Science: A way of gaining knowledge about the natural world by asking questions and using evidence and logic to find the answers.

Observation: Something we detect with out senses

Scientific Investigation: A plan for answering a scientific question and testing possible answers.

   Hypothesis: A possible answer to a scientific question that can be tested (to be either true or false).

   Evidence: Data that supports/disproves a statement.

Experiment: A special type of scientific investigation performed under controlled conditions.

Dependent Variable: Variable in a scientific experiment that is being affected by another variable (the independent variable).

Independent Variable: Variable in a scientific experiment that is manipulated to investigate its affect on another variable (the dependent variable).

Model: Representation of part of the real world.

Scientific Theory: A broad explanation of why something happens in nature that is widely accepted as true because it is supported by a great deal of evidence.

Scientific Law: Describe event that always happen under certain circumstances in nature.

最后修改: 2018年08月13日 星期一 08:24