So we're gonna talk about these learnings that the monastic movement gave,  that are biblical learnings. And they sort of encouraged us to care deeply about  our soul. So the first one to look at is a living and healthy soul devoted to God.  So really, that is what Christian leaders want. They want a living and healthy  soul devoted to God, we want to intentionally avoid or disassociate ourselves  from the distraction or junk that harms our soul. We want to serve and make a  great impact for the kingdom of God. That is, what, as a Christian leader, as a  minister, we want, and we are aware that we must be intentional about that. Just recently, Facebook announced that it was going to become meta. And on the  surface, it looks like oh, you know, you'll be able to be close to everybody, put  some glasses on. And, and. But what will likely happen is that it'll be another  distraction. Another, all of a sudden, we'll have access to anything and  everything virtually. So if we're not intentional about our souls, being devoted to  God, our souls could easily go down the river of distraction. So we want healthy  souls. So to get a healthy soul is to connect to the creator of our souls, God  himself and Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. And we read in I Thessalonians 5:16- 18 be joyful, always pray continually give thanks in all circumstances for this is  God's will for you, in Christ Jesus. So a soul needs worship, devotion, to attend  church on the Lord's day to worship, to have a time alone with God. To do that  talking, listening repeatedly pattern. Now, we have a beautiful time to be alive in  some ways, because we have places like YouTube that we can access, worship  songs and worship songs that speak to our heart. But, in fact, we have to take  other junk, other distractions and move it aside. Because if so many other things happen, even though we have access to amazing opportunities of, you know,  YouTube and worship, even if you're in a very difficult place to even go to a  church because of persecution today, through the internet, you can still care  deeply about your soul and your family's soul. But in the end of the day, it is  about coming away from the distractions in making choices. Now, I have to  admit, if I look back at all my walk, there is some years I would do better in some years I would not do as good. But one thing I knew, and and I want to remind  myself of this, that my soul was meant to commune with God. Close devotion to  Bible study. Hebrews 4:12-13, For the word of God is living and active. Sharper  than any double edged sword it penetrates even to dividing the soul and spirit  joints and marrow, it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart. Nothing in all creation is hidden from God's sight. Everything is uncovered and laid bare  before him, the eyes of Him, to whom we must give an account to worship God  to pray, but then to open God's Word and to open it in such a way that you your  soul asked the question. Lord, go to my very essence. Be my all and all., may  your word separate out of my life, those things that displease you those things  that harm me. It's that passion that desire to do be with the Lord in in His Word.  Learning and ministry training, you know, one of the things that I really  appreciate about the monastic movement was those leaders thought, to study in

grow in the Word of God. And that fire and passion for ministry training is what  I've seen here at Christian Leaders Institute and College and the Alliance's is  voluntarily. It's a lifestyle of learning. And as you care about your soul, as  Christian Leaders Institute in college and Alliance continues, more classes, it  becomes, you know, we call that continuing education. But what it really is, is  continuing soul care, continuing to declutter those things in your life that harm  you. So, just to wrap up this first section, it's okay. Close devotion to God  includes talking to God, prayer. Worship, includes opening the Word of God and  making the culture the Word of God willing your life with habits that support it  includes going deep in the culture of God, His word, the church, studying all  these things, getting a curious mind for how we can grow. Because in the end of the day, it's about your soul to finish the race well, so the monastics what they  did is they cared enough to put in their life specific devotion to the point where  they physically moved themselves out of their lives and families to do that. Well,  what we're talking about is to intentionally put those practices in our life while we stay with our families and in this world, at the marketplace, and proclaim the  gospel of Jesus Christ.

Остання зміна: понеділок 7 серпня 2023 08:08 AM