The Hospitality of the Ministry Officiant

 Henry Reyenga.

Biblical Foundation of Hospitality

  • Virtue extolled throughout Scripture, emphasizing open homes and hearts. 
  • Roman.12:13 contributing to the needs of the saints; given to hospitality. 
  • 1Peter 4:9 Be hospitable one to another without grumbling. 

 The Lord’s Supper and Hospitality

Communion as a holy act of hospitality, symbolizing God’s welcoming nature and spiritual nourishment.

Baptism and Hospitality

Baptism as an extension of hospitality, a sign and seal of the gospel promise, practiced in diverse settings.

Spiritual Hospitality: A Ministry of Presence

Creating welcoming spaces for growth and fellowship, embodying God’s grace and love.

Physical Hospitality

Opening homes for fellowship and sacraments, illustrating Gospel inclusivity.

Building Community Through Hospitality

  • Hospitality as a foundation for relational ministry and community building, fostering intimate, spiritual transformations.
  • Demonstrating Christ’s Love in Tangible Ways
  • Mirroring Jesus’ radical inclusivity, showcasing the church as a welcoming family.

The Impact of Hospitality on Ministry

Enriching ministry by deepening relationships, breaking down barriers, encouraging vulnerability, and facilitating discipleship.


Hospitality as a central aspect of ministry, reinforcing service, love, and community in leadership.

Última modificación: viernes, 5 de abril de 2024, 09:17