Ethics and God Glorifying Living


Critical theories are spreading throughout the world.  This mini-course evaluates these theories from the perspective of Grace.  Critical Grace Theory sees grace through faith in Jesus Christ as the only way out of these struggles. 

Full Courses:

This course focuses on living according to God’s pattern for us. We study biblical commands and their wise application to various life situations. We expose demonic strategies of temptation and learn about spiritual warfare. We seek ways to express the Christ-life within us by the power and guidance of the Holy Spirit.

This course teaches various life skills and shows how to become healthier and stronger as a total person. Drawing upon a biblical worldview and findings in various disciplines, this course is a journey toward greater fitness in the spiritual, physical, financial, intellectual, emotional, relational, and vocational dimensions of life.

Restorative Justice 101 - Restoring Relationships - Transforming Justice:  This is the first course in the Restorative Justice track. When someone is convicted of breaking the law, they have actually offended the public. This public offense is a broken relationship. This course teaches how to restore not only the "public

MIN 261 Sex Education and Conversations (4 credits)

Sexual intimacy is a God-given gift connected to marriage and procreation. This course discusses many vital aspects of sexuality within a Christian Worldview approach, in order to equip Christians and ministers to grow in their personal lives and in their ministry impact. 

Sexual Ethics provides an overview of a biblical and theological approach to questions of marriage, sexuality, and gender. This includes questions of marriage and singleness, bioethical questions surrounding procreation, contraception, and assisted reproductive technologies, and questions surrounding sexual and gender identities. These matters are engaged from both an intellectual and pastoral standpoint with the goal of understanding both Scripture and our contemporary culture so that we can better minister in the present cultural moment.

آخر تعديل: الثلاثاء، 13 ديسمبر 2022، 11:39 ص