Final Assignment Feedback and Engagement Survey

Complete this first part of the two-step, twelve-point "Final Assignment" by submitting this feedback activity.

By completing this activity, you will give Christian leaders valuable feedback about how to mobilize more ministers. This survey also invites you to engage in your journey at Christian leaders. 

Your participation is so important! Thank you!

Begin Your Assignment

Instructions - 

To properly submit your feedback and provide the best student experience, please read the following:

Use the email address associated with your CLI account to send your feedback to us at

  • In the subject of your email, copy and paste the name of this class: Ministry Officiant Skills 
  • Copy and paste the questions below and your signature into the body of your email.
  • Answer questions and sign with your name. 

Written Activity: (Read and respond to the questions)

Number One: 

This Ministry Officiant course teaches advanced skills to be a confident funeral officiant. 

Question: How did this course equip you to add to your competency to be a Ministry Officiant? 

Number Two: This course discussed many concepts, Helping to:

      • Spiritual Integrity: Cultivate a life exemplifying Christian virtues, becoming a beacon of integrity both in and out of the church setting.
      • Family Discipleship: Enhance your ability to lead your family in faith, creating a home environment where spiritual growth is nurtured.
      • Moderation and Confidentiality: Master the balance of self-control and confidentiality, key to maintaining dignity and trust in your ministry.
      • Hospitality in Ministry: Learn to extend both spiritual and physical hospitality, fostering community and showcasing Christ's love.
      • Community Influence: Build a reputable presence in your community, using your influence to connect individuals with meaningful opportunities.
      • Community Engagement: Dive into civic involvement as an expression of Christian service, demonstrating love for your neighbor through action.
      • Effective Communication: Sharpen your conversational skills to guide spiritual discussions and articulate the Christian faith effectively.
      • Generous Stewardship: Embrace a lifestyle of generosity, using your time, talents, and treasures to glorify God and advance His kingdom.

Question: Which of these or other concepts from the course did you enjoy learning?

Number Three:

How will this course be utilized? Share your "Ministryl Officiant" interest and your desired path. 

Why are you completing this course?  Are you planning on completing a minister role with the Christian Leaders Alliance? 

Number Three:

Donations or Minister Credential packages keep all the courses tuition-free. So, like offerings support a local church, Chrisitan Leaders is supported by offerings. 

This generosity-driven or Packages concept:

  • Supports the spread of Christianity! 
  • Raising an army of Christian Officiants who share a biblical worldview. 
  • Supports called leaders in developing nations to access high-quality ministry training. 
  • Supports every rank of student in developing countries who cannot afford the high cost of tuition. 


Does this concept connect with you?  How does this funding model fit your situation?  

If you are taking this course and are not in a position to financially support this cause, are you willing to pray for others to remain faithful in support of this concept of funding? 

Click here to become a Multiplier 

Number Four:

Christian Leaders Institute desires to become more effective in every course as we seek to multiply more difference-makers

Question:  Are there specific topics you believe should have been covered or anything else that could be added or changed to improve this class, either in material or quizzes?


 Signed, (your name)

Please finish this assignment and copy and paste this assignment in the email provided.

最后修改: 2024年08月22日 星期四 07:51