getting nowhere. Might we not find out from others how to acquire goals? And do as they do, Kobbi and clear, perhaps there's some secrets. We might learn if we got surf from those who knew department of that boy. 

This very day suggested Kobbi I did pass our old friend Bazir ridding in this golden chariot on before I read that, let's just analyze what we just read. So basically, as these two guys are talking to each other who passes by alien of. Slaves, Right? What kind of slaves were they? They were carrying water. What color skin were these slaves? White? Black? Brown? skinny fat?, short?, tall?. Did it really matter? What color they were? No, they were all what? Slaves now? They sell for slaves. Right? 

What did the slave do? When he wakes up? He goes to work. At the end of the day, they give him food. He goes to bed. He wakes up the next morning to do what? Go to work. So he says okay, I feel sorry for these slaves. And yet he says how are we any different? We're supposed to be free. What do we do? We wake up, go to work. Make some money. At the end of the week. How much money do we got? Nothing. The next week, what do we do? Get up and go to work? Make some money. At the end of the next week. How much money do we got? Nothing. So what's the difference? Right. We got nothing. We're the same as them. 

So he says, this very day I did pass her old friend Arkad writing in his golden chariot. This I will say he did not look over my humble head has many in his station might consider it his right to stay when he did wave his hand that all onlookers might see him pay greetings and bestow His smile of friendship upon Kobbi the musician. He is claimed to be the richest man in Babylon bands are mused so rich. The King is set to seek in Golden Age and the affairs of the Treasury Kobbi replied so rich Spencer interrupted. I fear if I should meet him the darkness of the night. I would lay his hand my hands upon his fat wallet. 

Nonsense re-probed Kobbi immense wealth is not in the purse he carries a man's purse quickly empties if there be no golden stream to refill it. Arkad (friends name) has an income that constantly keeps his first full no matter how liberally he spent income. That's the thing said bends here. I wish an income that will keep flowing into my purse whether I sit up on the wall or travel too far lands. Arkad must know how a man can make an income for himself. 

Do you supported something he could make it clear his mind the slowest mind me thinks that? He did teach his knowledge is some enormously here Kobbi responded that he not go to Nineveh and so it is told that the end become from without aid from his father, one of the richest men in that city. Kobbi you bring to my, to me a rare what? thought a new light gleaned invents his eyes. It cost nothing to ask wise advice from a good friend and our kid was always that, never mind though our purses be as empty as a Falcons nest of a year ago. Let's not that detain us. We are weary of being without gold in the midst of plenty we wish to become men of means come. Let us go to our cat and ask how we may also acquire income for ourselves. thou speakest with true inspiration bends here you bring to my mind a new understanding. So what's happening? 

All of a sudden these guys who went from being depressed and broke even though physically they're still the same mentally. They will walk in mentally they've shifted, right because they're saying, I now have a new understanding. He says, You make me realize the reason why we never found any measure of wealth. Here's the key phrase, we never what? sought it. We never looked for it. We never thought about it. You labored patiently to build the starches, chariots and Babylon. 

To that purpose, you devoted your best efforts, your best endeavors. And at that you did succeed. I strove to become a skillful liar player. And that it I did succeed. Right? So were these guys total failures? No, one guy was the best chariot builder, the other guy was the best musician. What was the thing they, neither of them had thought about? How to make their money work for them. Right? What do you think our cat their friend had spent his time doing to become the richest man in Babylon. He has spent his time thinking about money, right? He says in all in those things, toward which we exerted our best efforts, we succeeded, God was content to let us continue this. 

Now at last, we see a light, bright light that from the rising sun emits us to learn more, that we may prosper more, with a new understanding, we shall find honorable ways to accomplish our desires. So how does this story end says, Let us go to our cab this very day Banzir urge also let us take other friends from my boyhood days who have fared no better than ourselves to join us that day to may share in this wisdom. You were ever thus thoughtful of your friends bands here. Therefore, you have many friends, it shall be as you say, we go this day, and take them with us. So what happened in this little story? What is the takeaway for us today in this practical world?

With these man came to a place in life, they realized that, first of all, they had to think at that moment, when they realize they were delusional, who they thought they were. And they stopped doing what they was good. And then realized that their property was at their door just like a slave. And then when it came to their senses, well, how can we get that stream coming again, where we can feel like they came to that reality that now not only to make the money, but how to make the money make money, exactly how to keep some of it, and how to make it grow. Right, not just blow it off all the time. 

So it says here, we reserve some of the key phrases from the story. We do not wish to go on year after year living slavish lives working, working, working, getting nowhere, right? The reason most people have never found any measure of wealth is because they never even looked for him. And those things in which we exerted our best efforts, we succeeded. We need to learn more that we may prosper more with the new understanding, we're going to find honorable ways to accomplish our desires. 

So the breakthrough thought from the story is if you want to be financially free, you have to desire to be financially free. Most people who don't have a lot of money is because they've never really spent any time thinking about money. Right? You have to make it just like that child, one of the bicycle. You have to make it your what? I want financial freedom. I want it because you have to have your why. Right? Because I don't want to be a slave. I don't want to be in debt. I don't want to have a stream of income that comes to me without me having to work for it. Without a strong desire to achieve financial prosperity, you're never going to achieve it. 

So how did desires work? Desires basically requires time and study. We all have time. But not everybody uses their time wisely, right? So you have to decide to figure out how wealth is created. And once you figure it out, do that your focus and then figure out how to put that money to work for you. Right? And it says I had the desire to prosper before I figured out how to make wealth. So before doing something you first have to have the desire before that child got that bicycle he first had to work. See it here and want it here. Right say With prosperity, 

Desires have to be very definite. They have to be strong, it's not enough to just say I want to be rich, you have to start with the focus in mind and set yourself a goal, something that's tangible. For example, it says here, if a man wants 5 pieces of gold, that's a tangible desire that he can press to fulfillment, after he's backed his desire for 5 pieces of gold. Next, he can find 20 pieces of golden later 1000 pieces of gold. 

So in our case, it's not enough to say I want to be rich, if you don't even have 10,000 bucks, make it your goal, I want to have 10,000 bucks by the end of the year, or if you have 10,000 will make your next goal I want to have $100,000. You know, if you have no passive income coming into your life, if all your income comes from work, set a goal to say I'd like to have $100 coming from passive income and then $1,000 coming from passive income in 10 years, I'd like to have $100,000 coming from passive income and so forth. 

But you got to start somewhere, right, you got to set a small goal that you can achieve within a year and then set another goal for the next year and then set a goal for 5 years and then set a goal for 10 years and so forth. But you got to start that desire at some point. It says here, you first have to learn how to secure one definite small desire. And once you've trained yourself to get that small goal, then that sets you up to go for a larger one. This is the process by which wealth is accumulated first and small sums, then the larger ones as you become more as you learn more and you become more what capable of.

Desires have to be simple and definite. If you have too many or they're too confusing, or they're beyond your ability to accomplish, what are you going to achieve? Nothing right?, you have to start with the small, tangible goal that you can hit. For example, if you've never saved any money, making your goal to save $100 Make your goal to save $1,000 You know set some small goal that you can achieve every week, in every month. Act like a free man exists succeed like one, decide what you desire to accomplish, and then your work will aid you to achieve it. Okay, we're going to see a little video from Napoleon Hill. Napoleon Hill, is like I said the guy who wrote this book Thinking grow rich.

How do you do?,I'm very happy to have this personal visit with you. Won't you be seated please. And now may I request that you forget all your problems and just relax, I'll bring you the master key with which you may unlock the door to any opportunity that your mind can conceive. The Master Key consists of 17 principles, the first of which is Definiteness of Purpose. Right here at the beginning of our visit, I'm going to make you a promise. If you will decide definitely what you want most during your entire lifetime. Write it down on paper so that I can I will give you the master key with which you may open the door to the attainment of your desires, whatever they may be. The exact moment when I will deliver this match key to you will depend entirely upon when you are ready to receive it. 

This is the first of 13 messages that I will deliver to you. In each message I will describe the magic in terms that you will understand if you are ready to understand. And now I shall give you the first two as to the nature of the great master key which has been responsible for all the great successes in every calling in every part of the world. Please listen carefully to what I have to say. Because you may discover the secret of the master key in this first visit. You may get your first view as to the nature of the great master key when I tell you that psychologists have discovered a natural law which is the very foundation of all personal successes. 

And I can describe it to you in one short sentence so you can understand whatever the mind can conceive, and believe the mind can achieve. Isn't that a profound statement? You will notice that it says nothing about the need for education, or simply that whatever your mind can conceive and believe your mind can achieve. 

Now if you want evidence that the mind can achieve whatever the mind can conceive without the benefit of formal education. You only have to remember the Thomas Edison conceived the idea of becoming an inventor and and live to become the world's greatest scientists in the field of invention. There's only three months of common school education. When I first heard Andrew Carnegie describe this natural law which makes it possible for you and I, and everyone else to write his own price tag in life and attain it. I became so enthused over it, that I began to search for the power back of it. And my curiosity led me finally to the discovery of the master key, which I shall reveal to you if you are ready to receive it. 

My search led me to the study of the spiritual forces with which all of us are blessed. And it was in this field that I came upon a clue, which has enabled me to help millions of people to find their earthly destiny. I want to describe my discovery in the simplest terms possible, because it will reveal to you why it is true that whatever the mind can conceive and believe, the mind can achieve, regardless of how many times you may have failed in the past, or how lofty or aims and hopes maybe I got my first fleeting glimpse of the profound law which provides the means by which we may choose our own purpose in life and attain it. 

While I was being coached by Andrew Carnegie during the organization of the science of success philosophy. I had just finished telling Mr. Carnegie that I feared he had chosen the wrong person to give the world and first practical philosophy of personal success, because of my youth, my lack of education and my lack of finances. Well, at this point, Mr. Carnegie delivered a lecture that I shall never forget. Because it changed my entire life and paved the way for my helping to change the lives of millions of people, some of them not yet born. 

Let me call your attention to a great power, which is under your control that Mr. Carnegie, a power which is greater than poverty, greater than the lack of education, greater than all of your fears and superstitions combined. It is the power to take possession of your own mind and directed to whatever ends you may desire. This profound power, Mr. Carnegie continued, is the gift of the Creator. And it must have been considered the greatest of all of his gifts to men, because it is the only thing over which man has the complete unchallengeable right of control and direction. 

When you speak of your poverty and lack of education, Mr. Carnegie explained, you are simply directing your mind power to attract these undesirable circumstances. Because it is true that whatever your mind feeds upon your mind attracts to you. Now you see why it is important that you recognize that all success begins with definiteness of Purpose, with a clear picture in your mind of precisely what you want from life. 

Then Mr. Carnegie continued his speech with a description of a great universal truth, which made such an impact upon my mind, that I began to learn to give myself a new outlook on life. And I've set up for myself a goal so far above my previous achievements, that it shocked my friends and relatives when they heard about it. Everyone said Mr. Carnegie comes to the earth plane blessed with the privilege of controlling his mind power and directing it to whatever ends he may choose.. 

But he continues, everyone brings over with him at birth, the equivalent of two sealed envelopes, one of which is clearly labeled, the riches you may enjoy. If you take possession of your own mind and directed two ends of your own choice, and the other is labeled the penalties you must pay if you neglect to take possession of your mind and directed. And now let me reveal to you said Mr. Carnegie, the contents of those two sealed envelopes in the one labeled riches is this list of blessings. 

One, sound hill, Two peace of mind. Three, a labor of love of your own choice Four freedom from fear and worry, Five, a positive mental attitude. Six, material riches of your own choice and quantity. In the sealed envelope. labeled Pinacle, Mr. Carnegie continued, is this list of the prices one less pay or neglecting to take possession of his own mind. 

One hill hap, Two fear and worry, Three, indecision and doubt, Four  frustration and discouragement throughout life. Five, poverty and want. Six, and a whole flock of evils consisting of no In the greed, jealousy, anger, hatred, and superstition. 

Now my mission in life is to help you and everyone who needs my help. To open up on use the contents of the sealed envelope labeled riches. And the starting point from which you must take off if you wish to write your own ticket from here on out. For the remainder of your life. 

I will describe for you and these simple instructions, One, procure a neat pocket size, or notebook or something on the order of this one here, loose leaf. And on page one, write down a clear description of your major desire in life. The one circumstance or position or thing which you will be willing to accept as your idea of success. And remember before you begin writing, that your online limitations are those which you set up in your own mind or permit others to set up for you.

Two on page two of your notebook, write down a clear statement of precisely what you intend to give in return for that what you desire from life. And then start in write why you stand now to begin giving. And three. Memorize both of your statements, what you desire, and what you intend to give in return for it, and repeat them at least a dozen times daily. And always end your statements with this expression of gratitude. For the blessings with which you were gifted at birth, I asked for Divine Providence for more riches, but more wisdom with which to accept and use wisely the riches I received at birth, in the form of the power to control and direct my mind to whatever ends I desire. 

If you are not too successful or self satisfied to accept and express this profound prayer, if you accept it, and express it in the same spirit of humble sincerity in which I base it on you, and you and the better world will reveal itself to you. A world in which you will see reflected the circumstances and the things which you yourself have created. 

In my next visit, I will give you a description of the second principle of success through the application of which you may make use of the education and experience of other people and get the necessary help you may need and attaining your definite major purpose in life.

And now, let me close this our first visit to my favorite expression of gratitude, or divine providence. I asked not for more riches, but more wisdom with which to make wiser use of the riches you gave it birth, consisting in the power to control and direct my own mind, to whatever ends I desire

That was Napoleon Hill who wrote the book, Thinking Grow Rich. What is what we have learned from this, says here that desire is the First step of all achievement. Right? That we have to have a burning desire in life, and obsession, something that we want to do with our lives. He says that desires can transform themselves into reality. He gave us a Six steps formula in this video for how we can achieve any desire. 

The first step is that he says we have to be very definite, we have to know exactly what we want. And we have to specify very precisely 

The step number two, is that there's no such thing as a free lunch, right? You have to pay the price for what you want. So you have to determine the exchange, what are you willing to give in return for that what you want? 

Number three, you have to set a deadline, you have to set a goal or a time frame. So that's step three, what you want, what you're going to give in return for it, by when you expect to receive this 

Step four, you have to lay out a plan. What is a plan? A plan is simply a series of steps or activities that are going to get you from where you are, to where you want to be. Right? And 

Step five, is you have to write this out. You have to write out. Here's what I want. Here's what I plan to give in return. Here's my deadline. Here's my plan. 

Once you have this little card, then basically you have to read it aloud what? Every day, right? How many times a day?. Twice, at least twice a day. Here's my little card. Right? So in the morning when you wake up, you read your card. And that night when you go to bed, you read your card. Now why is it important to have this in front of your mind in the morning, and then the first thing you do and the last thing you do, when you wake up, it's important so that you have what? Focus, what's his one thing that I'm pursuing, right throughout the day. 

So when you go to bed, you read it again. So that you mind can basically start with thinking while you're going to sleep. In the next morning, sometimes it's happened to me many times, I wake up in the middle of the night, suddenly, an idea comes to my mind. And guess what, I have a little notebook, I start writing away. Sometimes in the middle of the shower, ideas come to me and I start writing away little insights that come to me about how to accomplish certain things. But the point is that when you have a clear focus on your goal, then chances of you accomplishing them at a way higher than if you'd never have this. 

You know, I've said something up since I was 21. I've always kind of made a little list of all the goals that I want to accomplish each year. I review it on January 1. And on my birthday, those are the two days when I review my list. And of all the things that I've ever wanted, guess what percentage I typically accomplished per year, about 80 to 90%, 80 to 90%, I can't say I've really hit 100%. But it's okay, the other 10 or 20%, I don't hit in that one year, guess when I hit it the next year or the year after. But all the things that I really wanted to hit in my life, I've been able to accomplish following this very simple step by step formula is basically just putting down in writing. And it's important to put it in writing or in some spreadsheet or in some a thing called a vision board, which basically is a series of pictures that depict what you want. 

The reason is because when you just leave it in your mind, guess what happens? It's just going to float away. So you have to sort of capture those thoughts into writing or into some pictures, something that's meaningful to you, so that your mind stays focused on what it is that you want. So it's not just having a wish, what's necessary, what we need is to have a desire and not just any kind of desire, or what's called a burning desire. Think of the image of this child. Right? This kid didn't just say, Well, Dad, if you want to buy cows, yeah, I'm willing to get it. What are most kids when they want a bike? They're like insistent, right? When they grew up a little more. 

It's such as today, I want to intend, I want to some kind of video game, right? And they're just after it after after it. How many times if you guys have kids, how often the kids persist in what they want. They persist until what? till they get it? Right. That's how we have to be. And a burning desire is not just a wish, right? The main difference is that a burning desire is right in front of you, day and night until it becomes reality, a wish. It's just something that's just fleeting and goes away. 

Now, what is it that you desire? You know, what is it that you want? Oftentimes, what's happened to us is that somewhere along the way, when kids when we were kids, we were growing up. And something that happens when we have kids, we tell them, they can be anything, right? They can be president, they can be astronaut, they can be whatever they want. And yet somewhere along the way, when kids start to grow up, what happens? Oh, we can't afford it. Oh, we can't do that. Oh, we can't have that we start telling people No. So people start adopting self imposed limitations. Well, why shoot for that if it's not possible, right. So we stopped dreaming. 

Now I'm going to introduce you to Peter J Daniels. Peter J Daniels has been kind of my hero for the last 24 years. God gave me another dream as a young man, 46 years ago to change the world for 300 years. We pulled the switch on May the 25th this year. Over the next 20 years, I'm going to put 1 million Christians in the English speaking world and the freehold visitor that joins through the local church and we're gonna bring in over 200 billion for evangelism be the biggest financial impact in the history of the Christian church? I know that some of you say how can one person change the world in their lifetime? 

Well, let me remind you that Abraham changed the world in his lifetime. Moses changed the world in his lifetime. David changed the world in his lifetime, Peter change the world in his lifetime. In more modern times, a man called Mahatma Gandhi with what he calls Satire Graha, which was so forth he broke to change the Colonial power. He changed the world in his lifetime, and report change the world in a lifetime when he set the ball moving out of my bill, and Roger Bannister changed the world in his lifetime, when he ran the first four minute mile, and he proved the episode of human endeavor, a yet to come. 

My hero, Sir Winston, Leonard, Spencer, Churchill, the last great English Bulldog. This random mobilized English language and Senate in a battle, when he said we will fight on the beaches, we'll fight on the landing ground, we'll fight in the field, we'll fight in the street, we're going covenants, we will fight in the air, we will never surrender never before in the field of human conflict, as so many owed so much to so few. So let us brace ourselves to our duties. And so bear ourselves that if the British Empire and its Commonwealth would last for 1000 years, and would still say this was a finest hour, he changed the world in his lifetime. 

Bach and Beethoven changed the world in their lifetime, as I expanded our consciences in the area of Symphony and song, and Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. He changed the world, when they're on Capitol Hill, before the Lincoln Memorial, when he gave a famous speech, he said, I have a dream. He said, I have a dream that my father, the children, will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of the character. I have a dream today. So we have traveled 12,000 miles, 31 hours to get here. To ask you a very simple question. I hope it haunts you for the rest of your life. 

I hope you wake up at the night with this question ringing in your ears as to questions that Joseph's father it son, when he said my son, what is this dream that you have? What is this dream that you have? For many of you, it was alive. And well, when you're a little younger, you go for a swim at the beach and lay on the warm stand, you stand in front of a woodfire on a cold winter's night, run to the starry heavens on a hot summer night. And you would do what men and women in all ages have done, you would contrast that picture of what you are against what you would like to become. 

And what we'd like to do over the next 72 hours is turn back on that dream machine. There are people here, and I don't have to be a genius to know this. There are people here. I think they've lost their dreams. There are people here that keep pushing it back when it comes out. 

You know you're born for something bigger. You know, you've got something to do. You're not here to be employment. Father, you're here to do something great. We're gonna turn back on that dream machine. I can't do it. If you don't come to the meetings tonight, we're going to do something quite unique. And you better bring your seatbelt. 

From Monday and Tuesday night we're going to show you how to go into business and when every single time and all the people stop telling your kids how great they're going to be. You tell them firm, telling anything they want to be. And they can be the president united states they want to be but they look at you. But that's right, Mom and Dad, why didn't you do better? Why put the hard stuff on me. 

And American Australia has a same statistic. We have the highest teenage boy suicide rate in the entire world. It's not in Kosovo, it's not in Calcutta. It's in your country in my country. And I tell you what we tell our kids that they can do it. We put this heavy stuff on them. And they look at us and they say well, why didn't you do it? I hate being with people my own age, they always glorifying the boss. It was not that good I was there.

So what's the takeaway from? From that? To me, the takeaway is simply, what is his dream that you have? Right? That's the key phrase that I took away from that is we want to turn on your dream machine. What's your dream machine? You're imagination, right? To take off the limits, like get rid of the don't worry about how you're going to achieve things. Start dreaming bigger. Right? says when you were younger, used to sit there and dream about what you wanted to achieve in life. 

Yet today, we look at our pocket book or a checkbook and we say well, that's the limit of my dream. Well, no. How about start getting rid of that limit? Start dreaming bigger, you know. So what is your dream? Do you want to stop working? Do you want to be your own boss? Do you want to have a large empire? You want to pay off your debts? You want to have fancy cars, you want to travel the world like What is your dream? I can't decide it for you. But you have to pick it out for yourself. You know, you have to know that you weren't, like you said, you weren't just born to be an employee, you weren't just born to make some limited amount of wages, was born for something bigger, you know. 

And to me, this is more than just making money for our own sake, it's to make a difference in this world. I have a big vision about what I want to do between now and the time I hit 127. That's how old I plan to be. And I'm on track to hit it. So what is the stream? Jesus said, Nothing is impossible to him who believes, right? Peter J Daniel says, Never discard a good idea, because ideas are the beginning of dreams for you to personally achieve. Martin Luther King said, I have a dream, right? So what is your dream? If the thing is right, if the thing you wish to do is right, and you believe in it, go ahead and do it. You know, put your dream across, don't worry about what others are going to say. Sometimes you have to be careful not to share your dream with other people. 

Because other people who have limitations, what are they going to do to your dream? They're going to squash it and say you can't do that, well, maybe they can't do that. But you can right God wouldn't put a dream in your heart. If he didn't give you the capacity. To achieve that dream. We think about history who's changed the world? Recently, this week, my kids and my wife went to see some stuff that Henry Ford did here in Michigan, right? Michigan used to be a powerhouse for the car industry and what has happened. We've let other people take it away. 

Right? Well, who says it couldn't happen again? Right? Thomas Edison, what did He create? You know light bulb? Right, Lincoln allowed, you know, freedom for everybody, the Wright Brothers, what did they create? Flight, and so on and so forth. More recently, who's created a lot of stuff. You know, this guy from Apple, Steve Jobs, what he invented, you know, him and his company, personal computer, when those the mouse, iPod iPad, iPhone. I'm sure if he had stayed alive, another 50 years, he could have just kept on going inventing more and more stuff. 

You know, there was a guy a few years ago, he dreamed of running in the Olympics without legs. And he did you know, so what's the message here, the message is turn on your dream machine. Again, you know, whatever your dream is, make sure you take the limitations off, and just start dreaming again. You have to dream bigger, and bigger and bigger. And that's to me, the message that I try to get to people is if you want to do something with your life, it has to start with dreaming bigger again, you know, and don't believe that it's not going to happen. Don't worry about the how the how will come to you later. 

There's a guy that I like, visiting right now he's about 95 years old. I go to I'm part of his board of directors, John Edmund Haggia, he started the Haggia Institute. If you've never heard of it, research what that is that the Haggia Institute, they are basically an amazing ministry that has trained 1000s and 1000s of people around the world. And they have created empires throughout the world in terms of missionary outreach. If there's a somebody who's dedicated to doing the Great Commission, it's definitely these guys and I support them. 100%. 

So my personal motto in life is this one, dare to dream. You know, I like this phrase, because to me, it feels me it makes me feel like there is no limits to anything that we can do. And I really believe that success and financial freedom and prosperity is for you. If you want it for yourself. You can do it if you dare to dream. And as we say for financial freedom and Success Institute, our motto here is dare to prosper. You know, prosper. Prosperity is for everybody, but you have to dare to do it. You have to step outside your comfort zone and start taking steps towards making it happen and being here today something that you know, I appreciate you guys for coming. And I appreciate all the people who are watching online. And I really do believe that we can start creating something much bigger if we start taking steps to take responsibility of our own life and start taking the good or getting rid of some of the limitations.

Modifié le: lundi 21 août 2023, 11:55