Sex, Procreation, and Assisted Reproductive Technology

Key questions

What happens when we unlink sex and procreation?

What view of the human person is entailed in commercial “reproduction?”

How do Christians discern the limits we should have regarding our power over human life?

More questions
Should children of sperm donors have the right to know who their biological father is?

Is it morally permissible to unite part of you (sperm or egg) with a part of someone (sperm or egg) who’s not your spouse to produce a child?

Should someone be paid for carrying someone else’s child as a surrogate mother?

Should the state allow or demand that a birth certificate have the name of only two mothers or two fathers? Or should it list one father and one mother?

Is there such a thing as the “right” to have a child?

Infertility and pastoral care

Affirm that something is not right

Affirm God’s providence and care

Guard against idolatry

Recognize the struggles of others; ministry of comfort

Affirm God’s call to self-giving love

Last modified: Wednesday, June 10, 2020, 5:52 AM