Liturgy for Confirmation and Profession of Faith

Introduction and Welcome

Officiant: "We gather in the presence of God and this community to witness and celebrate the confirmation and profession of faith of our brothers and sisters in Christ. Today, they affirm the grace bestowed at baptism and commit themselves to a life of discipleship and service."

Call to Worship

A Scripture reading that invites the community into worship, such as Hebrews 12:1-2.

Opening Prayer

"Gracious God, we thank You for this day of affirmation and commitment. Bless those who stand before us, ready to profess their faith and receive Your strengthening through the Holy Spirit. May this ceremony be a testament to Your work in their lives. Amen."

Hymn of Praise

A congregational hymn celebrating the faithfulness of God and the commitment of His people.

Scripture Reading

Passages that highlight the importance of faith and the role of the Holy Spirit in empowering believers, such as Galatians 5:22-25 and 1 Peter 2:9-10.


A short message on the significance of confirmation and profession of faith, the role of the Holy Spirit, and the call to Christian living.

Presentation of Candidates

The candidates for confirmation and profession of faith are presented to the congregation. They may be asked to share a brief testimony of their faith journey.

Vows of Affirmation

  • The officiant asks the candidates to affirm their faith
  • Candidates respond affirmatively, professing their faith and commitment.

Prayer of Confirmation

  • The officiant prays over the candidates, asking for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit to equip, empower, and seal them for service and witness.

Laying on of Hands

  • Reflecting the ancient practices, the officiant and other church leaders lay hands on each candidate, praying for them individually.

Affirmation by the Congregation

  • The congregation affirms their support and commitment to walk alongside the candidates in their spiritual journey, offering prayers, encouragement, and accountability.


  • The service includes the celebration of the Lord's Supper, emphasizing the unity of the faith community and the candidates' full participation in the life of the church.

Blessing and Sending Forth

  • Officiant: "As you have professed your faith and been confirmed in the presence of God and this community, may you walk in the power of the Holy Spirit, bearing witness to the love and grace of Jesus Christ in all you do."
  • A blessing is pronounced over the candidates and the congregation.

Closing Hymn

  • A hymn that sends the congregation out 


  • The officiant dismisses the congregation with a charge to live out their faith in daily life, supporting one another as the body of Christ.

Последнее изменение: среда, 3 апреля 2024, 12:29