Reading: Entering God's Presence - Presenting the Living Sacrifice by Brian DeCook
Entering God's Presence - Presenting the Living Sacrifice
Scripture references:Rom. 12:1; Heb. 10:19-22; Psalm 100:4; Psalm 16:11
1. The primary purpose of entering God's presence in the midst of conflict is not to ask God to give us a desired outcome, but to present our bodies as a living sacrifice that He can use to accomplish His purpose. Rom. 12:1
2. We can enter God's presence and draw near to Him at anytime not because we are worthy, but solely as a result of the sacrifice of Jesus Christ. Heb. 10:19-22
3. The Bible teaches us to enter God's presence with thanksgiving and praise. Psalm 100:4
4. When we enter God's presence in prayer and seek Him in His Word, He can reveal to us the path of life and fill us with joy, even in the midst of conflict. Psalm 16:11
5. As we fellowship with and wait on the Lord at the Peacefire, He changes our perspective, reveals His purpose, and fills us with His power to stand in the Conflict Wildfire as His ambassador of reconciliation.