Title: Matchmaker Minister

Ministry: Matchmaking Conversations Ministry


The Matchmaker Minister is a Christian minister who is responsible for providing individualized and confidential match conversation sessions to Christian singles who are looking for their soulmates and Kingdom partners. The Matchmaker Minister will also work with Christian singles to prepare them for dating or courting and help them build healthy relationships as singles even if they do not get married.


  • Provide individualized and confidential ministry conversations to support the spiritual needs of Christian singles and to bring healing to past hurts that might hinder forming new relationships.
  • Converse with singles to empower them to thrive in their relationship-making skills.
  • Market Matchmaking Conversations Ministry to Christian singles through a variety of channels, including churches, social media, word-of-mouth, and partnerships.
  • Track the success of Matchmaking Conversations Ministry by tracking the following metrics: number of participants, number of conversations, number of relationships formed, and number of people who have found hope through Matchmaking Conversations Ministry.


  • Minister Clergy Role Credentials through the Christian Leaders Alliance.
  • Matchmaker Specialization Credentials through the Christian Leaders Alliance.
  • Soul Center Registration through the Christian Leaders Alliance.

Última modificación: sábado, 20 de mayo de 2023, 06:56