Liturgy for Infant Dedication

Gathering and Welcome

Officiant: "We gather today to dedicate [Child's Name], acknowledging the gift of life God has bestowed upon [Parents' Names] and our community. As we dedicate [Child's Name] to the Lord, we commit ourselves to nurture, teach, and guide [him/her] in the ways of faith, hoping for the day [he/she] will personally embrace faith in Jesus Christ."

Call to Worship

A Scripture reading that celebrates life and God’s faithfulness, such as Psalm 127:3-5.

Opening Prayer

"Heavenly Father, we thank You for [Child's Name] and celebrate the joy [he/she] brings to [his/her] family and our community. Bless this time of dedication, and may Your love and grace surround [Child's Name] all the days of [his/her] life. Amen."

Praise and Worship

A song or hymn that reflects the joy of God’s creation and the blessing of children.

Scripture Reading

Passages that speak to the significance of nurturing faith within the family, such as Deuteronomy 6:4-7 and Ephesians 6:4.

Charge to the Parents

The officiant addresses the parents, emphasizing their responsibility to raise the child in a Christian home, to model faith in Christ, and to teach the child the truths of Scripture.

Parents respond with a vow to fulfill this charge, asking for God’s help and the support of the church community.

Charge to the Congregation

The congregation is asked to commit to supporting the family, offering love, guidance, and encouragement to the child as [he/she] grows.

The congregation responds affirmatively, recognizing their role in the child’s spiritual upbringing.

Prayer of Dedication

The officiant prays over the child, asking for God’s protection, wisdom for the parents, and that the child would come to know Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior at an early age.

The prayer may include a blessing for the child, invoking God’s grace and peace upon [his/her] life.

Presentation of the Child

The officiant presents the child to the congregation, celebrating the commitment made by the parents and the community to nurture the child’s faith.

Blessing of the Family

A prayer of blessing over the entire family, asking for strength, joy, and unity as they grow together in love and faith.

Closing Song

A hymn or song of blessing, affirming God’s faithfulness and the hope we have in Him.

Dismissal and Benediction

Officiant: "Go forth in the peace and love of Christ, committed to serving Him and nurturing the faith of the youngest among us. May the Lord bless you and keep you, [Child's Name], all the days of your life."

A benediction is pronounced over the congregation and the dedicated child.


A time of fellowship and celebration with the family and congregation, marking the joyous occasion of the dedication.

Última modificación: miércoles, 3 de abril de 2024, 12:28