Ministry Skills
A Romance Officiant assists unmarried individuals in connecting with the opposite sex for the purpose of exploring potential marital relationships. The primary objective of a romance officiant is to support Christian individuals in establishing healthy dating and courtship relationships, guiding them toward making their commitments official.
Dive into an enriching journey covering 8 topics, designed for those called to serve as Ministry Officiants. This course prepares you to become a Ministry Officiant and allows you to be credentialed with the Christian Leaders Alliance as a Licensed Ministry Officiant.
The funeral officiant skill course covers the skill necessary to officiate a funeral with confidence and competence. This course is required to become a funeral officiant with the Christian Leaders Alliance.
This course will prepare host ministers to create environments for ministry. The hosting ministry skill course will focus on the calling to host ministry, the role of the host minister, the nuts and bolts of ministry hosting, and the multiplications of host ministers.
SoulConnect is an intricate yet approachable program designed to guide you through Twelve Steps that deepen your relationship with God, strengthen your faith, and enable you to share the transformative power of the Gospel with others. Rooted in Biblical truths, each step is designed to address a facet of spiritual growth, from seeking God's face to sharing your faith journey with the world. This course is designed for one's personal enrichment and/or for ministers looking to use this material to lead a bible study program on the SoulConnect content.
Soulful Sleeping: This ministry sciences study will help you sleep better and give you a tool to minister to others for better slumber
Sexual intimacy is a God-given gift connected to marriage and procreation. This course discusses many vital aspects of sexuality within a Christian Worldview approach, in order to equip Christians and ministers to grow in their personal lives and in their ministry impact.
Officiant Ministry skills are the essential ministry skills that clergy need in many settings. Whether you are the volunteer, part-time, or career ministry lane, this two-credit course will teach you ministry skills for various ministry settings.
Pre-Marriage Counseling Skills is a course led by Steve Elzinga with some real life examples from Abby and Mitchell Dominiak. As a branch of life coaching, students will learn how to come along side engaged-to-be-married couples and coach them through life before marriage.
A match conversations ministry is led by a matchmaker minister. There are many conversations that occur when someone is dating or courting. The matchmaker minister in today's context rarely actually finds the match, but can help clients prepare for and find their match.
MinistryBiz Skills is a course that focuses on the selected actions needed to start ministry enterprises that focus on ministry and business.
How do Christians find their life-long marriage match? This course brings the Biblical worldview to the practical need of matching couples who share a walk with Christ. Professor Kristina Lynn has spent over twenty years developing a matchmaking ministry approach. This one-credit specialization ministry class is designed for those interested in pursuing matchmaking as part of their ministry.
Mission Multipliers shares the ministry training movement and raises money for the mission of global Christian Leaders. Help Christian Leaders offer tuition-free study opportunities to every rank, race, and region.