MIN 100 - Christian Leaders Connections
Christian Leaders Connections (3 credits)
Instructor: Rev. Henry Reyenga, President of Christian Leaders Ministries, M.Div., Calvin Theological Seminary
CLA Volunteer Teacher Assistant: Dee Davenport
注册我 Course Overview: Are you seeking to grow in your faith as a Christian Leader? Are you called to minister to others? This course is one of the fundamental courses that launch your ministry training at Christian Leaders.
This course helps you examine your walk with God and calling to ministry, acquaints you with various opportunities through Christian Leaders, and orients you to the online learning format. This course is required for most programs at Christian Leaders.
This class eases you into online study by allowing you to take the quizzes twice. This opportunity to retake the quizzes gets you familiar with the quizzing process used for completing courses.
Course Outcomes:
- Become further connected to Christian Leaders and learn about the opportunities for training, ministry credentials, and Minister Credentials (Licenses and Ordination)
- Learn about the "Minister Way."
- Learn how the role of ministry training will empower your influence on others as you share God's Word.
- Develop an awareness of the role of sound biblical doctrine.
- Become aware of the differences between volunteer, part-time, and full-time ministry roles, and how you can connect with Christian Leaders Ministries opportunities.
- Explore your calling to ministry and your gifts for ministry.
- Become aware of the role of mentoring in your ministry journey.
- Learn how a reproducible walk with God will aid your effectiveness.
- Successfully establish your Minister (student) Profile with Photo.
- Continue to develop your written"minister" profile or testimony for a more effective witness.
- View all online lectures and read all the articles for each unit.
- Take the online quiz for each unit. You will have 45 minutes to answer the questions for each quiz. In this class, you will be allowed one retake on the quizzes. We do this so that you can become familiar with how the quizzing process is conducted at Christian Leaders Institute. Most classes you complete later will only allow one attempt.
- Quiz Tip: First, answer all the questions you know. Then try to look up answers to questions you don't know. When you have entered an answer for every question, submit the quiz for grading before the 45-minute time limit expires.
Grading Scale:
A 95-100% A- 90-94% B+ 87-89% B 83-86% B- 80-82% C+ 77-79% C 73-76% C- 70-72% D+ 67-69% D 63-66% D- 60-62% F 0-59%
Your average grade for all assignments in the class must be at least 60%. Otherwise, you will fail the class and will receive no course credit.
Once all course quizzes have been taken AND the final feedback quiz has been completed, you will receive a final grade for the course, which will be recorded on your transcript. If a course allows more than one attempt, but you've completed at least one attempt on each quiz and submitted the final feedback thus receiving a final grade, you will not be able to update that final grade by attempting a quiz again afterward. Once your final grade is recorded on your transcript, it will not be updated based on additional quiz attempts.
Deadline: You have 180 days to finish the course. Complete all assignments before the final deadline, or you will be automatically withdrawn from the course and all coursework will be removed. You will have to start over and retake the class to receive credit.
Accessibility: All the videos' slides are available in this course.
You are now ready to start the "Christian Leaders Connections" course. Email "helpdesk@christianleaders.net" or try visiting our FAQ page, if you are having trouble navigating in the class or around CLI's online campus.
Check out the Minister Handbook. This is a great tool to bring to your mentor, pastor, or family to explain Christian Leader training and the tuition-free program of the Christian Leaders Institute, and the minister credentials from the Christian Leaders Alliance.
The minister's way is not just for ministers. This way is a calling to change the world for Christ! Find out more about how the "minister way" can be lived out by anyone who seeks to proclaim Christ as Savior and Lord!
Understanding the Christian Leaders Ministries (Institute, College, and Alliance) Approach to Ministry Training
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Now that you have completed the Christian Connection Course, we have an excellent option for you to consider. The Christian Basics Course is a Three Credit course that gets you grounded in the Basic Teachings of Christianity.
Dr. David Feddes teaches this course with video lectures. In addition, this course uses material from the renowned Christian doctrine author Dr. Edwin Roels.
This particular course has another feature that you might be interested in exploring. This course has a testing-out option. If you know much about Christian doctrine, you should review the study materials we will provide you. Then take a comprehensive online exam and instantly receive three college-level credits.