Liturgy for Infant Baptism

Welcome and Introduction

  • Officiant: "We gather today to witness and celebrate the sacrament of baptism, through which [Child's Name] is welcomed into the covenant family of God. In baptism, we are reminded of God’s promises to us and our responsibilities as members of His church."

Call to Worship

  • A brief scripture reading that speaks to the significance of baptism (e.g., Matthew 28:19-20, Acts 2:38-39).

Opening Prayer

  • "Gracious God, we thank You for the gift of baptism, a sign of Your love and grace. As we proceed with this holy sacrament, may Your Spirit be upon us, [Child's Name], and their family. Amen."

Homily on Baptism

  • A short reflection on the meaning of baptism, highlighting its importance as an initiation into the Christian faith, a sign of God’s covenant, and the promise of the Holy Spirit. Presentation of the Child
  • The parents (and possibly godparents/sponsors) present the child to the congregation. The officiant asks them to affirm their faith and their commitment to raise the child in the Christian faith.

Congregational Assent

  • The congregation is asked to affirm their commitment to support and nurture the child in their Christian journey, reflecting the communal aspect of faith emphasized across the traditions.

The Baptism

  • Invocation of the Holy Spirit: A prayer for the Holy Spirit to consecrate the water and bless the child.
  • Blessing of the Water: Drawing from ancient liturgies, the water is blessed as a symbol of purification and new life.
  • Act of Baptism: The officiant baptizes the child “in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit,” gently pouring water over the child's head or immersing them, depending on the tradition.
  • Signing with the Cross: The officiant may mark the child’s forehead with the sign of the cross, symbolizing their belonging to Christ.

Prayers for the Baptized Child and Family

  • Prayers are offered for the child’s growth in faith, for the parents and family, and for the church’s role in guiding and nurturing the child.

Welcoming the Newly Baptized

  • The officiant formally welcomes the child into the church, and the congregation may respond with applause or a song of celebration.

Closing Blessing

  • A blessing over the child and the congregation, asking for God’s grace, guidance, and protection.


  • The officiant dismisses the congregation with a charge to live out their baptismal vows and to support one another in faith.

最后修改: 2024年04月3日 星期三 12:28