Liturgy for Proclamation Baptism

Gathering and Introduction

Officiant: "In the presence of God and this community, we gather to celebrate the sacrament of baptism. Today, we honor the journey of faith that began with the promise of baptism in infancy and now culminates in a personal proclamation of faith and commitment. This ceremony bridges our cherished tradition of infant baptism with the profound, personal declaration made in believer's baptism."

Call to Worship

A Scripture reading calling the congregation to celebrate and witness the sacred act of baptism, such as Ephesians 4:4-6.

Opening Prayer

"Gracious God, we thank You for the gift of baptism, a sign of Your love and grace. As we proceed with this act of faith, open our hearts to the movement of Your Spirit, and bless those who come forward today. Amen."

Hymn of Praise

A congregational hymn that celebrates God's faithfulness and the covenant promises signified in baptism.

Affirmation of Faith

The congregation, together with the baptism candidates, recites a creed or statement of faith, affirming the shared beliefs that unite them as a community of believers.

Scripture Reading and Reflection

Passages that emphasize the significance of baptism in the life of a believer, such as Romans 6:3-4 and Matthew 28:19-20, followed by a brief reflection on the meaning and importance of this sacrament.

Presentation of Candidates

The candidates for proclamation baptism are presented. They may share brief testimonies of their faith journeys, expressing why they have chosen to affirm their baptism at this stage in their lives.

Renunciation of Sin and Profession of Faith

The officiant asks the candidates to renounce sin and profess their faith in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, marking their personal commitment and understanding of the Christian faith.

Prayer over the Water

The officiant prays over the water to be used for baptism, invoking the Holy Spirit and blessing the water as a symbol of cleansing, new life, and the presence of God.


Each candidate is baptized in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, through sprinkling or immersion, according to their preference, signifying their death to sin and new life in Christ.

Officiant: "[Name], based on your profession of faith, I baptize you in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit."

Prayer of Thanksgiving and Intercession

A prayer thanking God for the newly baptized believers and asking for His guidance, strength, and presence in their lives as they continue their journey of faith.

Welcoming the Newly Baptized

The officiant and congregation celebrates the baptized Christian’s profession of faith, new faith or reaffirmation of faith, affirming their commitment to support, nurture, and journey with them.

The Peace

A time for the congregation to greet one another and the newly baptized with signs of peace, celebrating the unity and love that baptism symbolizes within the body of Christ.

Communion (Optional)

The celebration may include the Eucharist, inviting the newly baptized to participate in the Lord's Supper as a sign of full inclusion in the life and sacraments of the church.

Blessing and Sending

A final blessing is pronounced over the newly baptized and the congregation, sending them forth to live out their faith in the world.

Officiant: "Go now in peace, to love and serve the Lord, living always as faithful disciples of Christ."

Closing Hymn

A hymn of commitment and discipleship, celebrating the new life found in Christ

Última modificación: miércoles, 3 de abril de 2024, 12:36