Christian Business Diploma
You need to complete 21 more courses and 65 more credits to mark this activity complete.
This diploma is an excellent progression after obtaining the Christian Business Certificate. It enables students to delve into in-depth information about effectively serving in business as a means to care for God’s creation and make a meaningful impact.
To receive the
Christian Business Diploma
Complete the Following :
0 of 66 Minimum Units Completed
To receive the
Christian Business Diploma
Complete the Following :
19 courses required
Ethics (3 Units)
Ministry Foundations (3 Units)
New Testament Survey (3 Units)
Old Testament Survey (3 Units)
Christian Basics: Introduction to Christian Doctrine (3 Units)
People Smart for Ministry (3 Units)
Introduction to Economics (3 Units)
Management by the Book (3 Units)
PeaceSmart Relationships (3 Units)
Christian Leaders Enterprise (3 Units)
Online Enterprise Marketing (3 Units)
Business Finance For Every Enterprise (4 Units)
Business Management for Every Enterprise (4 Units)
Enterprise Marketing (4 Units)
Microeconomics (3 Units)
Introduction to Communication (3 Units)
Christian Entrepreneurship (3 Units)
Christian Leaders Connections (3 Units)
Strategic Management (3 Units)