Certificate of Ministry
You need to complete 15 more courses and 48 more credits to mark this activity complete.
This certificate extends the foundation laid by the Christian Ministry Certificate, marking a significant milestone of nearly 50 units in ministry training. While encompassing a broad spectrum of ministry topics, students will be equipped with the ability to apply the training to their particular calling.
To receive the
Certificate of Ministry
Requires a 2.00 GPA and to
complete the following :
0 of 49 Minimum Units Completed
To receive the
Certificate of Ministry
Requires a 2.00 GPA and to
complete the following :
15 courses required
Christian Apologetics (3 Units)
Ethics (3 Units)
History of World Christianity (4 Units)
Church and Ministry (3 Units)
Ministry Foundations (3 Units)
Hermeneutics and Exegesis (3 Units)
New Testament Survey (3 Units)
Old Testament Survey (3 Units)
Pastoral Care (3 Units)
Theology I (4 Units)
Theology II (4 Units)
Christian Basics: Introduction to Christian Doctrine (3 Units)
Sermon Construction and Presentation (4 Units)
People Smart for Ministry (3 Units)
Christian Leaders Connections (3 Units)