Christian Business Major
You need to complete 10 more courses and 29 more credits to mark this activity complete.
To receive the
Christian Business Major
You must have the credential
Bachelor of Christian Leadership Degree
Complete the Following :
Level 3 Endorsement
0 of 30 Minimum Units Completed
Christian Business Major
You must have the credential
Bachelor of Christian Leadership Degree
Complete the Following :

6 courses required
Christian Leaders Enterprise (3 Units)
Business Finance For Every Enterprise (4 Units)
Business Management for Every Enterprise (4 Units)
Financial Liberty (3 Units)
Principles of Accounting (3 Units)
Capstone Bachelor of Christian Leadership (1 Unit)
4 courses required
Management by the Book (3 Units)
Enterprise Finance (4 Units)
Online Enterprise Marketing (3 Units)
Enterprise Marketing (4 Units)
Microeconomics (3 Units)
Macroeconomics (3 Units)
Christian Entrepreneurship (3 Units)
Biblical Standards for Business (3 Units)
Strategic Management (3 Units)
International Business (3 Units)
Leadership Theories (3 Units)
Introduction to Information Systems (3 Units)