Women's Ministry Concentration
You need to complete 8 more courses and 21 more credits to mark this activity complete.
To receive the
Women’s Ministry Concentration
You must have the credential
Bachelor of Christian Leadership Degree
Requires a 2.00 GPA and to
complete the following :
Level 3 Endorsement
0 of 22 Minimum Units Completed
Women’s Ministry Concentration
You must have the credential
Bachelor of Christian Leadership Degree
Requires a 2.00 GPA and to
complete the following :

4 courses required
Women's Ministry (3 Units)
Ministry Care Conversations (3 Units)
Women and Leadership in Early Christianity (3 Units)
Capstone Bachelor of Christian Leadership (1 Unit)
4 courses required
Missions and Revivals (4 Units)
Sermon Construction and Presentation (4 Units)
Early Church History and Doctrine (3 Units)
Developing House Churches (3 Units)
Marriage Ministry (4 Units)
Introduction to Chaplaincy (3 Units)
Self-Care and Recovery (3 Units)
Breaking the Cycle of Addiction (3 Units)
Preaching, Preparation, & Presentation (3 Units)
Disability Smart (3 Units)